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3 Writing and Testing a NUOPC Cap for your Model

While there is no one right way to write the NUOPC Model cap code, the following recommended steps represent an incremental approach to developing the cap.

  1. Install ESMF and NUOPC on the Target Machine (3.1)
  2. Prepare Your Model Code (3.2)
  3. Choose a Configuration of Your Model for Development (3.3)
  4. Integrate a Cap Template into Your Codebase (3.4)
  5. Modify Your Build to Generate a NUOPC Makefile Fragment (3.5)
  6. Initialize Your Model from the Cap (3.6)
  7. Call Your Model's Run Subroutine from the Cap (3.7)
  8. Run the Cap with a NUOPC Driver (3.8)
  9. Split Up the Initialization Phases (3.9)
  10. Test and Validate Your Cap (3.10)

3.1 Install ESMF and NUOPC on the Target Machine

First, you need to ensure the prerequisite software is available on the target system.

The primary prerequisite software is the NUOPC library, which is included with the ESMF distribution, and your model, including any of its dependencies.

Acquire ESMF version 7 from SourceForge:

$ git archive --remote=git:// \ 
    --format=tar --prefix=esmf/ ESMF\_7\_0\_0 | tar xf -

Compile and install ESMF. Full installation details can be found in the ESMF User Guide. An example of the basic procedure for one particular system is outlined below.

 # set environment variables for build
 # the actual settings depend on your platform
 # and the compilation options you select
 $ export ESMF_DIR=/path/to/esmf
 $ export ESMF_COMPILER=gfortran
 $ export ESMF_COMM=openmpi
 $ export ESMF_PIO=internal
 $ export ESMF_NETCDF=split
 $ export ESMF_NETCDF_INCLUDE=/usr/include
 $ export ESMF_NETCDF_LIBS="-lnetcdff -lnetcdf"
 $ export ESMF_NETCDF_LIBPATH=/usr/lib
 $ export ESMF_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install

 # build
 $ cd /path/to/esmf
 $ gmake
 $ gmake check
 $ gmake install

3.2 Prepare Your Model Code

Before starting a NUOPC cap implementation, your model must already be modularized such that it can be built by itself and does not contain hard dependencies to other model components. For example, if the model targeted for NUOPC compliance is a subsystem embedded in a larger application, the model will first need to be extracted such that it can be built by itself as a library.

The model also needs to be roughly divided into several execution methods: initialize, run, and finalize. Each of these methods may contain several phases. The run method should allow the model to execute a single timestep, or accept a parameter defining the number of timesteps or a ``run until'' time.

Your NUOPC cap code will be cleanest if your model exposes data structures for input and output variables with clear, well-documented naming conventions. This will simplify the process of hooking up fields in the NUOPC cap to your model's data structures. The NUOPC Field Dictionary uses the Climate and Forecast conventions for defining field standard names, but can support field name aliases.

Finally, the model should not use the global MPI_WORLD_COMM communicator explicitly, but should accept a communicator at some point during startup. A global search and replace can be used to replace all uses of MPI_WORLD_COMM with a different communicator defined as a global variable in your model.

3.3 Choose a Configuration of Your Model for Development

When implementing the NUOPC interfaces for your model, you want to get into an efficient edit-compile-debug cycle. This will require running a configuration of your model that can be used to test the NUOPC code you will write.

You should choose a configuration of your model that is simple and stable. Many models have regression test configurations that can be run quickly and have small output files. These configurations are typically low resolution, have short execution times, and sometimes have idealized initial conditions. Some models can also be configured with some of the physics options turned off to reduce the total amount of computation. More scientifically interesting or higher resolution configurations can be used after ensuring that the NUOPC cap is working for the basic case.

Compile your model on the target system and generate baseline output for the selected configuration. This will typically be a small set of history or restart files. We'll use these files later to ensure that your model is reproducing the expected output when executed through the NUOPC cap. In most cases, when your model is executed through its NUOPC cap, the output should be bit-for-bit identical with non-NUOPC runs. (The one caveat to this is that when your model is used in a coupled system, roundoff error may occur due to slight differences introduced when grid interpolation is used between models.)

If your model is already using ESMF, you will need to update your build to link against ESMF version 7 or later. Instructions for checking out this version of ESMF appear in section 3.1.

3.4 Integrate a Cap Template into Your Codebase

An important question is where you will put your NUOPC cap source code. The NUOPC cap code added to a model is minimal and is typically contained either in a single source file or a small set of files. We recommend including the NUOPC cap code in the same code repository with the rest of your model code as this helps to ensure the cap evolves with your code and simplifies the process of acquiring a NUOPC-compliant version of your model. The exact right place to put the cap code is your decision and largely depends on your model's directory structure.

Including the cap code in your model's codebase does not imply that your model must always be run in NUOPC mode. Instead, when the cap is complete, the NUOPC mode can be viewed as a configuration option of your model.

