
Hello World

import esmpy

# This call enables debug logging
# esmpy = esmpy.Manager(debug=True)

print ("Hello ESMPy World from PET (processor) {0}!".format(esmpy.local_pet()))

Regridding Helper Functions

The following code snippets demonstrate how to build all of the pieces necessary to regrid data between Fields built on Grids, Meshes and LocStreams.

LocStream Create

def create_locstream_spherical_16(coord_sys=esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG, domask=False):
    :param coord_sys: the coordinate system of the LocStream
    :param domask: a boolean to tell whether or not to add a mask
    :return: LocStream
    if esmpy.pet_count() != 1:
        raise ValueError("processor count must be 1 to use this function")

    locstream = esmpy.LocStream(16, coord_sys=coord_sys)

    deg_rad = pi
    if coord_sys == esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG:
        deg_rad = 180

    locstream["ESMF:Lon"] = [0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad, 1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad, 0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad, 1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad, 0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad, 1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad, 0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad, 1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad]
    locstream["ESMF:Lat"] = [-0.4*deg_rad, -0.4*deg_rad, -0.4*deg_rad, -0.4*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad, 0.25*deg_rad, 0.25*deg_rad, 0.25*deg_rad, 0.25*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad]
    if domask:
        locstream["ESMF:Mask"] = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32)

    return locstream

LocStream Create Parallel

def create_locstream_spherical_16_parallel(coord_sys=esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG, domask=False):
    :param coord_sys: the coordinate system of the LocStream
    :param domask: a boolean to tell whether or not to add a mask
    :return: LocStream
    if esmpy.pet_count() != 4:
        raise ValueError("processor count must be 4 to use this function")

    deg_rad = pi
    if coord_sys == esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG:
        deg_rad = 180.0

    locstream = None
    if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
        locstream = esmpy.LocStream(4, coord_sys=coord_sys)
        locstream["ESMF:Lon"] = [0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad, 0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad]
        locstream["ESMF:Lat"] = [-0.4*deg_rad, -0.4*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad]
        if domask:
            locstream["ESMF:Mask"] = np.array([1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32)
    elif esmpy.local_pet() == 1:
        locstream = esmpy.LocStream(4, coord_sys=coord_sys)
        locstream["ESMF:Lon"] = [1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad, 1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad]
        locstream["ESMF:Lat"] = [-0.4*deg_rad, -0.4*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad, -0.25*deg_rad]
        if domask:
            locstream["ESMF:Mask"] = np.array([0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32)
    elif esmpy.local_pet() == 2:
        locstream = esmpy.LocStream(4, coord_sys=coord_sys)
        locstream["ESMF:Lon"] = [0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad, 0.2*deg_rad, 0.5*deg_rad]
        locstream["ESMF:Lat"] = [0.25*deg_rad, 0.25*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad]
        if domask:
            locstream["ESMF:Mask"] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32)
    elif esmpy.local_pet() == 3:
        locstream = esmpy.LocStream(4, coord_sys=coord_sys)
        locstream["ESMF:Lon"] = [1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad, 1.5*deg_rad, 1.8*deg_rad]
        locstream["ESMF:Lat"] = [0.25*deg_rad, 0.25*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad, 0.4*deg_rad]
        if domask:
            locstream["ESMF:Mask"] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.int32)

    return locstream

Create a 2D Grid

def grid_create_from_coordinates(xcoords, ycoords, xcorners=False, ycorners=False, corners=False, domask=False, doarea=False, ctk=esmpy.TypeKind.R8):
    Create a 2 dimensional Grid using the bounds of the x and y coordiantes.
    :param xcoords: The 1st dimension or 'x' coordinates at cell centers, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param ycoords: The 2nd dimension or 'y' coordinates at cell centers, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param xcorners: The 1st dimension or 'x' coordinates at cell corners, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param ycorners: The 2nd dimension or 'y' coordinates at cell corners, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param domask: boolean to determine whether to set an arbitrary mask or not
    :param doarea: boolean to determine whether to set an arbitrary area values or not
    :param ctk: the coordinate typekind
    :return: grid
    [x, y] = [0, 1]

    # create a grid given the number of grid cells in each dimension, the center stagger location is allocated, the
    # Cartesian coordinate system and type of the coordinates are specified
    max_index = np.array([len(xcoords), len(ycoords)])
    grid = esmpy.Grid(max_index, staggerloc=[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER], coord_sys=esmpy.CoordSys.CART, coord_typekind=ctk)

