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NASA's Land Information System (LIS) NUOPC Cap

Table of Contents

Daniel Rosen (
ESMF Support (
03/14/2017 LIS NUOPC Cap Added to GitHub
03/15/2017 Documentation Added


The Land Information System (LIS) is a surface model wrapper developed and maintained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). LIS abstracts several land and ocean surface models with standard interfaces. The LIS cap wraps LIS with NUOPC compliant interfaces. The result is configurable surface model capable of coupling with other models in the National Unified Operational Prediction Capability (NUOPC). As of LIS version 7.1 only Noah v2.7.1 and v.3.3 have NUOPC coupling capabilities.

This page documents the technical design of the specialized NUOPC model and the LIS gluecode. For generic NUOPC model documentation please see the NUOPC Reference Manual.

NUOPC Model Specialized Entry Points

This cap specializes the cap configuration, initialization, advertised fields, realized fields, data initialization, clock, run, and finalize.

Set Services (Register Subroutines)

Table summarizing the NUOPC specialized subroutines registered during SetServices. The "Phase" column says whether the subroutine is called during the initialization, run, or finalize part of the coupled system run.

Phase Cap Subroutine Description
Init InitializeP0 Set the Initialize Phase Definition (IPD). Configure model
Init InitializeP1 Initialize model. Advertize import and export fields
Init InitializeP3 Realize import and export fields
Init DataInitialize Initialize import and export data
Init SetClock Set model clock during initialization
Run CheckImport Check timestamp on import data.
Run ModelAdvance Advances the model by a timestep
Final ModelFinalize Releases memory


Description of the initialization phases and internal model calls.


During initialize phase 0 the runtime configuration is read in from model attributes and the initialization phase definition version is set to IPDv03.


During initialize phase 1 the model is initialized and the import and export fields are advertised in nested import and export states. Import fields are configured in the forcing variables list file.


During initialize phase 3 import and export fields are realized in each nested import and export state if they are connected through NUOPC. Realized fields are created on the LIS grid. All export fields are realized if realize all export fields is turned on.


During data initialize this cap checks the timestamp of all import fields dependent on a coupled model. Once all dependent import fields have been initialized this cap is marked initalized.


During set clock the cap creates a new clock for each nest. The time step for each nest is set in LIS configuration file and initialized during LIS initialization. The time accumulation tracker for each timestep is reset to zero. The cap's time step is updated to the shortest time step of all nests. The restart write time step is also created and the restart write time accumulation tracker is reset to zero.


Description of the run phase(s) and internal model calls.


During check import the import data is checked to verify that it is at the beginning or end of the timestep.


During model advance each nest time accumulation tracker is increased by the timestep of the cap. If the time accumlation tracker is greater than the time step of the nest then the nest is advanced.


Description of the finalize phase and internal model calls.


During model finalize LIS finalize subroutines are called and memory allocated during cap initialization is released.

Model Configuration

Custom model attributes are used to configure the model.

Attribute Default Description
Verbosity VERBOSITY_LV1 Verbosity levels are defined in LIS_NUOPC_Macros.h
RealizeAllExport FALSE Realize all export fields including non connected fields
RestartInterval NEVER Determine when to write NUOPC state restart files in seconds
ConfigFile lis.config Set the LIS configuraion file
WriteGrid FALSE Write a NetCDF file for the LIS domain
WriteImport FALSE Write a NetCDF file for the import state before model advance
WriteExport FALSE Write a NetCDF file for the export state after model advance
LogMemory FALSE Write memory statistics. (Not Implemented)
TestFillImport FALSE Fill the import state with ESMF_FieldFill(sincos) for testing
TestFillExport FALSE Fill the export state with ESMF_FieldFill(sincos) for testing

Model Fields

The following tables list the import and export fields.

Import Fields

Import fields arelisted in the import_list parameter.

Standard Name Units Model Variable Description Notes
dummy_field_1 Pa forcing_1 field description for first import field
dummy_field_2 kg forcing_2 field description for second import field
dummy_field_3 W m-2 forcing_3 field description for third import field field notes

Export Fields

Export fields are listed in the export_list parameter.

Standard Name Units Model Variable Description Notes
dummy_field_1 m output_1 field description for first export field field notes
dummy_field_2 kg output_2 field description for second export field
dummy_field_3 m s-1 output_3 field description for third export field field notes

Memory Management

Model configuration is stored in a custom internal state data type. A pointer to the custom internal state data type is stored in the component.

The cap allocates new memory for each field so that 2-D coordinate points can be translated into the LIS tiled field points.

Input and Output

Cap diagnostic output is written to the ESMF PET Logs. Cap diagnostic output can be increased or decreased by setting the Verbosity attribute.

NUOPC state restart write files are written depending on the RestartInterval attribute. If set to 0 then NUOPC state restart write files will never be written.

LIS diagnostics output is written to the LIS logs configured in the LIS configuration file.

LIS output files are written to the output directory configured in the LIS configuration file. LIS output includes LIS history files and LIS restart files.




Configure, Build, and Install $ ./configure –enable-fortran –prefix=HDF5_DIR $ make $ make install


Add the following environment variables.

Configure, Build, and Install $ ./configure –prefix=NETCDF_DIR –enable-netcdf-4 –disable-dap-remote-tests $ make $ make install

NetCDF Fortran

Add the following environment variables.

Configure, Build, and Install $ ./configure –prefix=NETCDF_DIR $ make $ make install


Configure, Build, and Install $ ./configure –enable-shared –prefix=JASPER_DIR $ make $ make install

Grib API

Configure, Build, and Install $ ./configure –with-jasper=JASPER_DIR –with-netcdf=NETCDF_DIR –prefix=GRIB_API_DIR $ make $ make install

Building and Installing

Environment Variables

NUOPC Makefile Targets

The build system in Makefile wraps the LIS build system and adds the nuopc, nuopcinstall, and nuopcclean targets. Before building make sure to configure the internal model.

To build and install into the current directory run: $ make nuopc

To install into an alternative directory run: $ make nuopcinstall DESTDIR=<INSTALL_DIR> INSTDIR=<SUBDIR>

To build with debugging information run: $ make nuopc DEBUG=on


The LIS NUOPC cap is maintained in a GitHub repository:
