The following table lists the precise combinations of platform, operating system, compiler, and MPI flavor the ESMF release was tested on. These combinations are considered fully supported. The number and variety of supported combinations are limited by access to appropriate systems, not by any specific limitation within ESMF. The ESMF build system provides many more combinations, but these have not been rigorously tested for this ESMF release. The 8.6.1 User’s Guide contains a complete list of possible configurations under the “Supported Platforms” section.

How to read the table

  • The “host” column specifies the name of the machine executing the test.

  • The first part of the entry in the “compiler” column specifies the ESMF_COMPILER setting, followed by the version of the compiler used for testing.

  • The first part of the entry in the “mpi” column specifies the ESMF_COMM setting, followed by the version of the MPI implementation used for testing.

  • The “netcdf” column indicates the version of the NetCDF-C and NetCDF-Fortran parts used for testing, respectively.

  • The “o_g” column indicates the ESMF_BOPT option used.

  • The “os” column indicates the ESMF_OS used by the ESMF build system.

  • The “build” column indicates whether the ESMF library build was successful or not.

  • The “u_pass” and “u_fail” columns indicate the number of unit tests passing and failing, respectively.

  • The “s_pass” and “s_fail” columns indicate the number of system tests passing and failing, respectively.

  • The “e_pass” and “e_fail” columns indicate the number of examples passing and failing, respectively.

  • The “nuopc_pass” and “nuopc_fail” columns indicate the number of nuopc prototype tests passing and failing, respectively. Notice that the NUOPC prototypes require MPI, and are indicated as “failing” for mpiuni.

  • The “artifacts link” column provides a link to all of the test artifacts associated with a particular test combination.

