The ESMF infrastructure data classes are part of the framework's hierarchy of structures for handling Earth system model data and metadata on parallel platforms. The hierarchy is in complexity; the simplest data class in the infrastructure represents a distributed data array and the most complex data class represents a bundle of physical fields that are discretized on the same grid. Data class methods are called both from user-written code and from other classes internal to the framework.
Data classes are distributed over DEs, or Decomposition Elements. A DE represents a piece of a decomposition. A DELayout is a collection of DEs with some associated connectivity that describes a specific distribution. For example, the distribution of a grid divided into four segments in the x-dimension would be expressed in ESMF as a DELayout with four DEs lying along an x-axis. This abstract concept enables a data decomposition to be defined in terms of threads, MPI processes, virtual decomposition elements, or combinations of these without changes to user code. This is a primary strategy for ensuring optimal performance and portability for codes using ESMF for communications.
ESMF data classes provide a standard, convenient way for developers to collect together information related to model or observational data. The information assembled in a data class includes a data pointer, a set of attributes (e.g. units, although attributes can also be user-defined), and a description of an associated grid. The same set of information within an ESMF data object can be used by the framework to arrange intercomponent data transfers, to perform I/O, for communications such as gathers and scatters, for simplification of interfaces within user code, for debugging, and for other functions. This unifies and organizes codes overall so that the user need not define different representations of metadata for the same field for I/O and for component coupling.
Since it is critical that users be able to introduce ESMF into their codes easily and incrementally, ESMF data classes can be created based on native Fortran pointers. Likewise, there are methods for retrieving native Fortran pointers from within ESMF data objects. This allows the user to perform allocations using ESMF, and to retrieve Fortran arrays later for optimized model calculations. The ESMF data classes do not have associated differential operators or other mathematical methods.
For flexibility, it is not necessary to build an ESMF data object all at once. For example, it's possible to create a field but to defer allocation of the associated field data until a later time.
Key Features |
Hierarchy of data structures designed specifically for the Earth system domain and high performance, parallel computing. |
Multi-use ESMF structures simplify user code overall. |
Data objects support incremental construction and deferred allocation. |
Native Fortran arrays can be associated with or retrieved from ESMF data objects, for ease of adoption, convenience, and performance. |
A variety of operations are provided for manipulating data in data objects such as regridding, redistribution, halo communication, and sparse matrix multiply. |
The main classes that are used for model and observational data manipulation are as follows:
Data elements in Arrays are partitioned into categories defined by the role the data element plays in distributed halo operations. Haloing - sometimes called ghosting - is the practice of copying portions of array data to multiple memory locations to ensure that data dependencies can be satisfied quickly when performing a calculation. ESMF Arrays contain an exclusive domain, which contains data elements updated exclusively and definitively by a given DE; a computational domain, which contains all data elements with values that are updated by the DE in computations; and a total domain, which includes both the computational domain and data elements from other DEs which may be read but are not updated in computations.
FieldBundle objects contain methods for setting and retrieving constituent fields, regridding, data I/O, and reordering of data in memory.
Bit-for-bit reproducibility is at the core of the regression testing schemes of many scientific model codes. The bit-for-bit requirement makes it easy to compare the numerical results of simulation runs using standard binary diff tools.
For the most part, ESMF methods do not modify user data numerically, and thus have no effect on the bit-for-bit characteristics of the model code. The exceptions are the regrid weight generation and the sparse matrix multiplication.
In the case of the regrid weight generation, user data is used to produce interpolation weights following specific numerical schemes. The bit-for-bit reproducibility of the generated weights depends on the implementation details. Section 24.2 provides more details about the bit-for-bit considerations with respect to the regrid weights generated by ESMF.
In the case of the sparse matrix multiplication, which is the typical method
that is used to apply the regrid weights, user data is directly manipulated
by ESMF. In order to help users with the implementation of their bit-for-bit
requirements, while also considering the associated performance impact,
the ESMF sparse matrix implementation provides three levels of bit-for-bit
support. The strictest level ensures that the numerical results are
bit-for-bit identical, even when executing across different numbers of
PETs. In the relaxed level, bit-for-bit reproducibility is guaranteed when
running across an unchanged number of PETs. The lowest level makes no
guarantees about bit-for-bit reproducibility, however, it provides the
greatest performance potential for those cases where numerical round-off
differences are acceptable. An in-depth discussion of bit-for-bit
reproducibility, and the performance aspects of route-based communication
methods, such the sparse matrix multiplication, is given in section
This section describes the regridding methods provided by ESMF. Regridding, also called remapping or interpolation, is the process of changing the grid that underlies data values while preserving qualities of the original data. Different kinds of transformations are appropriate for different problems. Regridding may be needed when communicating data between Earth system model components such as land and atmosphere, or between different data sets to support operations such as visualization.
Regridding can be broken into two stages. The first stage is generation of an interpolation weight matrix that describes how points in the source grid contribute to points in the destination grid. The second stage is the multiplication of values on the source grid by the interpolation weight matrix to produce values on the destination grid. This is implemented as a parallel sparse matrix multiplication.
There are two options for accessing ESMF regridding functionality: offline and integrated. Offline regridding is a process whereby interpolation
weights are generated by a separate ESMF command line tool, not within the user code. The ESMF offline regridding tool also only generates the interpolation
matrix, the user is responsible for reading in this matrix and doing the actual interpolation (multiplication by the sparse matrix) in their code.
Please see Section 12 for a description of the offline regridding command line tool and the options it supports. For user convenience, there
is also a method interface to the offline regrid tool functionality which is described in Section .
In contrast to offline regridding, integrated regridding is a process whereby interpolation weights are generated via subroutine calls during the
execution of the user's code. In addition to generating the weights, integrated regridding can also produce a RouteHandle (described in Section 37.1) which allows the user to perform the parallel sparse
matrix multiplication using ESMF methods. In other words, ESMF integrated regridding allows a user to perform the whole process of interpolation within their code.
To see what types of grids and other options are supported in the two types of regridding and their testing status, please see the ESMF Regridding Status webpage for this version of ESMF. Figure 24.2 shows a comparison of different regrid interfaces and where they can be found in the documentation.
The rest of this section further describes the various options available in ESMF regridding.
In 2D, ESMF supports bilinear regridding between any combination of the following:
In 3D, ESMF supports bilinear regridding between any combination of the following:
To use the bilinear method the user may create their Fields on any stagger location (e.g. ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER) for a Grid, or any Mesh location (e.g. ESMF_MESHLOC_NODE) for a Mesh. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the location upon which the Field is built must contain coordinates. This method will also work with a destination Field built on a LocStream that contains coordinates, or with a source or destination Field built on an XGrid.
Patch (or higher-order) interpolation is the ESMF version of a technique called “patch recovery” commonly used in finite element modeling [16] [14]. It typically results in better approximations to values and derivatives when compared to bilinear interpolation. Patch interpolation works by constructing multiple polynomial patches to represent the data in a source cell. For 2D grids, these polynomials are currently 2nd degree 2D polynomials. One patch is constructed for each corner of the source cell, and the patch is constructed by doing a least squares fit through the data in the cells surrounding the corner. The interpolated value at the destination point is then a weighted average of the values of the patches at that point.
The patch method has a larger stencil than the bilinear, for this reason the patch weight matrix can be correspondingly larger than the bilinear matrix (e.g. for a quadrilateral grid the patch matrix is around 4x the size of the bilinear matrix). This can be an issue when performing a regrid operation close to the memory limit on a machine.
