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5 Infrastructure: Utilities

21 Overview of Infrastructure Utility Classes

The ESMF utilities are a set of tools for quickly assembling modeling applications.

The Time Management Library provides utilities for time and time interval representation, as well as a higher-level utility, a clock, that controls model time stepping.

The ESMF Config class provides configuration management based on NASA DAO's Inpak package, a collection of methods for accessing files containing input parameters stored in an ASCII format.

The ESMF LogErr class consists of a method for writing error, warning, and informational messages to a default Log file that is created during ESMF initialization.

The ESMF VM (Virtual Machine) class provides methods for querying information about a VM. A VM is a generic representation of hardware and system software resources. There is exactly one VM object per ESMF Component, providing the execution environment for the Component code. The VM class handles all resource management tasks for the Component class and provides a description of the underlying configuration of the compute resources used by a Component. In addition to resource description and management, the VM class offers the lowest level of ESMF communication methods.

22 Time Manager Utility

The ESMF Time Manager utility includes software for time and time interval representation, as well as model time advancement. Since multi-component geophysical applications often require synchronization across the time management schemes of the individual components, the Time Manager's standard calendars and consistent time representation promote component interoperability.

Key Features
Drift-free timekeeping through an integer-based internal time representation. Both integers and reals can be specified at the interface.
Support for many calendar types.
Support for both concurrent and sequential modes of component execution.

22.1 Time Manager Classes

There are four ESMF classes that represent time concepts:

22.2 Calendar

The set of supported calendars includes:
The standard Gregorian calendar.
The Gregorian calendar with no leap years.
The standard Julian date calendar.
Julian Day
The standard Julian days calendar.
Modified Julian Day
The Modified Julian days calendar.
A 30-day-per-month, 12-month-per-year calendar.
no calendar
Tracks only elapsed model time in hours, minutes, seconds.
See Section 23.1 for more details on supported standard calendars, and how to create a customized ESMF Calendar.

22.3 Time Instants and TimeIntervals

TimeIntervals and Time instants (simply called Times) are the computational building blocks of the Time Manager utility. Times support different queries for values of individual Time components such as year and hour. See Sections 24.1 and 25.1, respectively, for use of Times and TimeIntervals.

22.4 Clocks

It is useful to identify a higher-level concept to repeatedly step a Time forward by a TimeInterval. We refer to this capability as a Clock, and include in its required features the ability to store the start and stop times of a model run, and to query the value of quantities such as the current time and the number of time steps taken. Applications may contain temporary or multiple Clocks. Section 26.1 describes the use of Clocks in detail.

23 Calendar Class

23.1 Description

The Calendar class represents the standard calendars used in geophysical modeling: Gregorian, Julian, Julian Day, Modified Julian Day, no-leap, 360-day, and no-calendar. Brief descriptions are provided for each calendar below.

23.2 Calendar Options

23.2.1 ESMC_CalendarType

Supported calendar types.

Valid values are:

Valid range: machine limits
In the 360-day calendar, there are 12 months, each of which has 30 days. Like the no-leap calendar, this is a simple approximation to the Gregorian calendar sometimes used by modelers.

Valid range: 3/1/4801 BC to 10/29/292,277,019,914
The Gregorian calendar is the calendar currently in use throughout Western countries. Named after Pope Gregory XIII, it is a minor correction to the older Julian calendar. In the Gregorian calendar every fourth year is a leap year in which February has 29 and not 28 days; however, years divisible by 100 are not leap years unless they are also divisible by 400. As in the Julian calendar, days begin at midnight.

Valid range: 3/1/4713 BC to 4/24/292,271,018,333
The Julian calendar was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C., and reached its final form in 4 A.D. The Julian calendar differs from the Gregorian only in the determination of leap years, lacking the correction for years divisible by 100 and 400 in the Gregorian calendar. In the Julian calendar, any year is a leap year if divisible by 4. Days are considered to begin at midnight.