    # set the grid coordinates using numpy arrays, parallel case is handled using grid bounds
    gridXCenter = grid.get_coords(x)
    x_par = xcoords[grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][x]:grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][x]]
    gridXCenter[...] = x_par.reshape((x_par.size, 1))

    gridYCenter = grid.get_coords(y)
    y_par = ycoords[grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][y]:grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][y]]
    gridYCenter[...] = y_par.reshape((1, y_par.size))

    # create grid corners in a slightly different manner to account for the bounds format common in CF-like files
    if corners:
        lbx = grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][x]
        ubx = grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][x]
        lby = grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][y]
        uby = grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][y]

        gridXCorner = grid.get_coords(x, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER)
        for i0 in range(ubx - lbx - 1):
            gridXCorner[i0, :] = xcorners[i0+lbx, 0]
        gridXCorner[i0 + 1, :] = xcorners[i0+lbx, 1]

        gridYCorner = grid.get_coords(y, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER)
        for i1 in range(uby - lby - 1):
            gridYCorner[:, i1] = ycorners[i1+lby, 0]
        gridYCorner[:, i1 + 1] = ycorners[i1+lby, 1]

    # add an arbitrary mask
    if domask:
        mask = grid.add_item(esmpy.GridItem.MASK)
        mask[:] = 1
        mask[np.where((1.75 <= gridXCenter) & (gridXCenter < 2.25) &
                      (1.75 <= gridYCenter) & (gridYCenter < 2.25))] = 0

    # add arbitrary areas values
    if doarea:
        area = grid.add_item(esmpy.GridItem.AREA)
        area[:] = 5.0

    return grid

Create a 3D Grid

def grid_create_from_coordinates_3d(xcoords, ycoords, zcoords, xcorners=False, ycorners=False, zcorners=False, corners=False, domask=False, doarea=False):
    Create a 3 dimensional Grid using the xcoordinates, ycoordinates and zcoordinates.
    :param xcoords: The 1st dimension or 'x' coordinates at cell centers, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param ycoords: The 2nd dimension or 'y' coordinates at cell centers, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param zcoords: The 3rd dimension or 'z' coordinates at cell centers, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param xcorners: The 1st dimension or 'x' coordinates at cell corners, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param ycorners: The 2nd dimension or 'y' coordinates at cell corners, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param zcorners: The 3rd dimension or 'z' coordinates at cell corners, as a Python list or numpy Array
    :param corners: boolean to determine whether or not to add corner coordinates to this grid
    :param domask: boolean to determine whether to set an arbitrary mask or not
    :param doarea: boolean to determine whether to set an arbitrary area values or not
    :return: grid
    [x, y, z] = [0, 1, 2]

    # create a grid given the number of grid cells in each dimension, the center stagger location is allocated and the
    # Cartesian coordinate system is specified
    max_index = np.array([len(xcoords), len(ycoords), len(zcoords)])
    grid = esmpy.Grid(max_index, staggerloc=[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER], coord_sys=esmpy.CoordSys.CART)

    # set the grid coordinates using numpy arrays, parallel case is handled using grid bounds
    gridXCenter = grid.get_coords(x)
    x_par = xcoords[grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER][x]:grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER][x]]
    gridXCenter[...] = x_par.reshape(x_par.size, 1, 1)

    gridYCenter = grid.get_coords(y)
    y_par = ycoords[grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER][y]:grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER][y]]
    gridYCenter[...] = y_par.reshape(1, y_par.size, 1)

    gridZCenter = grid.get_coords(z)
    z_par = zcoords[grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER][z]:grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER][z]]
    gridZCenter[...] = z_par.reshape(1, 1, z_par.size)

    # create grid corners in a slightly different manner to account for the bounds format common in CF-like files
    if corners:
        lbx = grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE][x]
        ubx = grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE][x]
        lby = grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE][y]
        uby = grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE][y]
        lbz = grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE][z]
        ubz = grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE][z]

        gridXCorner = grid.get_coords(x, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE)
        for i0 in range(ubx - lbx - 1):
            gridXCorner[i0, :, :] = xcorners[i0+lbx, 0]
        gridXCorner[i0 + 1, :, :] = xcorners[i0+lbx, 1]

        gridYCorner = grid.get_coords(y, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE)
        for i1 in range(uby - lby - 1):
            gridYCorner[:, i1, :] = ycorners[i1+lby, 0]
        gridYCorner[:, i1 + 1, :] = ycorners[i1+lby, 1]

        gridZCorner = grid.get_coords(z, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE)
        for i2 in range(ubz - lbz - 1):
            gridZCorner[:, :, i2] = zcorners[i2+lbz, 0]
        gridZCorner[:, :, i2 + 1] = zcorners[i2+lbz, 1]