The patch method does not guarantee that after regridding the range of values in the destination field is within the range of values in the source field. For example, if the mininum value in the source field is 0.0, then it's possible that after regridding with the patch method, the destination field will contain values less than 0.0.
In 2D, ESMF supports patch regridding between any combination of the following:
In 3D, ESMF supports patch regridding between any combination of the following:
To use the patch method the user may create their Fields on any stagger location (e.g. ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER) for a Grid, or any Mesh location (e.g. ESMF_MESHLOC_NODE) for a Mesh. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the location upon which the Field is built must contain coordinates. This method will also work with a destination Field built on a LocStream that contains coordinates, or with a source or destination Field built on an XGrid.
In 2D, ESMF supports nearest source to destination regridding between any combination of the following:
In 3D, ESMF supports nearest source to destination regridding between any combination of the following:
To use the nearest source to destination method the user may create their Fields on any stagger location (e.g. ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER) for a Grid, or any Mesh location (e.g. ESMF_MESHLOC_NODE) for a Mesh. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the location upon which the Field is built must contain coordinates. This method will also work with a source or destination Field built on a LocStream that contains coordinates, or when the source or destination Field is built on an XGrid.
In 2D, ESMF supports nearest destination to source regridding between any combination of the following:
In 3D, ESMF supports nearest destination to source regridding between any combination of the following:
To use the nearest destination to source method the user may create their Fields on any stagger location (e.g. ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER) for a Grid, or any Mesh location (e.g. ESMF_MESHLOC_NODE) for a Mesh. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the location upon which the Field is built must contain coordinates. This method will also work with a source or destination Field built on a LocStream that contains coordinates, or when the source or destination Field is built on an XGrid.
In the first-order method, the values for a particular destination cell are a calculated as a combination of the values of the intersecting source cells. The weight of a given source cell's contribution to the total being the amount that that source cell overlaps with the destination cell. In particular, the weight is the ratio of the area of intersection of the source and destination cells to the area of the whole destination cell.
To see a description of how the different normalization options affect the values and integrals produced by the conservative methods see section 24.2.8. For Grids, Meshes, or XGrids on a sphere this method uses great circle cells, for a description of potential problems with these see 24.2.9.
In 2D, ESMF supports conservative regridding between any combination of the following:
In 3D, ESMF supports conservative regridding between any combination of the following:
To use the conservative method the user should create their Fields on the center stagger location (ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER in 2D or ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER_VCENTER in 3D) for Grids or the element location (ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT) for Meshes. For Grids, the corner stagger location (ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CORNER in 2D or ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CORNER_VFACE in 3D) must contain coordinates describing the outer perimeter of the Grid cells. This method will also work when the source or destination Field is built on an XGrid.
Like the first-order method, the values for a particular destination cell with the second-order method
are a combination of the values of the intersecting source cells with the weight of a given source cell's contribution to the total
being the amount that that source cell overlaps with the destination cell.
However, with the second-order conservative interpolation there are additional terms that take into account the gradient of the field
across the source cell. In particular, the value for a given destination cell is calculated as:
To see a description of how the different normalization options affect the values and integrals produced by the conservative methods see section 24.2.8. For Grids, Meshes, or XGrids on a sphere this method uses great circle cells, for a description of potential problems with these see 24.2.9.
In 2D, ESMF supports second-order conservative regridding between any combination of the following:
In 3D, ESMF supports second-order conservative regridding between any combination of the following:
To use the second-order conservative method the user should create their Fields on the center stagger location (ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER for Grids or the element location (ESMF_MESHLOC_ELEMENT) for Meshes. For Grids, the corner stagger location (ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CORNER in 2D must contain coordinates describing the outer perimeter of the Grid cells. This method will also work when the source or destination Field is built on an XGrid.
If the user doesn't specify a cell areas in the involved Grids or Meshes, then the areas (A) in the above equation are calculated by ESMF. For Cartesian grids, the area of a grid cell calculated by ESMF is the typical Cartesian area. For grids on a sphere, cell areas are calculated by connecting the corner coordinates of each grid cell with great circles. If the user does specify the areas in the Grid or Mesh, then the conservation will be adjusted to work for the areas provided by the user. This means that the above equation will hold, but with the areas (A) being the ones specified by the user.
The user should be aware that because of the conservation relationship between the source and destination fields, the more the total source area differs from the total destination area the more the values of the source field will differ from the corresponding values of the destination field, likely giving a higher interpolation error. It is best to have the total source and destination areas the same (this will automatically be true if no user areas are specified). For source and destination grids that only partially overlap, the overlapping regions of the source and destination should be the same.
For weights generated using destination area normalization (either by not specifying any normalization type or by specifying normType=ESMF_NORMTYPE_DSTAREA), if a destination field extends outside the unmasked source field, then the values of the cells which extend partway outside the unmasked source field are decreased by the fraction they extend outside. To correct these values, the destination field (dst_field) resulting from the ESMF_FieldRegrid() call can be divided by the destination fraction dst_frac from the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call. The following pseudocode demonstrates how to do this:
for each destination element i if (dst_frac(i) not equal to 0.0) then dst_field(i)=dst_field(i)/dst_frac(i) end if end for
For weights generated using destination area normalization (either by not specifying any normalization type or by specifying normType=ESMF_NORMTYPE_DSTAREA), the following pseudo-code shows how to compute the total destination integral (dst_total) given the destination field values (dst_field) resulting from the ESMF_FieldRegrid() call, the destination area (dst_area) from the ESMF_FieldRegridGetArea() call, and the destination fraction (dst_frac) from the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call. As shown in the previous paragraph, it also shows how to adjust the destination field (dst_field) resulting from the ESMF_FieldRegrid() call by the fraction (dst_frac) from the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call:
dst_total=0.0 for each destination element i if (dst_frac(i) not equal to 0.0) then dst_total=dst_total+dst_field(i)*dst_area(i) dst_field(i)=dst_field(i)/dst_frac(i) ! If mass computed here after dst_field adjust, would need to be: ! dst_total=dst_total+dst_field(i)*dst_area(i)*dst_frac(i) end if end for
For weights generated using fraction area normalization (by specifying normType=ESMF_NORMTYPE_FRACAREA), no adjustment of the destination field is necessary. The following pseudo-code shows how to compute the total destination integral (dst_total) given the destination field values (dst_field) resulting from the ESMF_FieldRegrid() call, the destination area (dst_area) from the ESMF_FieldRegridGetArea() call, and the destination fraction (dst_frac) from the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call:
dst_total=0.0 for each destination element i dst_total=dst_total+dst_field(i)*dst_area(i)*dst_frac(i) end for
For both normalization types, the following pseudo-code shows how to compute the total source integral (src_total) given the source field values (src_field), the source area (src_area) from the ESMF_FieldRegridGetArea() call, and the source fraction (src_frac) from the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call:
src_total=0.0 for each source element i src_total=src_total+src_field(i)*src_area(i)*src_frac(i) end for
A great circle edge isn't necessarily the same as a straight line in latitude longitude space. For small edges, this difference will be small, but for long edges it could be significant. This means if the user expects cell edges as straight lines in latitude longitude space, they should avoid using one large cell with long edges to compute an average over a region (e.g. over an ocean basin).
Also, the user should also avoid using cells that contain one edge that runs half way or more around the earth, because the regrid weight calculation assumes the edge follows the shorter great circle path. There isn't a unique great circle edge defined between points on the exact opposite side of the earth from one another (antipodal points). However, the user can work around both of these problem by breaking the long edge into two smaller edges by inserting an extra node, or by breaking the large target grid cells into two or more smaller grid cells. This allows the application to resolve the ambiguity in edge direction.