Valid range: +/- 1x10$^{14}$
Julian days simply enumerate the days and fraction of a day which have elapsed since the start of the Julian era, defined as beginning at noon on Monday, 1st January of year 4713 B.C. in the Julian calendar. Julian days, unlike the dates in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, begin at noon.

Valid range: +/- 1x10$^{14}$
The Modified Julian Day (MJD) was introduced by space scientists in the late 1950's. It is defined as an offset from the Julian Day (JD):

MJD = JD - 2400000.5

The half day is subtracted so that the day starts at midnight.

Valid range: machine limits
The no-calendar option simply tracks the elapsed model time in seconds.

Valid range: machine limits
The no-leap calendar is the Gregorian calendar with no leap years - February is always assumed to have 28 days. Modelers sometimes use this calendar as a simple, close approximation to the Gregorian calendar.

23.3 Class API

23.3.1 ESMC_CalendarCreate - Create a Calendar


 ESMC_Calendar ESMC_CalendarCreate(
   const char *name,                      // in
   enum ESMC_CalendarType calendartype,   // in
   int *rc                                // out
    Newly created ESMC_Calendar object.

Creates and sets a ESMC_Calendar object to the given built-in ESMC_CalendarType.

The arguments are:

The name for the newly created Calendar. If not specified, i.e. NULL, a default unique name will be generated: "CalendarNNN" where NNN is a unique sequence number from 001 to 999.
The built-in ESMC_CalendarType. Valid values are: ESMC_CAL_360DAY, ESMC_CAL_GREGORIAN, ESMC_CAL_JULIAN, ESMC_CAL_JULIANDAY, ESMC_CAL_MODJULIANDAY, ESMC_CAL_NOCALENDAR, and ESMC_CAL_NOLEAP. See Section 23.2 for a description of each calendar type.
Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

23.3.2 ESMC_CalendarDestroy - Destroy a Calendar


 int ESMC_CalendarDestroy(
   ESMC_Calendar *calendar   // inout
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Releases all resources associated with this ESMC_Calendar.

The arguments are:

Destroy contents of this ESMC_Calendar.

23.3.3 ESMC_CalendarPrint - Print a Calendar


 int ESMC_CalendarPrint(
   ESMC_Calendar calendar   // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Prints out an ESMC_Calendar's properties to stdio, in support of testing and debugging.

The arguments are:

ESMC_Calendar object to be printed.

24 Time Class

24.1 Description

A Time represents a specific point in time.

There are Time methods defined for setting and getting a Time.

A Time that is specified in hours does not need to be associated with a standard calendar; use ESMC_CAL_NOCALENDAR. A Time whose specification includes time units of a year must be associated with a standard calendar. The ESMF representation of a calendar, the Calendar class, is described in Section 23.1. The ESMC_TimeSet method is used to initialize a Time as well as associate it with a Calendar. If a Time method is invoked in which a Calendar is necessary and one has not been set, the ESMF method will return an error condition.

In the ESMF the TimeInterval class is used to represent time periods. This class is frequently used in combination with the Time class. The Clock class, for example, advances model time by incrementing a Time with a TimeInterval.

24.2 Class API

24.2.1 ESMC_TimeGet - Get a Time value


 int ESMC_TimeGet(
   ESMC_Time time,                         // in
   ESMC_I4 *yy,                            // out
   ESMC_I4 *h,                             // out
   ESMC_Calendar *calendar,                // out
   enum ESMC_CalendarType *calendartype,   // out
   int *timeZone                           // out
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Gets the value of an ESMC_Time in units specified by the user.

The arguments are:

ESMC_Time object to be queried.
Integer year (>= 32-bit).
Integer hours.
Associated ESMC_Calendar.
Associated ESMC_CalendarType.

24.2.2 ESMC_TimePrint - Print a Time


 int ESMC_TimePrint(
   ESMC_Time time   // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Prints out an ESMC_Time's properties to stdio, in support of testing and debugging.