You need not start from scratch. Instead start with a NUOPC cap template. To acquire a cap template you can:

Put the initial cap code into your model source tree. Then, modify your Makefile or build scripts so that the cap is compiled with the rest of your model code. Unless your model is already using ESMF, you'll need to add ESMF compile and linking flags in order to build the cap. When ESMF is installed, a Makefile fragment named is generated that contains variables that can be appended to your compile and link flags. The ESMF User Guide explains how to use these variables in your Makefile.

3.5 Modify Your Build to Generate a NUOPC Makefile Fragment

The goal of adding a NUOPC cap to your model is so that it can be used with other NUOPC-compliant models in a coupled system. From a technical standpoint, there are several ways that your model code can be included into a final coupled system binary. Two common options are to link to your model statically and to link it in dynamically from a shared library.

In either case, to simplify the process of compiling and linking against your model, your model's build process should produce a Makefile fragment file that defines the following six variables:

The name of the Fortran module to be used in a USE statement, or (if it ends in ''.h'') the name of the header file to be used in an #include statement, or (if it ends in ''.so'') the name of the shared object to be loaded at run-time.

The include path to find module or header files during compilation. Must be specified as absolute path.

Object files that need to be considered as compile dependencies. Must be specified with absolute path.

Object files that need to be considered as link dependencies. Must be specified with absolute path.

The path to find shared libraries during link-time (and during run-time unless overridden by LD_LIBRARY_PATH). Must be specified as absolute path.

Shared libraries that need to be specified during link-time, and must be available during run-time. Must be specified with absolute path.

An example makefile fragment useful for statically linking against your model looks like this:

   ESMF\_DEP\_FRONT      = ABC
   ESMF\_DEP\_INCPATH    = <absolute path to associated ABC module file>
   ESMF\_DEP\_CMPL\_OBJS  = <absolute path>/abc.o
   ESMF\_DEP\_LINK\_OBJS  = <absolute path>/abc.o <absolute path>/xyz.o

The variables in the makefile fragment expose a set of dependencies that the higher-level build system can use to compile and link against your model. An easy way to generate the makefile fragment is to modify your model's Makefile to include a new target:

   .PRECIOUS: %.o %.o
      @echo "# ESMF self-describing build dependency makefile fragment" > $@
      @echo >> $@
      @echo "ESMF\_DEP\_FRONT      = ABC"                          >> $@
      @echo "ESMF\_DEP\_INCPATH    = `pwd`"                        >> $@
      @echo "ESMF\_DEP\_CMPL\_OBJS = `pwd`/"$<                     >> $@
      @echo "ESMF\_DEP\_LINK\_OBJS = "$(addprefix `pwd`/, $(OBJS)) >> $@
      @echo "ESMF\_DEP\_SHRD\_PATH = "                             >> $@
      @echo "ESMF\_DEP\_SHRD\_LIBS = "                             >> $@ $(OBJS)

The Standardized Component Dependencies section of the NUOPC Reference Manual contains more details on setting up NUOPC makefile fragments.

Finally, if your build procedure typically produces an executable, it is recommended that you add a Makefile target (or similar build option) that produces a library instead of an executable. When used in a NUOPC system, your model's main program will not be used-instead, a NUOPC_Driver will be linked to your cap and it will be the locus of control (i.e., the main program).

Makefile Target Conventions

If your model is built using Make, a common convention is to add two special targets that build your model and also compile the NUOPC code you will write.

 # this target builds your model and your NUOPC cap 
 $ make nuopc
 # this target installs your NUOPC-compliant model to a particular directory
 $ make nuopcinstall DESTDIR=/path/to/install

3.6 Initialize Your Model from the Cap

The cap template you placed in your source tree is not yet connected to your model. You now need to add a call into your model's existing initialization subroutine(s).

NUOPC defines a precise initialization sequence-i.e., a series of steps that all NUOPC components are expected to take when starting up. Some of the steps are optional and some are required. This initialization sequence is encoded in the Initialize Phase Definition (IPD), which includes several different versions in order to allow for extension of the initialization sequence for future releases of NUOPC and to support backward compatibility.

Instead of tackling the full NUOPC initialization sequence at this point in developing your cap, we recommend that you start by adding calls in your cap's first initialization phase to your model's existing initialization subroutine(s). A good place to do this is within the Advertise Fields initialization phase. This is the phase where each component ``advertises'' the fields it requires and can potentially provide.

You will need to add use statements at the top if your cap to import the relevant initialization subroutines from your model into the NUOPC cap module. The example code in section 3.11 shows where to add the call to your model's initialization subroutine(s).

In the next section you will add another call into your model code before attempting to execute your NUOPC cap.

3.7 Call Your Model's Run Subroutine from the Cap

The Advance specialization point provided by the NUOPC Model generic component is the place where you will call your model's timestep subroutine. You should add this call now. Refer to the example code in section 3.11 below to see where to add this call.

This call should only move the model forward a single timestep, not the full run length. If the subroutine requires a parameter such as the timestep length or the time to stop, then these parameters can be retrieved from the cap's ESMF_Clock object.

If your model does not have a subroutine that takes a single timestep, you will need to create one now.

3.8 Run the Cap with a NUOPC Driver

Now you should test the basic cap you have implemented. First, build your model along with the cap code using your model's build script or Makefile. If you followed the procedure in section 3.5, your build process should have produced a NUOPC Makefile fragment file in addition to the compiled object files (or library).