The user may mask out points in the source
Field or destination Field or both. To do masking the user sets
mask information in the Grid (see ), Mesh
), or LocStream (see 32.2.2)
upon which the Fields passed into the
ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call are built. The srcMaskValues
and dstMaskValues arguments to that
call can then be used to specify which values in that mask
information indicate that a location should be masked out. For
example, if dstMaskValues is set to (/1,2/), then any location that
has a value of 1 or 2 in the mask information of the Grid, Mesh or LocStream
upon which the destination Field is built will be masked out.
Masking behavior differs slightly between regridding methods. For non-conservative regridding methods (e.g. bilinear or high-order patch), masking is done on points. For these methods, masking a destination point means that that point won't participate in regridding (e.g. won't be interpolated to). For these methods, masking a source point means that the entire source cell using that point is masked out. In other words, if any corner point making up a source cell is masked then the cell is masked. For conservative regridding methods (e.g. first-order conservative) masking is done on cells. Masking a destination cell means that the cell won't participate in regridding (e.g. won't be interpolated to). Similarly, masking a source cell means that the cell won't participate in regridding (e.g. won't be interpolated from). For any type of interpolation method (conservative or non-conservative) the masking is set on the location upon which the Fields passed into the regridding call are built. For example, if Fields built on ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER are passed into the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call then the masking should also be set on ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER.
Extrapolation in the ESMF regridding system is a way to automatically fill some or all of the destination points left unmapped by a regridding method. Weights generated by the extrapolation method are merged into the regridding weights to yield one set of weights or routehandle. Currently extrapolation is not supported with conservative regridding methods, because doing so would result in non-conservative weights.
If there is at least one unmasked source point, then this method is expected to fill all unmapped points.
If there is at least one unmasked source point, then this method is expected to fill all unmapped points.
Unlike some extrapolation methods, creep fill does not necessarily fill all unmapped destination points. Unfilled destination points are still unmapped with the usual consequences (e.g. they won't be in the resulting regridding matrix, and won't be set by the application of the regridding weights).
Because it depends on the connections in the destination grid, creep fill extrapolation is not supported when the destination Field is built on a Location Stream (ESMF_LocStream). Also, creep fill is currently only supported for 2D Grids, Meshes, or XGrids
For Grids on a sphere, the regridding occurs in 3D Cartesian to avoid problems with periodicity and with the pole singularity. This library supports four options for handling the pole region (i.e. the empty area above the top row of the source grid or below the bottom row of the source grid). Note that all of these pole options currently only work for the Fields build on the Grid class.
The first option is to leave the pole region empty (polemethod=ESMF_POLEMETHOD_NONE), in this case if a destination point lies above or below the top row of the source grid, it will fail to map, yielding an error (unless unmappedaction=ESMF_UNMAPPEDACTION_IGNORE is specified).
With the next two options (ESMF_POLEMETHOD_ALLAVG and ESMF_POLEMETHOD_NPNTAVG), the pole region is handled by constructing an artificial pole in the center of the top and bottom row of grid points and then filling in the region from this pole to the edges of the source grid with triangles. The pole is located at the average of the position of the points surrounding it, but moved outward to be at the same radius as the rest of the points in the grid. The difference between the two artificial pole options is what value is used at the pole. The option (polemethod=ESMF_POLEMETHOD_ALLAVG) sets the value at the pole to be the average of the values of all of the grid points surrounding the pole. The option (polemethod=ESMF_POLEMETHOD_NPNTAVG) allows the user to choose a number N from 1 to the number of source grid points around the pole. The value N is set via the argument regridPoleNPnts. For each destination point, the value at the pole is then the average of the N source points surrounding that destination point.
The last option (polemethod=ESMF_POLEMETHOD_TEETH) does not construct an artificial pole, instead the pole region is covered by connecting points across the top and bottom row of the source Grid into triangles. As this makes the top and bottom of the source sphere flat, for a big enough difference between the size of the source and destination pole regions, this can still result in unmapped destination points. Only pole option ESMF_POLEMETHOD_NONE is currently supported with the conservative interpolation methods (e.g. regridmethod=ESMF_REGRIDMETHOD_CONSERVE) and with the nearest neighbor interpolation options (e.g. regridmethod=ESMF_REGRIDMETHOD_NEAREST_STOD).
Another variation in the regridding supported with spherical grids is line type. This is controlled in the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() method by the lineType argument. This argument allows the user to select the path of the line which connects two points on a sphere surface. This in turn controls the path along which distances are calculated and the shape of the edges that make up a cell. Both of these quantities can influence how interpolation weights are calculated, for example in bilinear interpolation the distances are used to calculate the weights and the cell edges are used to determine to which source cell a destination point should be mapped.
ESMF currently supports two line types: ESMF_LINETYPE_CART and ESMF_LINETYPE_GREAT_CIRCLE. The ESMF_LINETYPE_CART option specifies that the line between two points follows a straight path through the 3D Cartesian space in which the sphere is embedded. Distances are measured along this 3D Cartesian line. Under this option cells are approximated by planes in 3D space, and their boundaries are 3D Cartesian lines between their corner points. The ESMF_LINETYPE_GREAT_CIRCLE option specifies that the line between two points follows a great circle path along the sphere surface. (A great circle is the shortest path between two points on a sphere.) Distances are measured along the great circle path. Under this option cells are on the sphere surface, and their boundaries are great circle paths between their corner points.
Figure 24.2.16 shows which line types are supported for each regrid method as well as the defaults (indicated by *).
ESMF's initial vector regridding capability is intended to give cleaner results for 2D spherical vectors expressed in terms of local directions (e.g. east and north) than regridding each vector component separately. To do this, it converts the vectors to 3D Cartesian space and then does the regridding there. This allows all the vectors participating in the regridding to have a consistent representation. After regridding, the resulting 3D vectors are then converted back to the local direction form. This entire process is expressed in the usual weight matrix and/or routeHandle form and so the typical ESMF_FieldRegridStore()/ESMF_FieldRegrid()/ESMF_FieldRegridRelease() regridding paradigm can be used. However, the weight matrix will be in the format that allows it to contain tensor dimension indices (i.e. the leading dimension of the factorIndexList will be of size 4).
In this initial version, the meaning of the different entries in the vector dimension are fixed. They will be interpreted as:
Note that because the different components are mixed, using vector regridding with a conservative regrid method will not necessarily produce vectors whose components are conservative.
The below is a list of problems users commonly encounter with regridding and potential solutions. This is by no means an exhaustive list, so if none of these problems fit your case, or if the solutions don't fix your problem, please feel free to email esmf support (
Problem: Regridding is too slow.
Possible Cause: The ESMF_FieldRegridStore() method is called more than is necessary.
The ESMF_FieldRegridStore() operation is a complex one and can be
relatively slow for some cases (large Grids, 3D grids, etc.)
Solution: Reduce the number of ESMF_FieldRegridStore() calls to the minimum necessary. The routeHandle generated by the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call depends on only four factors: the stagger locations that the input Fields are created on, the coordinates in the Grids the input Fields are built on at those stagger locations, the padding of the input Fields (specified by the totalWidth arguments in FieldCreate) and the size of the tensor dimensions in the input Fields (specified by the ungridded arguments in FieldCreate). For any pair of Fields which share these attributes with the Fields used in the ESMF_FieldRegridStore call the same routeHandle can be used. Note that the data in the Fields does NOT matter, the same routeHandle can be used no matter how the data in the Fields changes.
