
3 Superstructure

15 Overview of Superstructure

ESMF superstructure classes define an architecture for assembling Earth system applications from modeling components. A component may be defined in terms of the physical domain that it represents, such as an atmosphere or sea ice model. It may also be defined in terms of a computational function, such as a data assimilation system. Earth system research often requires that such components be coupled together to create an application. By coupling we mean the data transformations and, on parallel computing systems, data transfers, that are necessary to allow data from one component to be utilized by another. ESMF offers regridding methods and other tools to simplify the organization and execution of inter-component data exchanges.

In addition to components defined at the level of major physical domains and computational functions, components may be defined that represent smaller computational functions within larger components, such as the transformation of data between the physics and dynamics in a spectral atmosphere model, or the creation of nested higher resolution regions within a coarser grid. The objective is to couple components at varying scales both flexibly and efficiently. ESMF encourages a hierarchical application structure, in which large components branch into smaller sub-components (see Figure 2). ESMF also makes it easier for the same component to be used in multiple contexts without changes to its source code.

Key Features
Modular, component-based architecture.
Hierarchical assembly of components into applications.
Use of components in multiple contexts without modification.
Sequential or concurrent component execution.
Single program, multiple datastream (SPMD) applications for maximum portability and reconfigurability.
Multiple program, multiple datastream (MPMD) option for flexibility.

15.1 Superstructure Classes

There are a small number of classes in the ESMF superstructure:

An ESMF coupled application typically involves a parent Gridded Component, two or more child Gridded Components and one or more Coupler Components.

The parent Gridded Component is responsible for creating the child Gridded Components that are exchanging data, for creating the Coupler, for creating the necessary Import and Export States, and for setting up the desired sequencing. The application's “main” routine calls the parent Gridded Component's initialize, run, and finalize methods in order to execute the application. For each of these standard methods, the parent Gridded Component in turn calls the corresponding methods in the child Gridded Components and the Coupler Component. For example, consider a simple coupled ocean/atmosphere simulation. When the initialize method of the parent Gridded Component is called by the application, it in turn calls the initialize methods of its child atmosphere and ocean Gridded Components, and the initialize method of an ocean-to-atmosphere Coupler Component. Figure 3 shows this schematically.

Figure 2: ESMF enables applications such as the atmospheric general circulation model GEOS-5 to be structured hierarchically, and reconfigured and extended easily. Each box in this diagram is an ESMF Gridded Component.

15.2 Hierarchical Creation of Components

Components are allocated computational resources in the form of Persistent Execution Threads, or PETs. A list of a Component's PETs is contained in a structure called a Virtual Machine, or VM. The VM also contains information about the topology and characteristics of the underlying computer. Components are created hierarchically, with parent Components creating child Components and allocating some or all of their PETs to each one. By default ESMF creates a new VM for each child Component, which allows Components to tailor their VM resources to match their needs. In some cases, a child may want to share its parent's VM - ESMF supports this, too.

A Gridded Component may exist across all the PETs in an application. A Gridded Component may also reside on a subset of PETs in an application. These PETs may wholly coincide with, be wholly contained within, or wholly contain another Component.

Figure 3: A call to a standard ESMF initialize (run, finalize) method by a parent component triggers calls to initialize (run, finalize) all of its child components.

15.3 Sequential and Concurrent Execution of Components

When a set of Gridded Components and a Coupler runs in sequence on the same set of PETs the application is executing in a sequential mode. When Gridded Components are created and run on mutually exclusive sets of PETs, and are coupled by a Coupler Component that extends over the union of these sets, the mode of execution is concurrent.

Figure 4 illustrates a typical configuration for a simple coupled sequential application, and Figure 5 shows a possible configuration for the same application running in a concurrent mode.

Parent Components can select if and when to wait for concurrently executing child Components, synchronizing only when required.

It is possible for ESMF applications to contain some Component sets that are executing sequentially and others that are executing concurrently. We might have, for example, atmosphere and land Components created on the same subset of PETs, ocean and sea ice Components created on the remainder of PETs, and a Coupler created across all the PETs in the application.

Figure 4: Schematic of the run method of a coupled application, with an “Atmosphere” and an “Ocean” Gridded Component running sequentially with an “Atm-Ocean Coupler.” The top-level “Hurricane Model” Gridded Component contains the sequencing information and time advancement loop. The application driver, Coupler, and all Gridded Components are distributed over nine PETs.

Figure 5: Schematic of the run method of a coupled application, with an “Atmosphere” and an “Ocean” Gridded Component running concurrently with an “Atm-Ocean Coupler.” The top-level “Hurricane Model” Gridded Component contains the sequencing information and time advancement loop. The application driver, Coupler, and top-level “Hurricane Model” Gridded Component are distributed over nine PETs. The “Atmosphere” Gridded Component is distributed over three PETs and the “Ocean” Gridded Component is distributed over six PETs.

15.4 Intra-Component Communication

All data transfers within an ESMF application occur within a component. For example, a Gridded Component may contain halo updates. Another example is that a Coupler Component may redistribute data between two Gridded Components. As a result, the architecture of ESMF does not depend on any particular data communication mechanism, and new communication schemes can be introduced without affecting the overall structure of the application.

Since all data communication happens within a component, a Coupler Component must be created on the union of the PETs of all the Gridded Components that it couples.