    # add an arbitrary mask
    if domask:
        mask = grid.add_item(esmpy.GridItem.MASK)
        mask[:] = 1
        mask[np.where((1.75 <= gridXCenter) & (gridXCenter < 2.25) &
                      (1.75 <= gridYCenter) & (gridYCenter < 2.25) &
                      (1.75 <= gridZCenter) & (gridZCenter < 2.25))] = 0

    # add arbitrary areas values
    if doarea:
        area = grid.add_item(esmpy.GridItem.AREA)
        area[:] = 5.0

    return grid

Create a Periodic Grid

def grid_create_from_coordinates_periodic(longitudes, latitudes, lon_corners=False, lat_corners=False, corners=False, domask=False):
    Create a 2 dimensional periodic Grid using the 'longitudes' and 'latitudes'.
    :param longitudes: longitude coordinate values at cell centers
    :param latitudes: latitude coordinate values at cell centers
    :param lon_corners: longitude coordinate values at cell corners
    :param lat_corners: latitude coordinate values at cell corners
    :param corners: boolean to determine whether or not to add corner coordinates to this grid
    :param domask: boolean to determine whether to set an arbitrary mask or not
    :return: grid
    [lon, lat] = [0, 1]

    # create a grid given the number of grid cells in each dimension the center stagger location is allocated
    max_index = np.array([len(longitudes), len(latitudes)])
    grid = esmpy.Grid(max_index, num_peri_dims=1, staggerloc=[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER])

    # set the grid coordinates using numpy arrays, parallel case is handled using grid bounds
    gridXCenter = grid.get_coords(lon)
    lon_par = longitudes[grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][lon]:grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][lon]]
    gridXCenter[...] = lon_par.reshape((lon_par.size, 1))

    gridYCenter = grid.get_coords(lat)
    lat_par = latitudes[grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][lat]:grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][lat]]
    gridYCenter[...] = lat_par.reshape((1, lat_par.size))

    # create grid corners in a slightly different manner to account for the bounds format common in CF-like files
    if corners:
        lbx = grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][lon]
        ubx = grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][lon]
        lby = grid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][lat]
        uby = grid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER][lat]

        gridXCorner = grid.get_coords(lon, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER)
        for i0 in range(ubx - lbx - 1):
            gridXCorner[i0, :] = lon_corners[i0+lbx, 0]
        gridXCorner[i0 + 1, :] = lon_corners[i0+lbx, 1]

        gridYCorner = grid.get_coords(lat, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CORNER)
        for i1 in range(uby - lby - 1):
            gridYCorner[:, i1] = lat_corners[i1+lby, 0]
        gridYCorner[:, i1 + 1] = lat_corners[i1+lby, 1]

    # add an arbitrary mask
    if domask:
        mask = grid.add_item(esmpy.GridItem.MASK)
        mask[:] = 1
        mask[np.where((1.75 <= gridXCenter) & (gridXCenter < 2.25) &
                      (1.75 <= gridYCenter) & (gridYCenter < 2.25))] = 0

    return grid

Create a 5 Element Mesh

def mesh_create_5():
    POSTCONDITIONS: A 5 element Mesh has been created.    
    RETURN VALUES: \n Mesh :: mesh \n
      4.0   31 ------ 32 ------ 33
            |         |  22  /   |
            |    21   |     /    |
            |         |   /  23  |
      2.0   21 ------ 22 ------ 23
            |         |          |
            |    11   |    12    |
            |         |          |
      0.0   11 ------ 12 ------ 13
           0.0       2.0        4.0
          Node Ids at corners
          Element Ids in centers
    Note: This mesh is not parallel, it can only be used in serial
    # Two parametric dimensions, and two spatial dimensions
    mesh = esmpy.Mesh(parametric_dim=2, spatial_dim=2)
    num_node = 9
    num_elem = 5
    nodeId = np.array([11,12,13,21,22,23,31,32,33])
    nodeCoord = np.array([0.0,0.0,  # node 11
                          2.0,0.0,  # node 12
                          4.0,0.0,  # node 13
                          0.0,2.0,  # node 21
                          2.0,2.0,  # node 22
                          4.0,2.0,  # node 23
                          0.0,4.0,  # node 31
                          2.0,4.0,  # node 32
                          4.0,4.0]) # node 33
    nodeOwner = np.zeros(num_node)