In particular:
Problem: Distortions in destination Field at periodic boundary.
Possible Cause: The Grid overlaps itself. With a periodic Grid, the regrid system expects the first point to not be a repeat of the last point. In other words, regrid constructs its own connection and overlap between the first and last points of the periodic dimension and so the Grid doesn't need to contain these. If the Grid does, then this can cause problems.
Solution: Define the Grid so that it doesn't contain the overlap point. This typically means simply making the Grid one point smaller in the periodic dimension. If a Field constructed on the Grid needs to contain these overlap points then the user can use the totalWidth arguments to include this extra padding in the Field. Note, however, that the regrid won't update these extra points, so the user will have to do a copy to fill the points in the overlap region in the Field.
The ESMF regrid weight calculation functionality has been designed to enable it to support a wide range of grid and interpolation types without needing to support each individual combination of source grid type, destination grid type, and interpolation method. To avoid the quadratic growth of the number of pairs of grid types, all grids are converted to a common internal format and the regrid weight calculation is performed on that format. This vastly reduces the variety of grids that need to be supported in the weight calculations for each interpolation method. It also has the added benefit of making it straightforward to add new grid types and to allow them to work with all the existing grid types. To hook into the existing weight calculation code, the new type just needs to be converted to the internal format.
The internal grid format used by the ESMF regrid weight calculation is a finite element unstructured mesh. This was chosen because it was the most general format and all the others could be converted to it. The ESMF finite element unstructured mesh (ESMF FEM) is similar in some respects to the SIERRA [13] package developed at Sandia National Laboratory. The ESMF code relies on some of the same underlying toolkits (e.g. Zoltan [11] library for calculating mesh partitions) and adds a layer on top that allows the calculation of regrid weights and some mesh operations (e.g. mesh redistribution) that ESMF needs. The ESMF FEM has similar notions to SIERRA about the basic structure of the mesh entities, fields, iteration and a similar notion of parallel distribution.
Currently we use the ESMF FEM internal mesh to hold the structure of our Mesh class and in our regrid weight calculation. The parts of the internal FEM code that are used/tested by ESMF are the following:
A FieldBundle functions mainly as a convenient container for storing similar Fields. It represents “bundles” of Fields that are discretized on the same Grid, Mesh, LocStream, or XGrid and distributed in the same manner. The FieldBundle is an important data structure because it can be added to a State, which is used for sending and receiving data between Components.
In the common case where FieldBundle is built on top of a Grid, Fields within a FieldBundle may be located at different locations relative to the vertices of their common Grid. The Fields in a FieldBundle may be of different dimensions, as long as the Grid dimensions that are distributed are the same. For example, a surface Field on a distributed lat/lon Grid and a 3D Field with an added vertical dimension on the same distributed lat/lon Grid can be included in the same FieldBundle.
FieldBundles can be created and destroyed, can have Attributes added or retrieved, and can have Fields added, removed, replaced, or retrieved. Methods include queries that return information about the FieldBundle itself and about the Fields that it contains. The Fortran data pointer of a Field within a FieldBundle can be obtained by first retrieving the Field with a call to ESMF_FieldBundleGet(), and then using ESMF_FieldGet() to get the data.
In the future FieldBundles will serve as a mechanism for performance optimization. ESMF will take advantage of the similarities of the Fields within a FieldBundle to optimize collective communication, I/O, and regridding. See Section 25.3 for a description of features that are scheduled for future work.
Examples of creating, accessing and destroying FieldBundles and their constituent Fields are provided in this section, along with some notes on FieldBundle methods.
CAUTION: For communication methods, the undistributed dimension representing the number of fields must have identical size between source and destination packed data. Communication methods do not permute the order of fields in the source and destination packed FieldBundle.
An ESMF Field represents a physical field, such as temperature. The motivation for including Fields in ESMF is that bundles of Fields are the entities that are normally exchanged when coupling Components.
The ESMF Field class contains distributed and discretized field data, a reference to its associated grid, and metadata. The Field class stores the grid staggering for that physical field. This is the relationship of how the data array of a field maps onto a grid (e.g. one item per cell located at the cell center, one item per cell located at the NW corner, one item per cell vertex, etc.). This means that different Fields which are on the same underlying ESMF Grid but have different staggerings can share the same Grid object without needing to replicate it multiple times.
Fields can be added to States for use in inter-Component data communications. Fields can also be added to FieldBundles, which are groups of Fields on the same underlying Grid. One motivation for packing Fields into FieldBundles is convenience; another is the ability to perform optimized collective data transfers.
Field communication capabilities include: data redistribution, regridding, scatter, gather, sparse-matrix multiplication, and halo update. These are discussed in more detail in the documentation for the specific method calls. ESMF does not currently support vector fields, so the components of a vector field must be stored as separate Field objects.
The Field class allows the user to easily perform a number of operations on the data stored in a Field. This section gives a brief summary of the different types of operations and the range of their capabilities. The operations covered here are: redistribution (ESMF_FieldRedistStore()), sparse matrix multiply (ESMF_FieldSMMStore()), and regridding (ESMF_FieldRegridStore()).
The redistribution operation (ESMF_FieldRedistStore()) allows the user to move data between two Fields with the same size, but different
distribution. This operation is useful, for example, to move data between two components with different distributions.
Please see Section for an example of the redistribution capability.
The sparse matrix multiplication operation (ESMF_FieldSMMStore()) allows the user to multiply the data in a Field by a sparse matrix. This operation is useful, for example, if the user has an interpolation matrix and wants to apply it to the data in a Field. Please see Section
for an example of the sparse matrix multiply capability.
The regridding operation (ESMF_FieldRegridStore()) allows the user to move data from one grid to another while maintaining certain properties
of the data. Regridding is also called interpolation or remapping. In the Field regridding operation the grids the data is being moved between
are the grids associated with the Fields storing the data. The regridding operation works on Fields built on Meshes, Grids, or Location Streams.
There are six regridding methods available: bilinear, higher-order patch, two types of nearest neighbor, first-order conservative, and second-order conservative.
Please see section 24.2 for a more indepth description of regridding including in which situations each method is supported.
Please see section for a description of the regridding capability as it applies to Fields. Several sections following section
contain examples of using regridding.
An ESMF_Field can be in different status after initialization. Field status can be queried using ESMF_FieldGet() method.
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
A Field serves as an annotator of data, since it carries a description of the grid it is associated with and metadata such as name and units. Fields can be used in this capacity alone, as convenient, descriptive containers into which arrays can be placed and retrieved. However, for most codes the primary use of Fields is in the context of import and export States, which are the objects that carry coupling information between Components. Fields enable data to be self-describing, and a State holding ESMF Fields contains data in a standard format that can be queried and manipulated.
The sections below go into more detail about Field usage.
Fields can be created and destroyed at any time during application execution. However, these Field methods require some time to complete. We do not recommend that the user create or destroy Fields inside performance-critical computational loops.
All versions of the ESMF_FieldCreate() routines require a Grid object as input, or require a Grid be added before most operations involving Fields can be performed. The Grid contains the information needed to know which Decomposition Elements (DEs) are participating in the processing of this Field, and which subsets of the data are local to a particular DE.
The details of how the create process happens depend on which of the variants of the ESMF_FieldCreate() call is used. Some of the variants are discussed below.