15.5 Data Distribution and Scoping in Components

The scope of distributed objects is the VM of the currently executing Component. For this reason, all PETs in the current VM must make the same distributed object creation calls. When a Coupler Component running on a superset of a Gridded Component's PETs needs to make communication calls involving objects created by the Gridded Component, an ESMF-supplied function called ESMF_StateReconcile() creates proxy objects for those PETs that had no previous information about the distributed objects. Proxy objects contain no local data but can be used in communication calls (such as regrid or redistribute) to describe the remote source for data being moved to the current PET, or to describe the remote destination for data being moved from the local PET. Figure 6 is a simple schematic that shows the sequence of events in a reconcile call.

Figure 6: An ESMF_StateReconcile() call creates proxy objects for use in subsequent communication calls. The reconcile call would normally be made during Coupler initialization.

15.6 Performance

The ESMF design enables the user to configure ESMF applications so that data is transferred directly from one component to another, without requiring that it be copied or sent to a different data buffer as an interim step. This is likely to be the most efficient way of performing inter-component coupling. However, if desired, an application can also be configured so that data from a source component is sent to a distinct set of Coupler Component PETs for processing before being sent to its destination.

The ability to overlap computation with communication is essential for performance. When running with ESMF the user can initiate data sends during Gridded Component execution, as soon as the data is ready. Computations can then proceed simultaneously with the data transfer.

15.7 Object Model

The following is a simplified Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram showing the relationships among ESMF superstructure classes. See Appendix A, A Brief Introduction to UML, for a translation table that lists the symbols in the diagram and their meaning.


16 Application Driver and Required ESMF Methods

16.1 Description

Every ESMF application needs a driver code. Typically the driver layer is implemented as the "main" of the application, although this is not strictly an ESMF requirement. For most ESMF applications the task of the application driver will be very generic: Initialize ESMF, create a top-level Component and call its Initialize, Run and Finalize methods, before destroying the top-level Component again and calling ESMF Finalize.

ESMF provides a number of different application driver templates in the $ESMF_DIR/src/Superstructure/AppDriver directory. An appropriate one can be chosen depending on how the application is to be structured:

Sequential vs. Concurrent Execution

In a sequential execution model, every Component executes on all PETs, with each Component completing execution before the next Component begins. This has the appeal of simplicity of data consumption and production: when a Gridded Component starts, all required data is available for use, and when a Gridded Component finishes, all data produced is ready for consumption by the next Gridded Component. This approach also has the possibility of less data movement if the grid and data decomposition is done such that each processor's memory contains the data needed by the next Component.

In a concurrent execution model, subgroups of PETs run Gridded Components and multiple Gridded Components are active at the same time. Data exchange must be coordinated between Gridded Components so that data deadlock does not occur. This strategy has the advantage of allowing coupling to other Gridded Components at any time during the computational process, including not having to return to the calling level of code before making data available.

Pairwise vs. Hub and Spoke

Coupler Components are responsible for taking data from one Gridded Component and putting it into the form expected by another Gridded Component. This might include regridding, change of units, averaging, or binning.

Coupler Components can be written for pairwise data exchange: the Coupler Component takes data from a single Component and transforms it for use by another single Gridded Component. This simplifies the structure of the Coupler Component code.

Couplers can also be written using a hub and spoke model where a single Coupler accepts data from all other Components, can do data merging or splitting, and formats data for all other Components.

Multiple Couplers, using either of the above two models or some mixture of these approaches, are also possible.

Implementation Language

The ESMF framework currently has Fortran interfaces for all public functions. Some functions also have C interfaces, and the number of these is expected to increase over time.

Number of Executables

The simplest way to run an application is to run the same executable program on all PETs. Different Components can still be run on mutually exclusive PETs by using branching (e.g., if this is PET 1, 2, or 3, run Component A, if it is PET 4, 5, or 6 run Component B). This is a SPMD model, Single Program Multiple Data.

The alternative is to start a different executable program on different PETs. This is a MPMD model, Multiple Program Multiple Data. There are complications with many job control systems on multiprocessor machines in getting the different executables started, and getting inter-process communications established. ESMF currently has some support for MPMD: different Components can run as separate executables, but the Coupler that transfers data between the Components must still run on the union of their PETs. This means that the Coupler Component must be linked into all of the executables.

16.2 Constants

16.2.1 ESMF_END

The ESMF_End_Flag determines how an ESMF application is shut down.

The type of this flag is:


The valid values are:

Global abort of the ESMF application. There is no guarantee that all PETs will shut down cleanly during an abort. However, all attempts are made to prevent the application from hanging and the LogErr of at least one PET will be completely flushed during the abort. This option should only be used if a condition is detected that prevents normal continuation or termination of the application. Typical conditions that warrant the use of ESMF_END_ABORT are those that occur on a per PET basis where other PETs may be blocked in communication calls, unable to reach the normal termination point. An aborted application returns to the parent process with a system dependent indication that a failure occurred during execution.
Normal termination of the ESMF application. Wait for all PETs of the global VM to reach ESMF_Finalize() before termination. This is the clean way of terminating an application. MPI_Finalize() will be called in case of MPI applications.
Same as ESMF_END_NORMAL but MPI_Finalize() will not be called. It is the user code's responsibility to shut down MPI cleanly if necessary.