    elemId = np.array([11,12,21,22,23])
    elemConn=np.array([0,1,4,3, # element 11
                       1,2,5,4, # element 12
                       3,4,7,6, # element 21
                       4,8,7,   # element 22
                       4,5,8])  # element 23
    elemCoord = np.array([1.0, 1.0,
                          3.0, 1.0,
                          1.0, 3.0,
                          2.5, 3.5,
                          3.5, 2.5])


    mesh.add_elements(num_elem,elemId,elemType,elemConn, element_coords=elemCoord)

    return mesh, nodeCoord, nodeOwner, elemType, elemConn, elemCoord

Create a Field

    def create_field(gml, name):
        PRECONDITIONS: An Grid, Mesh or LocStream has been created, and 'name' is a string that
                       will be used to initialize the name of a new Field.\n
        POSTCONDITIONS: A Field has been created.\n
        RETURN VALUES: \n Field :: field \n
        field = Field(gml, name=name)

        return field

Initialize an Analytic Field

def initialize_field_grid_periodic(field):
    PRECONDITIONS: A Field has been created as 'field' with a 'grid'
                   where coordinates have been set on both 
                   the center and corner stagger locations. \n
    POSTCONDITIONS: The 'field' has been initialized to an analytic 
    RETURN VALUES: \n Field :: field \n
    DEG2RAD = 3.141592653589793/180.0

    # get the coordinate pointers and set the coordinates
    [x,y] = [0, 1]
    gridXCoord = field.grid.get_coords(x, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
    gridYCoord = field.grid.get_coords(y, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)

    field.data[:] = 2.0 + np.cos(DEG2RAD*gridXCoord)**2 * \
                          np.cos(2.0*DEG2RAD*(90.0 - gridYCoord))

    return field

Run ESMPy Regridding

    def run_regridding(srcfield, dstfield, srcfracfield, dstfracfield):
        # This is for documentation. Do not modify.
        PRECONDITIONS: Two Fields have been created and a regridding
                       operation is desired from 'srcfield' to 'dstfield'.
                       The 'srcfracfield' and 'dstfractfield' are Fields
                       created to hold the fractions of the source and
                       destination fields which contribute to conservative
        POSTCONDITIONS: A regridding operation has set the data on
                        'dstfield', 'srcfracfield', and 'dstfracfield'.\n
        RETURN VALUES: \n Field :: dstfield \n
                          Field :: srcfracfield \n
                          Field :: dstfracfield \n
        # call the regridding functions
        regridSrc2Dst = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield, dstfield,
        dstfield = regridSrc2Dst(srcfield, dstfield)

        return dstfield, srcfracfield, dstfracfield

Compute Field Mass

def compute_mass_grid(valuefield, dofrac=False, fracfield=None,
    PRECONDITIONS: 'fracfield' contains the fractions of each cell
                   which contributed to a regridding operation involving
                   'valuefield.  'dofrac' is a boolean value that gives 
                   the option to not use the 'fracfield'.\n
    POSTCONDITIONS: The mass of the data field is computed.\n
    RETURN VALUES: float :: mass \n
    mass = 0.0
    areafield = esmpy.Field(valuefield.grid, name='areafield')

    ind = np.where(valuefield.data != uninitval)

    if dofrac:
        mass = np.sum(areafield.data[ind] * valuefield.data[ind] * fracfield.data[ind])
        mass = np.sum(areafield.data[ind] * valuefield.data[ind])

    return mass


The following stand alone scripts demonstrate how to use regridding between Fields built on Grids, Meshes and LocStreams. These scripts can be run in serial or parallel with no modification.

Grid, Mesh and Field Created from File

# This example demonstrates how to create ESMPy Grid, Mesh and Field objects 
# from file and use them for regridding.

import os
import esmpy

from esmpy.util.cache_data import DATA_DIR
from esmpy.util.exceptions import DataMissing

# The data files can be retrieved from the ESMF data repository by uncommenting the
# following block of code:
# from esmpy.util.cache_data import cache_data_file
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "so_Omon_GISS-E2.nc"))
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "mpas_uniform_10242_dual_counterclockwise.nc"))

# This call enables debug logging
# esmpy.Manager(debug=True)

datafile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "so_Omon_GISS-E2.nc")
if not os.path.exists(datafile):
    raise DataMissing("Data not available, try 'make download'.")
meshfile = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "mpas_uniform_10242_dual_counterclockwise.nc")
if not os.path.exists(meshfile):
    raise DataMissing("Data not available, try 'make download'.")