The arguments are:

ESMC_Time object to be printed.

24.2.3 ESMC_TimeSet - Initialize or set a Time


 int ESMC_TimeSet(
   ESMC_Time *time,                       // inout
   ESMC_I4 yy,                            // in
   ESMC_I4 h,                             // in
   ESMC_Calendar calendar,                // in
   enum ESMC_CalendarType calendartype,   // in
   int timeZone                           // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Initializes an ESMC_Time with a set of user-specified units.

The arguments are:

ESMC_Time object to initialize or set.
Integer year (>= 32-bit).
Integer hours.
Associated ESMC_Calendar. If not created, defaults to calendar ESMC_CAL_NOCALENDAR or default specified in ESMC_Initialize(). If created, has precedence over calendarType below.
Specifies associated ESMC_Calendar if calendar argument above not created. More convenient way of specifying a built-in calendar type.

25 TimeInterval Class

25.1 Description

A TimeInterval represents a period between time instants. It can be either positive or negative.

There are TimeInterval methods defined for setting and getting a TimeInterval, for printing the contents of a TimeInterval.

The class used to represent time instants in ESMF is Time, and this class is frequently used in operations along with TimeIntervals. The Clock class, for example, advances model time by incrementing a Time with a TimeInterval.

TimeIntervals are used by other parts of the ESMF timekeeping system, such as Clocks; see Section 26.1.

25.2 Class API

25.2.1 ESMC_TimeIntervalGet - Get a TimeInterval value


 int ESMC_TimeIntervalGet(
   ESMC_TimeInterval timeinterval,   // in
   ESMC_I8 *s_i8,                    // out
   ESMC_R8 *h_r8                     // out
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Gets the value of an ESMC_TimeInteval in units specified by the user.

The arguments are:

ESMC_TimeInterval object to be queried.
Integer seconds (large, >= 64-bit).
Double precision hours.

25.2.2 ESMC_TimeIntervalPrint - Print a TimeInterval


 int ESMC_TimeIntervalPrint(
   ESMC_TimeInterval timeinterval   // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Prints out an ESMC_TimeInterval's properties to stdio, in support of testing and debugging.

The arguments are:

ESMC_TimeInterval object to be printed.

25.2.3 ESMC_TimeIntervalSet - Initialize or set a TimeInterval


 int ESMC_TimeIntervalSet(
   ESMC_TimeInterval *timeinterval,   // inout
   ESMC_I4 h                          // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Sets the value of the ESMC_TimeInterval in units specified by the user.

The arguments are:

ESMC_TimeInterval object to initialize or set.
Integer hours.

26 Clock Class

26.1 Description

The Clock class advances model time and tracks its associated date on a specified Calendar. It stores start time, stop time, current time, and a time step.

There are methods for setting and getting the Times associated with a Clock. Methods are defined for advancing the Clock's current time and printing a Clock's contents.

26.2 Class API

26.2.1 ESMC_ClockAdvance - Advance a Clock's current time by one time step


 int ESMC_ClockAdvance(
   ESMC_Clock clock   // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Advances the ESMC_Clock's current time by one time step.

The arguments are:

ESMC_Clock object to be advanced.

26.2.2 ESMC_ClockCreate - Create a Clock


 ESMC_Clock ESMC_ClockCreate(
   const char *name,             // in
   ESMC_TimeInterval timeStep,   // in
   ESMC_Time startTime,          // in
   ESMC_Time stopTime,           // in
   int *rc                       // out
    Newly created ESMC_Clock object.

Creates and sets the initial values in a new ESMC_Clock object.

The arguments are:

The name for the newly created Clock. If not specified, i.e. NULL, a default unique name will be generated: "ClockNNN" where NNN is a unique sequence number from 001 to 999.
The ESMC_Clock's time step interval, which can be positive or negative.
The ESMC_Clock's starting time. Can be less than or or greater than stopTime, depending on a positive or negative timeStep, respectively, and whether a stopTime is specified; see below.
The ESMC_Clock's stopping time. Can be greater than or less than the startTime, depending on a positive or negative timeStep, respectively.
Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

26.2.3 ESMC_ClockDestroy - Destroy a Clock


 int ESMC_ClockDestroy(
   ESMC_Clock *clock   // inout
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Releases all resources associated with this ESMC_Clock.