16.3 Use and Examples

ESMF encourages application organization in which there is a single top-level Gridded Component. This provides a simple, clear sequence of operations at the highest level, and also enables the entire application to be treated as a sub-Component of another, larger application if desired. When a simple application is organized in this fashion the standard AppDriver can probably be used without much modification.

Examples of program organization using the AppDriver can be found in the src/Superstructure/AppDriver directory. A set of subdirectories within the AppDriver directory follows the naming convention:


The example that is currently implemented is seq_pairwise_fdriver_spmd, which has sequential component execution, a pairwise coupler, a main program in Fortran, and all processors launching the same executable. It is also copied automatically into a top-level quick_start directory at compilation time.

The user can copy the AppDriver files into their own local directory. Some of the files can be used unchanged. Others are template files which have the rough outline of the code but need additional application-specific code added in order to perform a meaningful function. The README file in the AppDriver subdirectory or quick_start directory contains instructions about which files to change.

Examples of concurrent component execution can be found in the system tests that are bundled with the ESMF distribution.

16.4 Required ESMF Methods

There are a few methods that every ESMF application must contain. First, ESMF_Initialize() and ESMF_Finalize() are in complete analogy to MPI_Init() and MPI_Finalize() known from MPI. All ESMF programs, serial or parallel, must initialize the ESMF system at the beginning, and finalize it at the end of execution. The behavior of calling any ESMF method before ESMF_Initialize(), or after ESMF_Finalize() is undefined.

Second, every ESMF Component that is accessed by an ESMF application requires that its set services routine is called through ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetServices(). The Component must implement one public entry point, its set services routine, that can be called through the ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetServices() library routine. The Component set services routine is responsible for setting entry points for the standard ESMF Component methods Initialize, Run, and Finalize.

Finally, the Component can optionally call ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetVM() before calling ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetServices(). Similar to ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetServices(), the ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetVM() call requires a public entry point into the Component. It allows the Component to adjust certain aspects of its execution environment, i.e. its own VM, before it is started up.

The following sections discuss the above mentioned aspects in more detail.

16.4.1 User-code SetServices method

Many programs call some library routines. The library documentation must explain what the routine name is, what arguments are required and what are optional, and what the code does.

In contrast, all ESMF components must be written to be called by another part of the program; in effect, an ESMF component takes the place of a library. The interface is prescribed by the framework, and the component writer must provide specific subroutines which have standard argument lists and perform specific operations. For technical reasons none of the arguments in user-provided subroutines must be declared as optional.

The only required public interface of a Component is its SetServices method. This subroutine must have an externally accessible name (be a public symbol), take a component as the first argument, and an integer return code as the second. Both arguments are required and must not be declared as optional. If an intent is specified in the interface it must be intent(inout) for the first and intent(out) for the second argument. The subroutine name is not predefined, it is set by the component writer, but must be provided as part of the component documentation.

The required function that the SetServices subroutine must provide is to specify the user-code entry points for the standard ESMF Component methods. To this end the user-written SetServices routine calls the

ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetEntryPoint() method to set each Component entry point.

See sections [*] and [*] for examples of how to write a user-code SetServices routine.

Note that a component does not call its own SetServices routine; the AppDriver or parent component code, which is creating a component, will first call ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompCreate() to create a component object, and then must call into ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetServices(), supplying the user-code SetServices routine as an argument. The framework then calls into the user-code SetServices, after the Component's VM has been started up.

It is good practice to package the user-code implementing a component into a Fortran module, with the user-code SetService routine being the only public module method. ESMF supports three mechanisms for accessing the user-code SetServices routine from the calling AppDriver or parent component.

16.4.2 User-code Initialize, Run, and Finalize methods

The required standard ESMF Component methods, for which user-code entry points must be set, are Initialize, Run, and Finalize. Currently optional, a Component may also set entry points for the WriteRestart and ReadRestart methods.

Sections [*] and [*] provide examples of how the entry points for Initialize, Run, and Finalize are set during the user-code SetServices routine, using the ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetEntryPoint() library call.

All standard user-code methods must abide exactly to the prescribed interfaces. None of the arguments must be declared as optional.

The names of the Initialize, Run, and Finalize user-code subroutines do not need to be public; in fact it is far better for them to be private to lower the chances of public symbol clashes between different components.

See sections [*], [*], [*], and [*], [*], [*] for examples of how to write entry points for the standard ESMF Component methods.

16.4.3 User-code SetVM method

When the AppDriver or parent component code calls ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompCreate() it has the option to specify a petList argument. All of the parent PETs contained in this list become resources of the child component. By default, without the petList argument, all of the parent PETs are provided to the child component.

Typically each component has its own virtual machine (VM) object. However, using the optional contextflag argument during ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompCreate() a child component can inherit its parent component's VM. Unless a child component inherits the parent VM, it has the option to set certain aspects of how its VM utilizes the provided resources. The resources provided via the parent PETs are the associated processing elements (PEs) and virtual address spaces (VASs).

The optional user-written SetVM routine is called from the parent for the child through the ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetVM() method. This is the only place where the child component can set aspects of its own VM before it is started up. The child component's VM must be running before the SetServices routine can be called, and thus the parent must call the optional ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetVM() method before ESMF_<Grid/Cpl>CompSetServices().