There are versions of the ESMF_FieldCreate() interface which create the Field based on the input Grid. The ESMF can allocate the proper amount of space but not assign initial values. The user code can then get the pointer to the uninitialized buffer and set the initial data values.
Other versions of the ESMF_FieldCreate() interface allow user code to attach arrays that have already been allocated by the user. Empty Fields can also be created in which case the data can be added at some later time.
For versions of Create which do not specify data values, user code can create an ArraySpec object, which contains information about the typekind and rank of the data values in the array. Then at Field create time, the appropriate amount of memory is allocated to contain the data which is local to each DE.
When finished with a ESMF_Field, the ESMF_FieldDestroy method removes it. However, the objects inside the ESMF_Field created externally should be destroyed separately, since objects can be added to more than one ESMF_Field. For example, the same ESMF_Grid can be referenced by multiple ESMF_Fields. In this case the internal Grid is not deleted by the ESMF_FieldDestroy call.
The ESMF_ArrayBundle class allows a set of Arrays to be bundled into a single object. The Arrays in an ArrayBundle may be of different type, kind, rank and distribution. Besides ease of use resulting from bundling, the ArrayBundle class offers the opportunity for performance optimization when operating on a bundle of Arrays as a single entity. Communication methods are especially good candidates for performance optimization. Best optimization results are expected for ArrayBundles that contain Arrays that share a common distribution, i.e. DistGrid, and are of same type, kind and rank.
ArrayBundles are one of the data objects that can be added to States, which are used for providing to or receiving data from other Components.
Examples of creating, destroying and accessing ArrayBundles and their constituent Arrays are provided in this section, along with some notes on ArrayBundle methods.
The following is a list of implementation specific details about the current ESMF ArrayBundle.
The Array class is an alternative to the Field class for representing distributed, structured data. Unlike Fields, which are built to carry grid coordinate information, Arrays only carry information about the indices associated with grid cells. Since they do not have coordinate information, Arrays cannot be used to calculate interpolation weights. However, if the user supplies interpolation weights, the Array sparse matrix multiply (SMM) operation can be used to apply the weights and transfer data to the new grid. Arrays carry enough information to perform redistribution, scatter, and gather communication operations.
Like Fields, Arrays can be added to a State and used in inter-Component data communications. Arrays can also be grouped together into ArrayBundles, allowing operations to be performed collectively on the whole group. One motivation for this is convenience; another is the ability to schedule optimized, collective data transfers.
From a technical standpoint, the ESMF Array class is an index space based, distributed data storage class. Its purpose is to hold distributed user data. Each decompositon element (DE) is associated with its own memory allocation. The index space relationship between DEs is described by the ESMF DistGrid class. DEs, and their associated memory allocation, are pinned either to a specific perisistent execution thread (PET), virtual address space (VAS), or a single system image (SSI). This aspect is managed by the ESMF DELayout class. Pinning to PET is the most common mode and is the default.
The Array class offers common communication patterns within the index space formalism. All RouteHandle based communication methods of the Field, FieldBundle, and ArrayBundle layers are implemented via the Array SMM operation.
An ESMF_Array is a distributed object that must exist on all PETs of the current context. Each PET-local instance of an Array object contains memory allocations for all PET-local DEs. There may be 0, 1, or more DEs per PET and the number of DEs per PET can differ between PETs for the same Array object. Memory allocations may be provided for each PET by the user during Array creation or can be allocated as part of the Array create call. Many of the concepts of the ESMF_Array class are illustrated by the following examples.
The Array class is part of the ESMF index space layer and is built on top of the DistGrid and DELayout classes. The DELayout class introduces the notion of decomposition elements (DEs) and their layout across the available PETs. The DistGrid describes how index space is decomposed by assigning logically rectangular index space pieces or DE-local tiles to the DEs. The Array finally associates a local memory allocation with each local DE.
The following is a list of implementation specific details about the current ESMF Array.
The ESMF_LocalArray class provides a language independent representation of data in array format. One of the major functions of the LocalArray class is to bridge the Fortran/C/C++ language difference that exists with respect to array representation. All ESMF Field and Array data is internally stored in ESMF LocalArray objects allowing transparent access from Fortran and C/C++.
In the ESMF Fortran API the LocalArray becomes visible in those cases where a local PET may be associated with multiple pieces of an Array, e.g. if there are multiple DEs associated with a single PET. The Fortran language standard does not provide an array of arrays construct, however arrays of derived types holding arrays are possible. ESMF calls use arguments that are of type ESMF_LocalArray with dimension attributes where necessary.
An ArraySpec is a very simple class that contains type, kind, and rank information about an Array. This information is stored in two parameters. TypeKind describes the data type of the elements in the Array and their precision. Rank is the number of dimensions in the Array.
The only methods that are associated with the ArraySpec class are those that allow you to set and retrieve this information.
The ArraySpec is passed in as an argument at Field and FieldBundle creation in order to describe an Array that will be allocated or attached at a later time. There are any number of situations in which this approach is useful. One common example is a case in which the user wants to create a very flexible export State with many diagnostic variables predefined, but only a subset desired and consequently allocated for a particular run.
The information contained in an ESMF_ArraySpec is used to create ESMF_Array objects.
ESMF_ArraySpec is a shallow class, and only set and get methods are needed. They do not need to be created or destroyed.
The ESMF Grid class is used to describe the geometry and discretization of logically rectangular physical grids. It also contains the description of the grid's underlying topology and the decomposition of the physical grid across the available computational resources. The most frequent use of the Grid class is to describe physical grids in user code so that sufficient information is available to perform ESMF methods such as regridding.
Key Features |
Representation of grids formed by logically rectangular regions, including uniform and rectilinear grids (e.g. lat-lon grids), curvilinear grids (e.g. displaced pole grids), and grids formed by connected logically rectangular regions (e.g. cubed sphere grids). |
Support for 1D, 2D, 3D, and higher dimension grids. |
Distribution of grids across computational resources for parallel operations - users set which grid dimensions are distributed. |
Grids can be created already distributed, so that no single resource needs global information during the creation process. |
Options to define periodicity and other edge connectivities either explicitly or implicitly via shape shortcuts. |
Options for users to define grid coordinates themselves or to call prefabricated coordinate generation routines for standard grids. |
Options for incremental construction of grids. |
Options for using a set of pre-defined stagger locations or for setting custom stagger locations. |
ESMF Grids are based on the concepts described in A Standard Description of Grids Used in Earth System Models [Balaji 2006]. In this document Balaji introduces the mosaic concept as a means of describing a wide variety of Earth system model grids. A mosaic is composed of grid tiles connected at their edges. Mosaic grids includes simple, single tile grids as a special case.
The ESMF Grid class is a representation of a mosaic grid. Each ESMF Grid is constructed of one or more logically rectangular Tiles. A Tile will usually have some physical significance (e.g. the region of the world covered by one face of a cubed sphere grid).
The piece of a Tile that resides on one DE (for simple cases, a DE can be thought of as a processor - see section on the DELayout) is called a LocalTile. For example, the six faces of a cubed sphere grid are each Tiles, and each Tile can be divided into many LocalTiles.
Every ESMF Grid contains a DistGrid object, which defines the Grid's index space, topology, distribution, and connectivities. It enables the user to define the complex edge relationships of tripole and other grids. The DistGrid can be created explicitly and passed into a Grid creation routine, or it can be created implicitly if the user takes a Grid creation shortcut. The DistGrid used in Grid creation describes the properties of the Grid cells. In addition to this one, the Grid internally creates DistGrids for each stagger location. These stagger DistGrids are related to the original DistGrid, but may contain extra padding to represent the extent of the index space of the stagger. These DistGrids are what are used when a Field is created on a Grid.