One option for testing the cap is to run it using the NUOPC Component Explorer, a specialized NUOPC_Driver designed to execute any NUOPC_Model. Complete instructions for acquiring the Component Explorer and linking it to your NUOPC cap are available.

The instructions above also describe how to turn on the NUOPC Compliance Checker while running the Component Explorer. The Compliance Checker produces additional output in the ESMF log files that is useful for debugging. It also produces WARNINGS in the logs if a compliance issue is identified. When running with the basic cap, you should not necessarily expect to have all compliance issues resolved.

3.9 Split Up the Initialization Phases

Once the basic cap described above can be executed using the Component Explorer, you should modify the cap to implement the required initialization sequence as described in the NUOPC reference manual. This includes advertising fields with standard names and realizing fields by creating ESMF_Field objects to wrap your model variables. As part of this process, you will need to describe your model's grid structure using the ESMF geometric classes, e.g., ESMF_Grid and ESMF_Mesh.

3.10 Test and Validate Your Cap

After splitting up the initilization phases, rebuild your model and execute it again using the Component Explorer with the Compliance Checker turned on. Ideally, you should see no compliance WARNINGS in the generated log files.

To validate that the NUOPC cap is faithfully reproducing your model's behavior when run in non-NUOPC mode, you should compare your model's output when run with the NUOPC cap against a baseline run. This is the best test to ensure that the cap is working correctly. If the NUOPC cap reproduces your baseline run, you are ready to integrate your NUOPC Model cap into a coupled system with other NUOPC components.

3.11 Example NUOPC Model cap

The following code is a starting point for creating a basic NUOPC Model cap.

module MYMODEL

  ! Basic NUOPC Model cap

  use ESMF
  use NUOPC
  use NUOPC_Model, &
    model_routine_SS    => SetServices, &
    model_label_Advance => label_Advance
  ! add use statements for your model's initialization
  ! and run subroutines
  implicit none
  public :: SetServices
  subroutine SetServices(model, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)  :: model
    integer, intent(out) :: rc
    ! the NUOPC model component will register the generic methods
    call NUOPC_CompDerive(model, model_routine_SS, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=__FILE__)) &
      return  ! bail out
    ! set entry point for methods that require specific implementation
    call NUOPC_CompSetEntryPoint(model, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE, &
      phaseLabelList=(/"IPDv04p1"/), userRoutine=AdvertiseFields, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=__FILE__)) &
      return  ! bail out
    call NUOPC_CompSetEntryPoint(model, ESMF_METHOD_INITIALIZE, &
      phaseLabelList=(/"IPDv04p3"/), userRoutine=RealizeFields, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=__FILE__)) &
      return  ! bail out
    ! attach specializing method(s)
    call NUOPC_CompSpecialize(model, specLabel=model_label_Advance, &
      specRoutine=ModelAdvance, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=__FILE__)) &
      return  ! bail out
  end subroutine

  subroutine AdvertiseFields(model, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)  :: model
    type(ESMF_State)     :: importState, exportState
    type(ESMF_Clock)     :: clock
    integer, intent(out) :: rc
    rc = ESMF_SUCCESS 
    ! Eventually, you will advertise your model's import and
    ! export fields in this phase.  For now, however, call
    ! your model's initialization routine(s).
    ! call my_model_init()
  end subroutine

  subroutine RealizeFields(model, importState, exportState, clock, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)  :: model
    type(ESMF_State)     :: importState, exportState
    type(ESMF_Clock)     :: clock
    integer, intent(out) :: rc
    rc = ESMF_SUCCESS  
    ! Eventually, you will realize your model's fields here,
    ! but leave empty for now.

  end subroutine

  subroutine ModelAdvance(model, rc)
    type(ESMF_GridComp)  :: model
    integer, intent(out) :: rc
    ! local variables
    type(ESMF_Clock)              :: clock
    type(ESMF_State)              :: importState, exportState

    ! query the Component for its clock, importState and exportState
    call NUOPC_ModelGet(model, modelClock=clock, importState=importState, &
      exportState=exportState, rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=__FILE__)) &
      return  ! bail out

    ! HERE THE MODEL ADVANCES: currTime -> currTime + timeStep
    ! Because of the way that the internal Clock was set by default,
    ! its timeStep is equal to the parent timeStep. As a consequence the
    ! currTime + timeStep is equal to the stopTime of the internal Clock
    ! for this call of the ModelAdvance() routine.

    call ESMF_ClockPrint(clock, options="currTime", &
      preString="------>Advancing MODEL from: ", rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=__FILE__)) &
      return  ! bail out
    call ESMF_ClockPrint(clock, options="stopTime", &
      preString="--------------------------------> to: ", rc=rc)
    if (ESMF_LogFoundError(rcToCheck=rc, msg=ESMF_LOGERR_PASSTHRU, &
      line=__LINE__, &
      file=__FILE__)) &
      return  ! bail out

    ! Call your model's timestep routine here
    ! call my_model_update()
  end subroutine

end module

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