Inside the user-code called by the SetVM routine, the component has the option to specify how the PETs share the provided parent PEs. Further, PETs on the same single system image (SSI) can be set to run multi-threaded within a reduced number of virtual address spaces (VAS), allowing a component to leverage shared memory concepts.

Sections [*] and [*] provide examples for simple user-written SetVM routines.

One common use of the SetVM approach is to implement hybrid parallelism based on MPI+OpenMP. Under ESMF, each component can use its own hybrid parallelism implementation. Different components, even if running on the same PE resources, do not have to agree on the number of MPI processes (i.e. PETs), or the number of OpenMP threads launched under each PET. Hybrid and non-hybrid components can be mixed within the same application. Coupling between components of any flavor is supported under ESMF.

In order to obtain best performance when using SetVM based resource control for hybrid parallelism, it is strongly recommended to set OMP_WAIT_POLICY=PASSIVE in the environment. This is one of the standard OpenMP environment variables. The PASSIVE setting ensures that OpenMP threads relinquish the PEs as soon as they have completed their work. Without that setting ESMF resource control threads can be delayed, and context switching between components becomes more expensive.

16.4.4 Use of internal procedures as user-provided procedures

Internal procedures are nested within a surrounding procedure, and only local to the surrounding procedure. They are specified by using the CONTAINS statement.

Prior to Fortran-2008 an internal procedure could not be used as a user-provided callback procedure. In Fortran-2008 this restriction was lifted. It is important to note that if ESMF is passed an internal procedure, that the surrounding procedure be active whenever ESMF calls it. This helps ensure that local variables at the surrounding procedures scope are properly initialized.

When internal procedures contained within a main program unit are used for callbacks, there is no problem. This is because the main program unit is always active. However when internal procedures are used within other program units, initialization could become a problem. The following outlines the issue:

  module my_procs_mod
    use ESMF
    implicit none


    subroutine my_procs (...)
      integer :: my_setting
      call ESMF_GridCompSetEntryPoint(gridcomp, methodflag=ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE, &
          userRoutine=my_grid_proc_init, rc=localrc)
      my_setting = 42


      subroutine my_grid_proc_init (gridcomp, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
      ! my_setting is possibly uninitialized when my_grid_proc_init is used as a call-back
        something = my_setting
      end subroutine my_grid_proc_init
    end subroutine my_procs
  end module my_procs_mod

The Fortran standard does not specify whether variable my_setting is statically or automatically allocated, unless it is explicitly given the SAVE attribute. Thus there is no guarantee that its value will persist after my_procs has finished. The SAVE attribute is usually given to a variable via specifying a SAVE attribute in its delaration. However it can also be inferred by initializing the variable in its declaration:

      integer, save : my_setting


      integer :: my_setting = 42

Because of the potential initialization issues, it is recommended that internal procedures only be used as ESMF callbacks when the surrounding procedure is also active.

17 GridComp Class

17.1 Description

In Earth system modeling, the most natural way to think about an ESMF Gridded Component, or ESMF_GridComp, is as a piece of code representing a particular physical domain, such as an atmospheric model or an ocean model. Gridded Components may also represent individual processes, such as radiation or chemistry. It's up to the application writer to decide how deeply to “componentize.”

Earth system software components tend to share a number of basic features. Most ingest and produce a variety of physical fields, refer to a (possibly noncontiguous) spatial region and a grid that is partitioned across a set of computational resources, and require a clock for things like stepping a governing set of PDEs forward in time. Most can also be divided into distinct initialize, run, and finalize computational phases. These common characteristics are used within ESMF to define a Gridded Component data structure that is tailored for Earth system modeling and yet is still flexible enough to represent a variety of domains.

A well designed Gridded Component does not store information internally about how it couples to other Gridded Components. That allows it to be used in different contexts without changes to source code. The idea here is to avoid situations in which slightly different versions of the same model source are maintained for use in different contexts - standalone vs. coupled versions, for example. Data is passed in and out of Gridded Components using an ESMF State, this is described in Section 21.1.

An ESMF Gridded Component has two parts, one which is user-written and another which is part of the framework. The user-written part is software that represents a physical domain or performs some other computational function. It forms the body of the Gridded Component. It may be a piece of legacy code, or it may be developed expressly for use with ESMF. It must contain routines with standard ESMF interfaces that can be called to initialize, run, and finalize the Gridded Component. These routines can have separate callable phases, such as distinct first and second initialization steps.

ESMF provides the Gridded Component derived type, ESMF_GridComp. An ESMF_GridComp must be created for every portion of the application that will be represented as a separate component. For example, in a climate model, there may be Gridded Components representing the land, ocean, sea ice, and atmosphere. If the application contains an ensemble of identical Gridded Components, every one has its own associated ESMF_GridComp. Each Gridded Component has its own name and is allocated a set of computational resources, in the form of an ESMF Virtual Machine, or VM.

The user-written part of a Gridded Component is associated with an ESMF_GridComp derived type through a routine called ESMF_SetServices(). This is a routine that the user must write, and declare public. Inside the SetServices routine the user must call ESMF_SetEntryPoint() methods that associate a standard ESMF operation with the name of the corresponding Fortran subroutine in their user code.

17.2 Use and Examples

A Gridded Component is a computational entity which consumes and produces data. It uses a State object to exchange data between itself and other Components. It uses a Clock object to manage time, and a VM to describe its own and its child components' computational resources.