The range of supported grids in ESMF can be defined by:
The first set of these are a group of overloaded calls broken up by the number of periodic dimensions they specify. With these the user can pick the method which creates a Grid with the number of periodic dimensions they need, and then specify other connectivity options via arguments to the method. The following is a description of these methods:
More detailed information can be found in the API description of each.
The second set of shortcut methods is a set of methods overloaded under the name ESMF_GridCreate(). These methods allow the user to specify the connectivites at the end of each dimension, by using the ESMF_GridConn_Flag flag. The table below shows the ESMF_GridConn_Flag settings used to create standard shapes in 2D using the ESMF_GridCreate() call. Two values are specified for each dimension, one for the low end and one for the high end of the dimension's index values.
2D Shape | connflagDim1(1) | connflagDim1(2) | connflagDim2(1) | connflagDim2(2) |
Rectangle | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
If the user's grid shape is too complex for an ESMF shortcut routine, or involves more than three dimensions, a DistGrid can be created to specify the shape in detail. This DistGrid is then passed into a Grid create call.
ESMF Grids have several options for data distribution (also referred to as decomposition). As ESMF Grids are cell based, these options are all specified in terms of how the cells in the Grid are broken up between DEs.
The main distribution options are regular, irregular, and arbitrary.
A regular distribution is one in which the same number of
contiguous grid cells are assigned to each DE in the
distributed dimension. An irregular distribution is one in which
unequal numbers of contiguous grid cells are assigned to each
DE in the distributed dimension. An arbitrary distribution is
one in which any grid cell can be assigned to any DE. Any of these
distribution options can be applied to any of the grid shapes (i.e.,
rectangle) or types (i.e., rectilinear). Support for arbitrary distribution
is limited in the current version of ESMF, see Section for
an example of creating a Grid with an arbitrary distribution.
Figure 12 illustrates options for distribution.
A distribution can also be specified using the DistGrid, by passing object into a Grid create call.
Each of these coordinate types can be set for each of the standard grid shapes described in section 31.1.3.
The table below shows how examples of common single Tile grids fall into this shape and coordinate taxonomy. Note that any of the grids in the table can have a regular or arbitrary distribution.
Uniform | Rectilinear | Curvilinear | |
Sphere | Global uniform lat-lon grid | Gaussian grid | Displaced pole grid |
Rectangle | Regional uniform lat-lon grid | Gaussian grid section | Polar stereographic grid section |
There are two ways of specifying coordinates in ESMF. The first way is for the user to set the coordinates. The second way is to take a shortcut and have the framework generate the coordinates.
See Section for more description and examples of
setting coordinates.
Staggering is a finite difference technique in which the values of different physical quantities are placed at different locations within a grid cell.
The ESMF Grid class supports a variety of stagger locations, including cell centers, corners, and edge centers. The default stagger location in ESMF is the cell center, and cell counts in Grid are based on this assumption. Combinations of the 2D ESMF stagger locations are sufficient to specify any of the Arakawa staggers. ESMF also supports staggering in 3D and higher dimensions. There are shortcuts for standard staggers, and interfaces through which users can create custom staggers.
As a default the ESMF Grid class provides symmetric staggering, so that cell centers are enclosed by cell perimeter (e.g. corner) stagger locations. This means the coordinate arrays for stagger locations other than the center will have an additional element of padding in order to enclose the cell center locations. However, to achieve other types of staggering, the user may alter or eliminate this padding by using the appropriate options when adding coordinates to a Grid.
In the current release, only the cell center stagger location is supported for an
arbitrarily distributed grid. For examples and a full description of the stagger interface
see Section .
Masking is the process whereby parts of a Grid can be marked to be
ignored during an operation. For a description of how to set mask information in
the Grid, see here . For a description of how masking works
in regridding, see here 24.2.10.
The ESMF_GridCreateShapeTile command has three specific arguments
connflagDim1, connflagDim2, and connflagDim3. These can be used
to setup different types of connections at the ends of each dimension
of a Tile. Each of these parameters is a two element array. The first
element is the connection type at the minimum end of the dimension
and the second is the connection type at the maximum end. The default
value for all the connections is ESMF_GRIDCONN_NONE, specifying no
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
The ESMF Grid can contain other kinds of data besides coordinates.
This data is referred to as Grid “items”. Some items may be used
by ESMF for calculations involving the Grid. The following
are the valid values of ESMF_GridItem_Flag.
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
Item Label | Type Restriction | Type Default | ESMF Uses | Controls |
ESMF_GRIDITEM_AREA | NONE | ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8 | YES | Conservation in Regrid |
NOTE: One important thing to consider when setting areas in the Grid using ESMF_GRIDITEM_AREA, ESMF doesn't currently do unit conversion on areas. If these areas are going to be used in a process that also involves the areas of another Grid or Mesh (e.g. conservative regridding), then it is the user's responsibility to make sure that the area units are consistent between the two sides. If ESMF calculates an area on the surface of a sphere, then it is in units of square radians. If it calculates the area for a Cartesian grid, then it is in the same units as the coordinates, but squared.
This type is used to indicate the level to which two grids match.
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
The ESMF Grid class can exist in two states. These states are
present so that the library code can detect if a Grid has been
appropriately setup for the task at hand. The following
are the valid values of ESMF_GRIDSTATUS.
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
This type describes the type of connection that occurs at the pole when a Grid is
created with ESMF_GridCreate1PeriodicDim().
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
In the ESMF Grid class, data can be located at different positions in a
Grid cell. When setting or retrieving coordinate data the stagger location is
specified to tell the Grid method from where in the cell to get the data.
Although the user may define their own custom stagger locations,
ESMF provides a set of predefined locations for ease of use. The
following are the valid predefined stagger locations.
The 2D predefined stagger locations (illustrated in figure 14) are:
The 3D predefined stagger locations (illustrated in figure 15) are:
This section describes the use of the ESMF Grid class. It first discusses the more user friendly shape specific interface to the Grid. During this discussion it covers creation and options, adding stagger locations, coordinate data access, and other grid functionality. After this initial phase the document discusses the more advanced options which the user can employ should they need more customized interaction with the Grid class.
The ESMF_Grid class depends upon the ESMF_DistGrid class for the specification of its topology. That is, when creating a Grid, first an ESMF_DistGrid is created to describe the appropriate index space topology. This decision was made because it seemed redundant to have a system for doing this in both classes. It also seems most appropriate for the machinary for topology creation to be located at the lowest level possible so that it can be used by other classes (e.g. the ESMF_Array class). Because of this, however, the authors recommend that as a natural part of the implementation of subroutines to generate standard grid shapes (e.g. ESMF_GridGenSphere) a set of standard topology generation subroutines be implemented (e.g. ESMF_DistGridGenSphere) for users who want to create a standard topology, but a custom geometry.
A location stream (LocStream) can be used to represent the locations of a set of data points. For example, in the data assimilation world, LocStreams can be used to represent a set of observations. The values of the data points are stored within a Field or FieldBundle created using the LocStream.
The locations are generally described using Cartesian (x, y, z), or (lat, lon, radius) coordinates. The coordinates are stored using constructs called keys. A Key is essentially a list of point descriptors, one for each data point. They may hold other information besides the coordinates - a mask, for example. They may also hold a second set of coordinates. Keys are referenced by name - see 32.2.1 and 32.2.2 for specific keynames required in regridding. Each key must contain the same number of elements as there are data points in the LocStream. While there is no assumption in the ordering of the points, the order chosen must be maintained in each of the keys.