host os compiler mpi o_g netcdf build u_pass u_fail s_pass s_fail e_pass e_fail nuopc_pass nuopc_fail artifacts link
breve Linux gfortran 11.2.0 mpich 4.0.0 O 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 7b4ccac
breve Linux gfortran 11.2.0 mpich 4.0.0 g 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 ede1352
breve Linux gfortran 7.4.0 mpich 3.3.1 g 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 d345858
breve Linux gfortran 7.4.0 mpich 3.3.1 O 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 e03d70e
breve Linux gfortranclang 7.5.0_16.0.3 mpiuni None O None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 272b653
breve Linux gfortranclang 7.5.0_16.0.3 mpiuni None g None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 620da28
catania Darwin gfortran 11.2.0 mpiuni None g 4.7.4 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None c85ab8a
catania Darwin gfortran 11.2.0 mpiuni None O 4.7.4 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 1e79063
catania Darwin gfortran 11.2.0 openmpi 4.1.0 O 4.7.4 PASS 14090 3 49 0 81 0 47 0 3bcf711
catania Darwin gfortran 11.2.0 openmpi 4.1.0 g 4.7.4 PASS 14090 3 49 0 81 0 47 0 f79e829
derecho Unicos gfortran 12.2.0_pio2.5.10 mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 cf9dc6d
derecho Unicos gfortran 12.2.0_pio2.5.10 mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 5384a04
derecho Unicos gfortran 12.2.0_pio2.6.2 mpi 8.1.27 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 12f25c3
derecho Unicos gfortran 12.2.0_pio2.6.2 mpi 8.1.27 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 8665b64
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1 mpi 8.1.27 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 9bce995
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1 mpi 8.1.27 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 af3b68c
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1 mpiuni None O 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 5232ce7
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1 mpiuni None g 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None a0183aa
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-classic mpi 8.1.27 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 303f089
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-classic mpi 8.1.27 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 9600434
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-classic mpiuni None g 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None ee531f5
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-classic mpiuni None O 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None a9d96b0
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-oneAPI mpi 8.1.27 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 49b9c28
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-oneAPI mpi 8.1.27 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 48 1 81 0 47 0 f731fad
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-oneAPI mpiuni None g 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 78c08a5
derecho Unicos intel 2023.2.1-oneAPI mpiuni None O 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 1aeb657
derecho Unicos nvhpc 23.7 mpi 8.1.27 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 751a168
derecho Unicos nvhpc 23.7 mpi 8.1.27 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 5a43753
derecho Unicos nvhpc 23.7 mpiuni None g 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None cf85d3a
derecho Unicos nvhpc 23.7 mpiuni None O 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 1c55923
discover Linux gfortran 10.1.0 intelmpi g None PASS 14078 15 49 0 81 0 47 0 82e84f4
discover Linux gfortran 10.1.0 intelmpi O None PASS 14078 15 49 0 81 0 47 0 aa7a838
discover Linux gfortran 8.3.0 intelmpi O None PASS 14078 15 49 0 81 0 47 0 a0b6ab5
discover Linux gfortran 8.3.0 intelmpi g None PASS 14078 15 49 0 81 0 47 0 8b2f452
discover Linux gfortran 8.3.0 mpiuni None g None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 5d158d6
discover Linux gfortran 8.3.0 mpiuni None O None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 06c286b
discover Linux intel 19.1.3 intelmpi O 4.8.0-development PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 417a2e9
discover Linux intel 19.1.3 intelmpi g 4.8.0-development PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 7294180
discover Linux pgi 20.4 mpiuni None g None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 7ea0dcc
discover Linux pgi 20.4 mpiuni None O None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 3ea8fa8
gaeaC5 Unicos gfortran 12.2.0 mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 f3e7815
gaeaC5 Unicos gfortran 12.2.0 mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 393ce3c
gaeaC5 Unicos gfortran 12.2.0 mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None da059c0
gaeaC5 Unicos gfortran 12.2.0 mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None dbfe7b7
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 a7cadac
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 6d08d60
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 16adc53
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None aef3f79
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 0a3f294
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 79f74d5
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 596e5a3
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None f479f9a
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 48 1 81 0 37 10 eb1b719
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 37 10 8f00e74
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 79d50af
gaeaC5 Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 308f685
green Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 mpiuni None g 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None cb2a802
green Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 mpiuni None O 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 43b215b
green Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 openmpi 4.1.4 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 f5f023c
green Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 openmpi 4.1.4 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 fc2ac28
grits Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 mpich 4.1.1 O 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 48 1 81 0 47 0 3941b59
grits Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 mpich 4.1.1 g 4.9.2 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 ec1c066
grits Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 mpiuni None g 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 5ab9d38
grits Darwin gfortranclang 12.2.0_14.0.0 mpiuni None O 4.9.2 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None d10e5b3
hera Linux gfortran 13.2.0 mpiuni None g None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 0260457
hera Linux gfortran 13.2.0 mpiuni None O None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None f6cd3b5
hera Linux gfortran 13.2.0 openmpi 4.1.6 g None PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 116842c
hera Linux gfortran 13.2.0 openmpi 4.1.6 O None PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 b01f413
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0 intelmpi 2023.2.0 O 4.7.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 7b042e1
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0 intelmpi 2023.2.0 g 4.7.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 a1eb363
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0 mpiuni None O 4.7.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 69b6d36
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0 mpiuni None g 4.7.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 21a0933
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0-oneAPI intelmpi 2023.2.0 O 4.7.0 PASS 14093 0 48 1 81 0 47 0 e85f50d
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0-oneAPI intelmpi 2023.2.0 g 4.7.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 1622c02
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0-oneAPI mpiuni None O 4.7.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None be896c3
hera Linux intel 2023.2.0-oneAPI mpiuni None g 4.7.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None e8a8599
hera Linux nvhpc 24.1 mpiuni None O None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 699877a
hera Linux nvhpc 24.1 mpiuni None g None PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 54712a1
hera Linux nvhpc 24.1 openmpi None O None PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 ce2e140
hera Linux nvhpc 24.1 openmpi None g None PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 a105372
orion Linux gfortran 8.3.0 mpiuni None O 4.7.4 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None b071220
orion Linux gfortran 8.3.0 mpiuni None g 4.7.4 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None ca4b2db
orion Linux gfortran 8.3.0 openmpi 4.0.2 O 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 3cd5e2e
orion Linux gfortran 8.3.0 openmpi 4.0.2 g 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 168c472
orion Linux intel 2020.2 intelmpi 2020.2 O 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 01fac85
orion Linux intel 2020.2 intelmpi 2020.2 g 4.7.4 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 365999e
perlmutter Unicos gfortran 11.2.0 mpi 8.1.22 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 d908397
perlmutter Unicos gfortran 11.2.0 mpi 8.1.22 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 4d9be1b
perlmutter Unicos gfortran 11.2.0 mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 3d526e3
perlmutter Unicos gfortran 11.2.0 mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 874063e
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 248df7f
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 64e813e
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 4d5fabb
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0 mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None d5217e5
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 6abd1e9
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 47 0 f05c32d
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None f87cb5b
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-classic mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None ad2859d
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpi 8.1.25 g 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 49 0 81 0 37 10 03d9bc3
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpi 8.1.25 O 4.9.0 PASS 14093 0 48 1 81 0 37 10 c086948
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpiuni None O 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 44a764a
perlmutter Unicos intel 2023.1.0-oneAPI mpiuni None g 4.9.0 PASS 12425 0 8 0 44 0 None None 1f043e0