This section shows how to create Gridded Components. For demonstrations of the use of Gridded Components, see the system tests that are bundled with the ESMF software distribution. These can be found in the directory esmf/src/system_tests.

17.3 Restrictions and Future Work

  1. No optional arguments. User-written routines called by SetServices, and registered for Initialize, Run and Finalize, must not declare any of the arguments as optional.

  2. Namespace isolation. If possible, Gridded Components should attempt to make all data private, so public names do not interfere with data in other components.

  3. Single execution mode. It is not expected that a single Gridded Component be able to function in both sequential and concurrent modes, although Gridded Components of different types can be nested. For example, a concurrently called Gridded Component can contain several nested sequential Gridded Components.

17.4 Class API

18 CplComp Class

18.1 Description

In a large, multi-component application such as a weather forecasting or climate prediction system running within ESMF, physical domains and major system functions are represented as Gridded Components (see Section 17.1). A Coupler Component, or ESMF_CplComp, arranges and executes the data transformations between the Gridded Components. Ideally, Coupler Components should contain all the information about inter-component communication for an application. This enables the Gridded Components in the application to be used in multiple contexts; that is, used in different coupled configurations without changes to their source code. For example, the same atmosphere might in one case be coupled to an ocean in a hurricane prediction model, and to a data assimilation system for numerical weather prediction in another. A single Coupler Component can couple two or more Gridded Components.

Like Gridded Components, Coupler Components have two parts, one that is provided by the user and another that is part of the framework. The user-written portion of the software is the coupling code necessary for a particular exchange between Gridded Components. This portion of the Coupler Component code must be divided into separately callable initialize, run, and finalize methods. The interfaces for these methods are prescribed by ESMF.

The term “user-written” is somewhat misleading here, since within a Coupler Component the user can leverage ESMF infrastructure software for regridding, redistribution, lower-level communications, calendar management, and other functions. However, ESMF is unlikely to offer all the software necessary to customize a data transfer between Gridded Components. For instance, ESMF does not currently offer tools for unit tranformations or time averaging operations, so users must manage those operations themselves.

The second part of a Coupler Component is the ESMF_CplComp derived type within ESMF. The user must create one of these types to represent a specific coupling function, such as the regular transfer of data between a data assimilation system and an atmospheric model. 2

The user-written part of a Coupler Component is associated with an ESMF_CplComp derived type through a routine called ESMF_SetServices(). This is a routine that the user must write and declare public. Inside the ESMF_SetServices() routine the user must call ESMF_SetEntryPoint() methods that associate a standard ESMF operation with the name of the corresponding Fortran subroutine in their user code. For example, a user routine called “couplerInit” might be associated with the standard initialize routine in a Coupler Component.

18.2 Use and Examples

A Coupler Component manages the transformation of data between Components. It contains a list of State objects and the operations needed to make them compatible, including such things as regridding and unit conversion. Coupler Components are user-written, following prescribed ESMF interfaces and, wherever desired, using ESMF infrastructure tools.

18.3 Restrictions and Future Work

  1. No optional arguments. User-written routines called by SetServices, and registered for Initialize, Run and Finalize, must not declare any of the arguments as optional.

  2. No Transforms. Components must exchange data through ESMF_State objects. The input data are available at the time the component code is called, and data to be returned to another component are available when that code returns.

  3. No automatic unit conversions. The ESMF framework does not currently contain tools for performing unit conversions, operations that are fairly standard within Coupler Components.

  4. No accumulator. The ESMF does not have an accumulator tool, to perform time averaging of fields for coupling. This is likely to be developed in the near term.

18.4 Class API

19 SciComp Class

19.1 Description

In Earth system modeling, a particular piece of code representing a physical domain, such as an atmospheric model or an ocean model, is typically implemented as an ESMF Gridded Component, or ESMC_GridComp. However, there are times when physical domains, or realms, need to be represented, but aren't actual pieces of code, or software. These domains can be implemented as ESMF Science Components, or ESMC_SciComp.

Unlike Gridded and Coupler Components, Science Components are not associated with software; they don't include execution routines such as initialize, run and finalize. The main purpose of a Science Component is to provide a container for Attributes within a Component hierarchy.

19.2 Use and Examples

A Science Component is a container object intended to represent scientific domains, or realms, in an Earth Science Model. It's primary purpose is to provide a means for representing Component metadata within a hierarchy of Components, and it does this by being a container for Attributes as well as other Components.

19.3 Restrictions and Future Work

  1. None.

19.4 Class API

20 Fault-tolerant Component Tunnel

20.1 Description

For ensemble runs with many ensemble members, fault-tolerance becomes an issue of very critical practical impact. The meaning of fault-tolerance in this context refers to the ability of an ensemble application to continue with normal execution after one or more ensemble members have experienced catastrophic conditions, from which they cannot recover. ESMF implements this type of fault-tolerance on the Component level via a timeout paradigm: A timeout parameter is specified for all interactions that need to be fault-tolerant. When a connection to a component times out, maybe because it has become inaccessible due to some catastrophic condition, the driver application can react to this condition, for example by not further interacting with the component during the otherwise normal continuation of the model execution.

The fault-tolerant connection between a driver application and a Component is established through a Component Tunnel. There are two sides to a Component Tunnel: the "actual" side is where the component is actually executing, and the "dual" side is the portal through which the Component becomes accessible on the driver side. Both the actual and the dual side of a Component Tunnel are implemented in form of a regular ESMF Gridded or Coupler Component.