LocStreams can be very large. Data assimilation systems might use
LocStreams with up to observations, so efficiency is critical.
LocStreams can be created from file, see
Common operations involving LocStreams are similar to those involving Grids. For example, LocStreams allow users to:
A LocStream differs from a Grid in that no topological structure is maintained between the points (e.g. the class contains no information about which point is the neighbor of which other point).
A LocStream is similar to a Mesh in that both are collections of irregularly positioned points. However, the two structures differ because a Mesh also has connectivity: each data point represents either a center or corner of a cell. There is no requirement that the points in a LocStream have connectivity, in fact there is no requirement that any two points have any particular spatial relationship at all.
For ESMF to be able to use coordinates specified in a LocStream key (e.g. in regridding)
they need to be named with the appropriate identifiers. The particular identifiers depend
on the coordinate system (i.e. coordSys argument) used to create the LocStream containing
the keys. ESMF regridding expects these keys to be of type ESMF_TYPEKIND_R8.
The valid values are:
Coordinate System | dimension 1 | dimension 2 | dimension 3 (if used) |
Points within a LocStream can be marked and then potentially ignored during certain
operations, like regridding. This masking information must be contained in a key
named with the appropriate identifier. ESMF regridding expects this key to be
The valid value is:
Unstructured grids are commonly used in the computational solution of partial differential equations. These are especially useful for problems that involve complex geometry, where using the less flexible structured grids can result in grid representation of regions where no computation is needed. Finite element and finite volume methods map naturally to unstructured grids and are used commonly in hydrology, ocean modeling, and many other applications.
In order to provide support for application codes using unstructured grids, the ESMF library provides a class for representing unstructured grids called the Mesh. Fields can be created on a Mesh to hold data. Fields created on a Mesh can also be used as either the source or destination or both of an interpolation (i.e. an ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call) which allows data to be moved between unstructured grids. This section describes the Mesh and how to create and use them in ESMF.
A Mesh in ESMF is constructed of nodes and elements.
A node, also known as a vertex or corner, is a part of a Mesh which represents a single point. Coordinate information is set in a node.
An element, also known as a cell, is a part of a mesh which represents a small region of space. Elements are described in terms of a connected set of nodes which represent locations along their boundaries.
Field data may be located on either the nodes or elements of a Mesh.
The dimension of a Mesh in ESMF is specified with two parameters: the parametric dimension and the spatial dimension.
The parametric dimension of a Mesh is the dimension of the topology of the Mesh. This can be thought of as the dimension of the elements which make up the Mesh. For example, a Mesh composed of triangles would have a parametric dimension of 2, whereas a Mesh composed of tetrahedra would have a parametric dimension of 3.
The spatial dimension of a Mesh is the dimension of the space the Mesh is embedded in. In other words, it is the number of coordinate dimensions needed to describe the location of the nodes making up the Mesh.
For example, a Mesh constructed of squares on a plane would have a parametric dimension of 2 and a spatial dimension of 2. If that same Mesh were used to represent the 2D surface of a sphere, then the Mesh would still have a parametric dimension of 2, but now its spatial dimension would be 3.
The range of Meshes supported by ESMF are defined by several factors: dimension, element types, and distribution.
ESMF currently only supports Meshes whose number of coordinate dimensions (spatial dimension) is 2 or 3. The dimension of the elements in a Mesh (parametric dimension) must be less than or equal to the spatial dimension, but also must be either 2 or 3. This means that a Mesh may be either 2D elements in 2D space, 3D elements in 3D space, or a manifold constructed of 2D elements embedded in 3D space.
ESMF supports a range of elements for each Mesh parametric dimension. For a parametric dimension of 2, the native supported element types are triangles and quadrilaterals. In addition to these, ESMF supports 2D polygons with any number of sides. Internally these are represented as sets of triangles, but to the user should behave like any other element. For a parametric dimension of 3, the supported element types are tetrahedrons and hexahedrons. See Section 33.2.1 for diagrams of these. The Mesh supports any combination of element types within a particular dimension, but types from different dimensions may not be mixed. For example, a Mesh cannot be constructed of both quadrilaterals and tetrahedra.
ESMF currently only supports distributions where every node on a PET must be a part of an element on that PET. In other words, there must not be nodes without a corresponding element on any PET.
An ESMF Mesh can be constructed from a combination of different elements. The type of elements that can
be used in a Mesh depends on the Mesh's parameteric dimension, which is set during Mesh creation. The
following are the valid Mesh element types for each valid Mesh parametric dimension (2D or 3D) .
3 4 ---------- 3 / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | 1 --------- 2 1 ---------- 2 ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_TRI ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_QUAD 2D element types (numbers are the order for elementConn during Mesh create)
For a Mesh with parametric dimension of 2 ESMF supports two native element types (illustrated above), but also supports polygons with more sides. Internally these polygons are represented as a set of triangles, but to the user should behave like other elements. To specify the non-native polygons in the elementType argument use the number of corners of the polygon (e.g. for a pentagon use 5). The connectivity for a polygon should be specified in counterclockwise order. The following table summarizes this information:
Element Type | Number of Nodes | Description |
ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_TRI | 3 | A triangle |
ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_QUAD | 4 | A quadrilateral (e.g. a rectangle) |
N | N | An N-gon (e.g. if N=5 a pentagon) |
3 8---------------7 /|\ /| /| / | \ / | / | / | \ / | / | / | \ / | / | / | \ 5---------------6 | 4-----|-----2 | | | | \ | / | 4----------|----3 \ | / | / | / \ | / | / | / \ | / | / | / \|/ |/ |/ 1 1---------------2 ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_TETRA ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_HEX 3D element types (numbers are the order for elementConn during Mesh create)
For a Mesh with parametric dimension of 3 the valid element types (illustrated above) are:
Element Type | Number of Nodes | Description |
ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_HEX | 8 | A hexahedron (e.g. a cube) |
An exchange grid represents the 2D boundary layer usually between the atmosphere on one side and ocean and land on the other in an Earth system model. There are dynamical and thermodynamical processes on either side of the boundary layer and on the boundary layer itself. The boundary layer exchanges fluxes from either side and adjusts boundary conditions for the model components involved. For climate modeling, it is critical that the fluxes transferred by the boundary layer are conservative.
The ESMF exchange grid is implemented as the ESMF_XGrid class. Internally it's represented by a collection of the intersected cells between atmosphere and ocean/land[10] grids. These polygonal cells can have irregular shapes and can be broken down into triangles facilitating a finite element approach.
There are two ways to create an ESMF_XGrid object from user supplied information. The first way to create an ESMF_XGrid takes two lists of ESMF_Grid or ESMF_Mesh that represent the model component grids on either side of the exchange grid. From the two lists of ESMF_Grid or ESMF_Mesh, information required for flux exchange calculation between any pair of the model components from either side of the exchange grid is computed. In addition, the internal representation of the ESMF_XGrid is computed and can be optionally stored as an ESMF_Mesh. This internal representation is the collection of the intersected polygonal cells as a result of merged ESMF_Meshes from both sides of the exchange grid. ESMF_Field can be created on the ESMF_XGrid and used for weight generation and regridding as the internal representation in the ESMF_XGrid has a complete geometrical description of the exchange grid.