The arguments are:

Destroy contents of this ESMC_Clock.

26.2.4 ESMC_ClockGet - Get a Clock's properties


 int ESMC_ClockGet(
   ESMC_Clock clock,                 // in
   ESMC_TimeInterval *currSimTime,   // out
   ESMC_I8 *advanceCount             // out
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Gets one or more of the properties of an ESMC_Clock.

The arguments are:

ESMC_Clock object to be queried.
The current simulation time.
The number of times the ESMC_Clock has been advanced.

26.2.5 ESMC_ClockPrint - Print the contents of a Clock


 int ESMC_ClockPrint(
   ESMC_Clock clock   // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Prints out an ESMC_Clock's properties to stdio, in support of testing and debugging.

The arguments are:

ESMC_Clock object to be printed.

27 Config Class

27.1 Description

ESMF Configuration Management is based on NASA DAO's Inpak 90 package, a Fortran 90 collection of routines/functions for accessing Resource Files in ASCII format.The package is optimized for minimizing formatted I/O, performing all of its string operations in memory using Fortran intrinsic functions.

27.1.1 Package history

The ESMF Configuration Management Package was evolved by Leonid Zaslavsky and Arlindo da Silva from Ipack90 package created by Arlindo da Silva at NASA DAO.

Back in the 70's Eli Isaacson wrote IOPACK in Fortran 66. In June of 1987 Arlindo da Silva wrote Inpak77 using Fortran 77 string functions; Inpak 77 is a vastly simplified IOPACK, but has its own goodies not found in IOPACK. Inpak 90 removes some obsolete functionality in Inpak77, and parses the whole resource file in memory for performance.

27.2 Class API

27.2.1 ESMC_ConfigCreate - Create a Config object


 ESMC_Config ESMC_ConfigCreate(
   int* rc                    // out
    ESMC_Config*  to newly allocated ESMC_Config

Creates an ESMC_Config for use in subsequent calls.

The arguments are:

Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

27.2.2 ESMC_ConfigDestroy - Destroy a Config object


 int ESMC_ConfigDestroy(
   ESMC_Config* config        // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Destroys the config object.

The arguments are:

Already created ESMC_Config object to destroy.

27.2.3 ESMC_ConfigFindLabel - Find a label


 int ESMC_ConfigFindLabel(
   ESMC_Config config,        // in
   const char* label          // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.
    Equals -1 if buffer could not be loaded, -2 if label not found,
    and -3 if invalid operation with index.

Finds the label (key) in the config file.

Since the search is done by looking for a word in the whole resource file, it is important to use special conventions to distinguish labels from other words in the resource files. The DAO convention is to finish line labels by : and table labels by ::.

The arguments are:

Already created ESMC_Config object.
Identifying label.

27.2.4 ESMC_ConfigGetDim - Get table sizes


 int ESMC_ConfigGetDim(
   ESMC_Config config,        // in
   int* lineCount,            // out
   int* columnCount,          // out
   ...                        // optional argument list
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Returns the number of lines in the table in lineCount and the maximum number of words in a table line in columnCount.

The arguments are:

Already created ESMC_Config object.
Returned number of lines in the table.
Returned maximum number of words in a table line.
Identifying label (optional).

Due to this method accepting optional arguments, the final argument must be ESMC_ArgLast.

27.2.5 ESMC_ConfigGetLen - Get the length of the line in words


 int ESMC_ConfigGetLen(
   ESMC_Config config,        // in
   int* wordCount,            // out
   ...                        // optional argument list
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Gets the length of the line in words by counting words disregarding types. Returns the word count as an integer.

The arguments are:

Already created ESMC_Config object.
Returned number of words in the line.
Identifying label. If not specified, use the current line (optional).

Due to this method accepting optional arguments, the final argument must be ESMC_ArgLast.

27.2.6 ESMC_ConfigLoadFile - Load resource file into memory


 int ESMC_ConfigLoadFile(
   ESMC_Config config,        // in
   const char* file,          // in
   ...                        // optional argument list
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Resource file with filename is loaded into memory.

The arguments are:

Already created ESMC_Config object.
Configuration file name.
ESMC_DELayout associated with this config object. **NOTE: This argument is not currently supported.
If specified as true, uniqueness of labels are checked and error code set if duplicates found (optional).

Due to this method accepting optional arguments, the final argument must be ESMC_ArgLast.

27.2.7 ESMC_ConfigNextLine - Find next line


 int ESMC_ConfigNextLine(
   ESMC_Config config,       // in
   int *tableEnd             // out
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Selects the next line (for tables).

The arguments are:

Already created ESMC_Config object.
End of table mark (::) found flag. Returns 1 when found, and 0 when not found.

27.2.8 ESMC_ConfigValidate - Validate a Config object


 int ESMC_ConfigValidate(
   ESMC_Config config,        // in
   ...                        // optional argument list
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.
    Equals ESMF_RC_ATTR_UNUSED if any unused attributes are found
    with option "unusedAttributes" below.

Checks whether a config object is valid.

The arguments are:

Already created ESMC_Config object.
If none specified: simply check that the buffer is not full and the pointers are within range (optional). "unusedAttributes" - Report to the default logfile all attributes not retrieved via a call to ESMC_ConfigGetAttribute() or ESMC_ConfigGetChar(). The attribute name (label) will be logged via ESMC_LogErr with the WARNING log message type. For an array-valued attribute, retrieving at least one value via ESMC_ConfigGetAttribute() or ESMC_ConfigGetChar() constitutes being "used."

Due to this method accepting optional arguments, the final argument must be ESMC_ArgLast.

28 LogErr Class

28.1 Description

The Log class consists of a variety of methods for writing error, warning, and informational messages to files. A default Log is created at ESMF initialization.

When ESMF is started with ESMC_Initialize(), multiple Log files will be created by PET number. The PET number (in the format PETx.) will be prepended to each file name where x is the PET number. The ESMC_LogWrite() call is used to issue messages to the log. As part of the call, a message can be tagged as either an informational, warning, or error message.

The messages may be buffered within ESMF before appearing in the log. All messages will be properly flushed to the log files when ESMC_Finalize() is called.

28.2 Class API

28.2.1 ESMC_LogWrite - Write an entry into the Log file


 int ESMC_LogWrite(
   const char msg[], // in
   int msgtype       // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Write an entry into the Log file.

The arguments are:

The message to be written.
The message type. Can be one of ESMC_LOG_INFO, ESMC_LOG_WARNING, or ESMF_LOG_ERROR.

29 VM Class

29.1 Description

The ESMF VM (Virtual Machine) class is a generic representation of hardware and system software resources. There is exactly one VM object per ESMF Component, providing the execution environment for the Component code. The VM class handles all resource management tasks for the Component class and provides a description of the underlying configuration of the compute resources used by a Component.

In addition to resource description and management, the VM class offers the lowest level of ESMF communication methods. The VM communication calls are very similar to MPI. Data references in VM communication calls must be provided as raw, language specific, one-dimensional, contiguous data arrays. The similarity between VM and MPI communication calls is striking and there are many equivalent point-to-point and collective communication calls. However, unlike MPI, the VM communication calls support communication between threaded PETs in a completely transparent fashion.

Many ESMF applications do not interact with the VM class directly very much. The resource management aspect is wrapped completely transparent into the ESMF Component concept. Often the only reason that user code queries a Component object for the associated VM object is to inquire about resource information, such as the localPet or the petCount. Further, for most applications the use of higher level communication APIs, such as provided by Array and Field, are much more convenient than using the low level VM communication calls.