Component Tunnels between Components can be based on a number of low level implementations. The only implementation that currently provides fault-tolerance is socket based. In this case an actual Component typically runs as a separate executable, listening to a specific port for connections from the driver application. The dual Component is created on the driver side. It connects to the actual Component during the SetServices() call.

20.2 Use and Examples

A Component Tunnel connects a dual Component to an actual Component. This connection can be based on a number of different low level implementations, e.g. VM-based or socket-based. VM-based Component Tunnels require that both dual and actual Components run within the same application (i.e. execute under the same MPI_COMM_WORLD). Fault-tolerant Component Tunnels require that dual and actual Components run in separate applications, under different MPI_COMM_WORLD communicators. This mode is implemented in the socket-based Component Tunnels.

20.3 Restrictions and Future Work

  1. No data flow through States. The current implementation does not support data flow (Fields, FieldBundles, etc.) between actual and dual Components. The current work-around is to employ user controlled, file based transfer methods. The next implementation phase will offer transparent data flow through the Component Tunnel, where the user code interacts with the States on the actual and dual side in the same way as if they were the same Component.

21 State Class

21.1 Description

A State contains the data and metadata to be transferred between ESMF Components. It is an important class, because it defines a standard for how data is represented in data transfers between Earth science components. The State construct is a rational compromise between a fully prescribed interface - one that would dictate what specific fields should be transferred between components - and an interface in which data structures are completely ad hoc.

There are two types of States, import and export. An import State contains data that is necessary for a Gridded Component or Coupler Component to execute, and an export State contains the data that a Gridded Component or Coupler Component can make available.

States can contain Arrays, ArrayBundles, Fields, FieldBundles, and other States. They cannot directly contain native language arrays (i.e. Fortran or C style arrays). Objects in a State must span the VM on which they are running. For sequentially executing components which run on the same set of PETs this happens by calling the object create methods on each PET, creating the object in unison. For concurrently executing components which are running on subsets of PETs, an additional method, called ESMF_StateReconcile(), is provided by ESMF to broadcast information about objects which were created in sub-components.

State methods include creation and deletion, adding and retrieving data items, adding and retrieving attributes, and performing queries.

21.2 Constants


Specifies whether a ESMF_State contains data to be imported into a component or exported from a component.

The type of this flag is:


The valid values are:

Contains data to be imported into a component.
Contains data to be exported out of a component.
Contains data that is not exposed outside of a component.
The intent has not been specified.


Specifies the type of object being added to or retrieved from an ESMF_State.

The type of this flag is:


The valid values are:

Refers to an ESMF_Array within an ESMF_State.
Refers to an ESMF_Array within an ESMF_State.
Refers to a ESMF_Field within an ESMF_State.
Refers to a ESMF_FieldBundle within an ESMF_State.
Refers to a ESMF_RouteHandle within an ESMF_State.
Refers to a ESMF_State within an ESMF_State.

21.3 Use and Examples

A Gridded Component generally has one associated import State and one export State. Generally the States associated with a Gridded Component will be created by the Gridded Component's parent component. In many cases, the States will be created containing no data. Both the empty States and the newly created Gridded Component are passed by the parent component into the Gridded Component's initialize method. This is where the States get prepared for use and the import State is first filled with data.

States can be filled with data items that do not yet have data allocated. Fields, FieldBundles, Arrays, and ArrayBundles each have methods that support their creation without actual data allocation - the Grid and Attributes are set up but no Fortran array of data values is allocated. In this approach, when a State is passed into its associated Gridded Component's initialize method, the incomplete Arrays, Fields, FieldBundles, and ArrayBundles within the State can allocate or reference data inside the initialize method.

States are passed through the interfaces of the Gridded and Coupler Components' run methods in order to carry data between the components. While we expect a Gridded Component's import State to be filled with data during initialization, its export State will typically be filled over the course of its run method. At the end of a Gridded Component's run method, the filled export State is passed out through the argument list into a Coupler Component's run method. We recommend the convention that it enters the Coupler Component as the Coupler Component's import State. Here the data is transformed into a form that another Gridded Component requires, and passed out of the Coupler Component as its export State. It can then be passed into the run method of a recipient Gridded Component as that component's import State.

While the above sounds complicated, the rule is simple: a State going into a component is an import State, and a State leaving a component is an export State.

Objects inside States are normally created in unison where each PET executing a component makes the same object create call. If the object contains data, like a Field, each PET may have a different local chunk of the entire dataset but each Field has the same name and is logically one part of a single distributed object. As States are passed between components, if any object in a State was not created in unison on all the current PETs then some PETs have no object to pass into a communication method (e.g. regrid or data redistribution). The ESMF_StateReconcile() method must be called to broadcast information about these objects to all PETs in a component; after which all PETs have a single uniform view of all objects and metadata.

If components are running in sequential mode on all available PETs and States are being passed between them there is no need to call ESMF_StateReconcile since all PETs have a uniform view of the objects. However, if components are running on a subset of the PETs, as is usually the case when running in concurrent mode, then when States are passed into components which contain a superset of those PETs, for example, a Coupler Component, all PETs must call ESMF_StateReconcile on the States before using them in any ESMF communication methods. The reconciliation process broadcasts information about objects which exist only on a subset of the PETs. On PETs missing those objects it creates a proxy object which contains any qualities of the original object plus enough information for it to be a data source or destination for a regrid or data redistribution operation.