The second way to create an ESMF_XGrid requires users to supply all necessary information to compute communication routehandle. A later call to ESMF_FieldRegridStore() with the xgrid and source and destination ESMF_Fields computes the ESMF_Routehandle object for matrix multiply operation used in model remapping.
ESMF_XGrid deals with 2 distinctive kinds of fraction for each Grid or Mesh cell
involved in its creation. The following description applies to both ESMF_Grid
and ESMF_Mesh involved in the ESMF_XGrid creation process.
The first fraction quantity is the same as defined in direct
Field regrid between a source and destination ESMF_Field pair, namely the fraction
of a total Grid cell area
that is used in weight generation. The second fraction quantity
is a result of the Grid merging process when multiple ESMF_Grids or model components
exist on one side of the exchange grid. To compute XGrid, the multiple ESMF_Grids
are first merged together to form a super mesh. During the merging process, Grids that are
of a higher priority clips into lower priority Grids, creating fractional cells in the lower
priority Grids. Priority is a mechanism to resolve the claim of a surface region by multiple
Grids. To conserve flux, any surface area can only be claimed by a unique Grid. This is
a typical practice in earth system modelling, e.g. to handle land and ocean boundary.
In addition to the matrix multiply communication routehandle,
ESMF_XGrid exports both and
to the user through the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() method
because each remapping pair has different
associated with it.
from source Grid is
folded directly in the calculated weight matrices since its used to calculate destination point flux
. The global source flux is defined as
The global destination flux is defined as:
is the
modified weight intersecting s-th source Grid cell with d-th destination Grid cell.
It can be proved that this formulation of the fractions and
weight calculation ensures first order global conservation of
transferred from source grids to exchange grid, and from exchange grid to destination grids.
Specify which side of the ESMF_XGrid the current operation is taking place.
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
The ESMF Geom class is used as a container for other ESMF geometry objects (e.g. an ESMF Grid). This allows a generic representation of a geometry to be passed around (e.g. through a coupled system) without it's specific type being known. Some operations are supported on a Geom object and more will be added over time as needed. However, if an unsupported operation is needed, then the specific geometry object can always be pulled out and operated on that way.
In addition to the geometry object, a Geom can also contain information describing a location on a geometry. For example, in the case of a Grid, a geometry object will also contain a stagger location. Having this location information allows the creation of Fields and other capabilities to be performed in the most generic way on a Geom object. For geometries where it is appropriate, the user can optionally specify this location information during the creation of a Geom object. However, if no location is specified, then default values for this information are provided which match those which would be used when creating a Field with the specific geometry (e.g. stagger location ESMF_STAGGERLOC_CENTER for a Grid).
The ESMF DistGrid class sits on top of the DELayout class and holds domain information in index space. A DistGrid object captures the index space topology and describes its decomposition in terms of DEs. Combined with DELayout and VM the DistGrid defines the data distribution of a domain decomposition across the computational resources of an ESMF Component.
The global domain is defined as the union of logically rectangular (LR) sub-domains or tiles. The DistGrid create methods allow the specification of such a multi-tile global domain and its decomposition into exclusive, DE-local LR regions according to various degrees of user specified constraints. Complex index space topologies can be constructed by specifying connection relationships between tiles during creation.
The DistGrid class holds domain information for all DEs. Each DE is associated with a local LR region. No overlap of the regions is allowed. The DistGrid offers query methods that allow DE-local topology information to be extracted, e.g. for the construction of halos by higher classes.
A DistGrid object only contains decomposable dimensions. The minimum rank for a DistGrid object is 1. A maximum rank does not exist for DistGrid objects, however, ranks greater than 7 may lead to difficulties with respect to the Fortran API of higher classes based on DistGrid. The rank of a DELayout object contained within a DistGrid object must be equal to the DistGrid rank. Higher class objects that use the DistGrid, such as an Array object, may be of different rank than the associated DistGrid object. The higher class object will hold the mapping information between its dimensions and the DistGrid dimensions.
Indicates the level to which two DistGrid variables match.
The type of this flag is:
The valid values are:
The following examples demonstrate how to create, use and destroy DistGrid objects. In order to produce complete and valid DistGrid objects all of the ESMF_DistGridCreate() calls require to be called in unison i.e. on all PETs of a component with a complete set of valid arguments.
This section will be updated as the implementation of the DistGrid class nears completion.
The ESMF RouteHandle class provides a unified interface for all route-based communication methods across the Field, FieldBundle, Array, and ArrayBundle classes. All route-based communication methods implement a pre-computation step, returning a RouteHandle, an execution step, and a release step. Typically the pre-computation, or Store() step will be a lot more expensive (both in memory and time) than the execution step. The idea is that once precomputed, a RouteHandle will be executed many times over during a model run, making the execution time a very performance critical piece of code. In ESMF, Regridding, Redisting, and Haloing are implemented as route-based communication methods. The following sections discuss the RouteHandle concepts that apply uniformly to all route-based communication methods, across all of the above mentioned classes.
The user interacts with the RouteHandle class through the route-based communication methods of Field, FieldBundle, Array, and ArrayBundle. The usage of these methods are described in detail under their respective class documentation section. The following examples focus on the RouteHandle aspects common across classes and methods.
Internally all route-based communication calls are implemented as sparse matrix multiplications. The precompute step for all of the supported communication methods can be broken up into three steps:
The ESMF I/O provides a unified interface for input and output of high level ESMF objects such as Fields. ESMF I/O capability is integrated with third-party software such as Parallel I/O (PIO) to read and write Fortran array data in NetCDF format, and JSON for Modern C++ Library to read Info attribute data in JSON format. Other file I/O functionalities, such as writing of error and log messages, input of configuration parameters from an ASCII file, and lower-level I/O utilities are covered in different sections of this document. See the Log Class 49.1, the Config Class 47.1, and the Fortran I/O Utilities, 53.1 respectively.
ESMF provides interfaces for high performance, parallel I/O using ESMF data objects such as Arrays and Fields. Currently ESMF only supports I/O of NetCDF files. The current ESMF implementation relies on the Parallel I/O (PIO) library developed as a collaboration between NCAR and DOE laboratories. PIO is built as part of the ESMF build when the environment variable ESMF_PIO is set to "internal", or is linked against when ESMF_PIO is set to "external"; by default ESMF_PIO is not set (which results in using the internal PIO if other aspects of the ESMF build configuration allow it). When PIO is built with ESMF, the ESMF methods internally call the PIO interfaces. When ESMF is not built with PIO, the ESMF methods are non-operable (no-op) stubs that simply return with a return code of ESMF_RC_LIB_NOT_PRESENT. Details about the environment variables can be found in ESMF User Guide, "Building and Installing the ESMF", "Third Party Libraries".
The following methods support parallel data I/O using PIO:
The only format currently supported is NetCDF. The environment variables ESMF_NETCDF and/or ESMF_PNETCDF must be set to enable this NetCDF-based I/O. Details about the environment variables can be found in ESMF User Guide, "Building and Installing the ESMF", "Third Party Libraries".
To the extent that data on unstructured grids (or even observations) can be represented as one-dimensional arrays, NetCDF can also be used to store these data. However, it does not provide a high-level abstraction for this type of data.
For data I/O, the ESMF I/O capability relies on the PIO and NetCDF libraries, and optionally the PNetCDF library. For Info attribute I/O, the ESMF I/O capability uses the JSON for Modern C++ library to perform reading of JSON files. PIO and JSON for Modern C++ are included with the ESMF distribution; the other libraries must be installed on the machine of interest.