The basic elements of a VM are called PETs, which stands for Persistent Execution Threads. These are equivalent to OS threads with a lifetime of at least that of the associated component. All VM functionality is expressed in terms of PETs. In the simplest, and most common case, a PET is equivalent to an MPI process. However, ESMF also supports multi-threading, where multiple PETs run as Pthreads inside the same virtual address space (VAS).

29.2 Class API

29.2.1 ESMC_VMGet - Get VM internals


 int ESMC_VMGet(
   ESMC_VM vm,                   // in
   int *localPet,                // out
   int *petCount,                // out
   int *peCount,                 // out
   MPI_Comm *mpiCommunicator,    // out
   int *pthreadsEnabledFlag,     // out
   int *openMPEnabledFlag        // out
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Get internal information about the specified ESMC_VM object.

The arguments are:

Queried ESMC_VM object.
Upon return this holds the id of the PET that issued this call.
Upon return this holds the number of PETs in the specified ESMC_VM object.
Upon return this holds the number of PEs referenced by the specified ESMC_VM object.
Upon return this holds the MPI intra-communicator used by the specified ESMC_VM object. This communicator may be used for user-level MPI communications. It is recommended that the user duplicates the communicator via MPI_Comm_Dup() in order to prevent any interference with ESMF communications.
A return value of '1' indicates that the ESMF library was compiled with Pthreads enabled. A return value of '0' indicates that Pthreads are disabled in the ESMF library.
A return value of '1' indicates that the ESMF library was compiled with OpenMP enabled. A return value of '0' indicates that OpenMP is disabled in the ESMF library.
Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

29.2.2 ESMC_VMGetCurrent - Get current VM


   int *rc                     // out
    VM object of the current execution context.

Get the ESMC_VM object of the current execution context. Calling ESMC_VMGetCurrent() within an ESMF Component, will return the same VM object as ESMC_GridCompGet(..., vm=vm, ...) or ESMC_CplCompGet(..., vm=vm, ...).

The main purpose of providing ESMC_VMGetCurrent() is to simplify ESMF adoption in legacy code. Specifically, code that uses MPI_COMM_WORLD deep within its calling tree can easily be modified to use the correct MPI communicator of the current ESMF execution context. The advantage is that these modifications are very local, and do not require wide reaching interface changes in the legacy code to pass down the ESMF component object, or the MPI communicator.

The use of ESMC_VMGetCurrent() is strongly discouraged in newly written Component code. Instead, the ESMF Component object should be used as the appropriate container of ESMF context information. This object should be passed between the subroutines of a Component, and be queried for any Component specific information.

Outside of a Component context, i.e. within the driver context, the call to ESMC_VMGetCurrent() is identical to ESMC_VMGetGlobal().

The arguments are:

Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

29.2.3 ESMC_VMGetGlobal - Get global VM


   int *rc                     // out
    VM object of the global execution context.

Get the global ESMC_VM object. This is the VM object that is created during ESMC_Initialize() and is the ultimate parent of all VM objects in an ESMF application. It is identical to the VM object returned by ESMC_Initialize(..., vm=vm, ...).

The ESMC_VMGetGlobal() call provides access to information about the global execution context via the global VM. This call is necessary because ESMF does not create a global ESMF Component during ESMC_Initialize() that could be queried for information about the global execution context of an ESMF application.

Usage of ESMC_VMGetGlobal() from within Component code is strongly discouraged. ESMF Components should only access their own VM objects through Component methods. Global information, if required by the Component user code, should be passed down to the Component from the driver through the Component calling interface.

The arguments are:

Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

29.2.4 ESMC_VMPrint - Print a VM


 int ESMC_VMPrint(
   ESMC_VM vm                // in
    Return code; equals ESMF_SUCCESS if there are no errors.

Print internal information of the specified ESMC_VM object.

The arguments are:

ESMC_VM object to be printed.

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