21.4 Restrictions and Future Work

  1. No synchronization of object IDs at object create time - Unison Rule: Object IDs are used during the reconcile process to identify objects which are unknown to some subset of the PETs in the currently running VM. Object IDs are assigned in sequential order at object create time across the context of the current VM without communication. This design was requested by the user community during ESMF object design to reduce communication and synchronization overhead when creating distributed ESMF objects. As a consequence it is required to create distributed ESMF objects in unison across all PETs of the current VM in order to keep the ESMF object identification in sync.

    Violation of the unison rule will lead to undefined behavior when reconciling a State that contains objects with inconsistent object IDs.

  2. Info keys on top level State not reconciled without actual objects present from the relevant sub-context. One of the actions of the ESMF_StateReconcile() method is to reconcile the Info keys of the State object itself. The endresult is that the reconciled State has the same Info keys on all of the PETs of the VM across which it was reconciled – albeit with potentially different values across PETs (see the ESMF_StateReconcile() API doc for more details). An edge case for which ESMF_StateReconcile() does not provide Info key reconcilation is when keys were added under a component executing on a subset of PETs (compared to the reconciling VM), but no actual object (Field, FieldBundle, Array, ArrayBundle, or nested State) was added under the VM of that sub-context.

    The situation of unreconciled Info keys across PETs for an ESMF State is not an error condition per-se, however, it can lead to unexpected behavior in downstream code. Specifically if such code expects to find consistent Info keys across all PETs. If this is the case, care should be taken to ensure actual objects are added to the top level State on the sub-context PETs where new Info keys are added.

21.5 Design and Implementation Notes

  1. States contain the name of the associated Component, a flag for Import or Export, and a list of data objects, which can be a combination of FieldBundles, Fields, and/or Arrays. The objects must be named and have the proper attributes so they can be identified by the receiver of the data. For example, units and other detailed information may need to be associated with the data as an Attribute.

  2. Data contained in States must be created in unison on each PET of the current VM. This allows the creation process to avoid doing communications since each PET can compute any information it needs to know about any remote PET (for example, the grid distribute method can compute the decomposition of the grid on not only the local PET but also the remote PETs since it knows each PET is making the identical call). For all PETs to have a consistent view of the data this means objects must be given unique names when created, or all objects must be created in the same order on all PETs so ESMF can generate consistent default names for the objects.

    When running components on subsets of the original VM all the PETs can create consistent objects but then when they are put into a State and passed to a component with a different VM and a different set of PETs, a communication call (reconcile) must be made to communicate the missing information to the PETs which were not involved in the original object creation. The reconcile call broadcasts object lists; those PETs which are missing any objects in the total list can receive enough information to reconstruct a proxy object which contains all necessary information about that object, with no local data, on that PET. These proxy objects can be queried by ESMF routines to determine the amount of data and what PETs contain data which is destined to be moved to the local PET (for receiving data) and conversely, can determine which other PETs are going to receive data and how much (for sending data).

    For example, the FieldExcl system test creates 2 Gridded Components on separate subsets of PETs. They use the option of mapping particular, non-monotonic PETs to DEs. The following figures illustrate how the DEs are mapped in each of the Gridded Components in that test:

    Figure 7: The mapping of PETs (processors) to DEs (data) in the source grid created by user_model1.F90 in the FieldExcl system test.

    Figure 8: The mapping of PETs (processors) to DEs (data) in the destination grid created by user_model2.F90 in the FieldExcl system test.

    In the coupler code, all PETs must make the reconcile call before accessing data in the State. On PETs which already contain data, the objects are unchanged. On PETs which were not involved during the creation of the FieldBundles or Fields, the reconcile call adds an object to the State which contains all the same metadata associated with the object, but creates a slightly different Grid object, called a Proxy Grid. These PETs contain no local data, so the Array object is empty, and the DELayout for the Grid is like this:

    Figure 9: The mapping of PETs (processors) to DEs (data) in the source grid after the reconcile call in user_coupler.F90 in the FieldExcl system test.

    Figure 10: The mapping of PETs (processors) to DEs (data) in the destination grid after the reconcile call in user_coupler.F90 in the FieldExcl system test.

21.6 Object Model

The following is a simplified UML diagram showing the structure of the State class. States can contain FieldBundles, Fields, Arrays, or nested States. See Appendix A, A Brief Introduction to UML, for a translation table that lists the symbols in the diagram and their meaning.


21.7 Class API

22 Attachable Methods

22.1 Description

ESMF allows user methods to be attached to Components and States. Providing this capability supports a more object oriented way of model design.

Attachable methods on Components can be used to implement the concept of generic Components where the specialization requires attaching methods with well defined names. This methods are then called by the generic Component code.

Attaching methods to States can be used to supply data operations along with the data objects inside of a State object. This can be useful where a producer Component not only supplies a data set, but also the associated processing functionality. This can be more efficient than providing all of the possible sets of derived data.

22.2 Use and Examples

The following examples demonstrate how a producer Component attaches a user defined method to a State, and how it implements the method. The attached method is then executed by the consumer Component.

22.3 Restrictions and Future Work

  1. Not reconciled. Attachable Methods are PET-local settings on an object. Currently Attachable Methods cannot be reconciled (i.e. ignored during ESMF_StateReconcile()).
  2. No copy nor move. Currently Attachable Methods cannot be copied or moved between objects.

22.4 Class API

23 Web Services

23.1 Description

The goal of the ESMF Web Services is to provide the tools to allow ESMF Users to make their Components available via a web service. The first step is to make the Component a service, and then make it accessible via the Web.

Figure 11: The diagram describes the ESMF Web Services software architecture. The architecture defines a multi-tiered set of applications that provide a flexible approach for accessing model components.

At the heart of this architecture is the Component Service; this is the application that does the model work. The ESMF Web Services part provides a way to make the model accessible via a network API (Application Programming Interface). ESMF provides the tools to turn a model component into a service as well as the tools to access the service from the network.

The Process Controller is a stand-alone application that provides a control mechanism between the end user and the Component Service. The Process Controller is responsible for managing client information as well as restricting client access to a Component Service. (The role of the Process Controller is expected to expand in the future.)

The tomcat/axis2 application provides the access via the Web using standard SOAP protocols. Part of this application includes the SOAP interface definition (using a WSDL file) as well as some java code that provides the access to the Process Controller application.

Finally, the Registrar maintains a list of Component Services that are currently available; Component Services register themselves with the Registrar when they startup, and unregister themselves when they shutdown. The list of available services is maintained in an XML file and is accessible from the Registrar using its network API.

23.1.1 Creating a Service around a Component

23.1.2 Code Modifications

One of the goals in providing the tools to make Components into services was to make the process as simple and easy as possible. Any model component that has been implemented using the ESMF Component Framework can easily be turned into a Component Services with just a minor change to the Application driver code. (For details on the ESMF Framework, see the ESMF Developers Documentation.)

The primary function in ESMF Web Services is the ESMF_WebServicesLoop routine. This function registers the Component Service with the Registrar and then sets up a network socket service that listens for requests from a client. It starts a loop that waits for incoming requests and manages the routing of these requests to all PETs. It is also responsible for making sure the appropriate ESMF routine (ESMF_Initialize, ESMF_Run or ESMF_Finalize) is called based on the incoming request. When the client has completed its interaction with the Component Service, the loop will be terminated and it will unregister the Component Service from the Registrar.

To make all of this happen, the Application Driver just needs to replace its calls to ESMF_Initialize, ESMF_Run, and ESMF_Finalize with a single call to ESMF_WebServicesLoop.

	use ESMF_WebServMod

	call ESMF_WebServicesLoop(gridComponent, portNumber, returnCode)

That's all there is to turning an ESMF Component into a network-accessible ESMF Component Service. For a detailed example of an ESMF Component turned into an ESMF Component Service, see the Examples in the Web Services section of the Developer' Guide.

23.1.3 Accessing the Service

Now that the Component is available as a service, it can be accessed remotely by any client that can communicate via TCP sockets. The ESMF library, in addition to providing the service tools, also provides the classes to create C++ clients to access the Component Service via the socket interface.

However, the goal of ESMF Web Services is to make an ESMF Component accessible through a standard web service, which is accomplished through the Process Controller and the Tomcat/Axis2 applications

23.1.4 Client Application via C++ API

Interfacing to a Component service is fairly simple using the ESMF library. The following code is a simple example of how to interface to a Component Service in C++ and request the initialize operation (the entire sample client can be found in the Web Services examples section of the ESMF Distribution):

	#include "ESMCI_WebServCompSvrClient.h"

	int  main(int  argc, char*  argv[])
   	    int    portNum = 27060;
      	    int    clientId = 101;
   	    int    rc = ESMF_SUCCESS;

                         client("localhost", portNum, clientId);

   	    rc = client.init();
   	    printf("Initialize return code: %d\n", rc);

To see a complete description of the NetEsmfClient class, refer to the netesmf library section of the Web Services Reference Manual.

23.1.5 Process Controller

The Process Controller is basically just a instance of a C++ client application. It manages client access to the Component Service (only 1 client can access the service at a time), and will eventually be responsible for starting up and shutting down instances of Component Services (planned for a future release). The Process Controller application is built with the ESMF library and is included in the apps section of the distribution.

23.1.6 Tomcat/Axis2

The Tomcat/Axis2 "application" is essentially the Apache Tomcat server using the Apache Axis2 servlet to implement web services using SOAP protocols. The web interface is defined by a WSDL file, and its implementation is handled by the Component Connector java code. Tomcat and Axis2 are both open source projects that should be downloaded from the Apache web site, but the WSDL file, the Component Connector java code, and all required software for supporting the interface can be found next to the ESMF distribution in the web_services_server directory. This code is not included with the ESMF distribution because they can be distributed and installed independent of each other.

23.2 Use and Examples

The following examples demonstrate how to use ESMF Web Services.

23.3 Restrictions and Future Work

  1. Manual Control of Process. Currently, the Component Service must be manually started and stopped. Future plans include having the Process Controller be responsible for controlling the Component Service processes.
  2. Data Streaming. While data can be streamed from the web server to the client, it is not yet getting the data directly from the Component Service. Instead, the Component Service exports the data to a file which the Process Controller can read and return across the network interface. The data streaming capabilities will be a major component of future improvements to the Web Services architecture.

23.4 Class API