# Create a  global grid from a GRIDSPEC formatted file
grid = esmpy.Grid(filename=os.path.join(DATA_DIR, datafile),

# Create a field on the centers of the grid, with extra dimensions
srcfield = esmpy.Field(grid, staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER, ndbounds=[33, 2])

# Read the field data from file
srcfield.read(filename=os.path.join(DATA_DIR, datafile),
           variable="so", timeslice=2)

# Create an ESMF formatted unstructured mesh with clockwise cells removed
mesh = esmpy.Mesh(filename=os.path.join(DATA_DIR, meshfile),

# Create a field on the nodes of the mesh
dstfield = esmpy.Field(mesh, meshloc=esmpy.MeshLoc.NODE, ndbounds=[33, 2])

dstfield.data[:] = 1e20

# compute the weight matrix for regridding
regrid = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield, dstfield,

# calculate the regridding from source to destination field
dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield)

if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
    print ("Fields created from file regridded successfully :)")

Read and Write a Weight File

# This example demonstrates how to regrid between a Grid and a Mesh.

import esmpy
import numpy

import os

import esmpy.util.helpers as helpers
import esmpy.api.constants as constants

# This call enables debug logging
mg = esmpy.Manager(debug=True)

# ESMPy uses Fortran style dimension ordering (as of November 2017)
[lat,lon] = [1,0]

# Create the source grid from memory with periodic dimension specified.
lons = numpy.arange(5, 350.1, 10)
lats  = numpy.arange(-85, 85.1, 10)
srcgrid = esmpy.Grid(numpy.array([lons.size, lats.size]),
                    num_peri_dims=1, periodic_dim=0, pole_dim=1)

# Get and set the source grid coordinates.
srcGridCoordLon = srcgrid.get_coords(lon)
srcGridCoordLat = srcgrid.get_coords(lat)

slons_par = lons[srcgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]:srcgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]]
slats_par = lats[srcgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]:srcgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]]

# make sure to use indexing='ij' as ESMPy backend uses matrix indexing (not Cartesian)
lonm, latm = numpy.meshgrid(slons_par, slats_par, indexing='ij')

srcGridCoordLon[:] = lonm
srcGridCoordLat[:] = latm

# Create the dest grid from memory with periodic dimension specified.
lons = numpy.arange(2.5, 357.6, 5)
lats = numpy.arange(-87.5, 87.6, 5)
dstgrid = esmpy.Grid(numpy.array([lons.size, lats.size]),
                    num_peri_dims=1, periodic_dim=1, pole_dim=0)

# Get and set the source grid coordinates.
dstGridCoordLat = dstgrid.get_coords(lat)
dstGridCoordLon = dstgrid.get_coords(lon)

dlons_par = lons[dstgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]:dstgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][0]]
dlats_par = lats[dstgrid.lower_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]:dstgrid.upper_bounds[esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER][1]]

# make sure to use indexing='ij' as ESMPy backend uses matrix indexing (not Cartesian)
lonm, latm = numpy.meshgrid(dlons_par, dlats_par, indexing='ij')

dstGridCoordLon[:] = lonm
dstGridCoordLat[:] = latm

# Create a field on the centers of the source grid with the mask applied.
srcfield = esmpy.Field(srcgrid, name="srcfield", staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)

# Create a field on the centers of the source grid with the mask applied.
dstfield = esmpy.Field(dstgrid, name="dstfield", staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
xctfield = esmpy.Field(dstgrid, name="xctfield", staggerloc=esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)

gridLon = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lon, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
gridLat = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lat, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)

# wave = lambda x,k:  numpy.sin(x*k*numpy.pi/180.0)
# srcfield.data[...] = numpy.outer(wave(slons_par,3), wave(slats_par,3)) + 2

srcfield.data[:,:] = 2.0 + numpy.cos(numpy.radians(srcGridCoordLat)[...])**2 * \

# wave = lambda x,k:  numpy.sin(x*k*numpy.pi/180.0)
# xctfield.data[...] = numpy.outer(wave(dlons_par,3), wave(dlats_par,3)) + 2

xctfield.data[:,:] = 2.0 + numpy.cos(numpy.radians(dstGridCoordLat)[...])**2 * \

dstfield.data[:] = 1e20

# write regridding weights to file
filename = "esmpy_example_weight_file.nc"
if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
    if os.path.isfile(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))

regrid = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield, dstfield, filename=filename,

# # create a regrid object from file
regrid = esmpy.RegridFromFile(srcfield, dstfield, filename)

# calculate the regridding from source to destination field
dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield)

# compute the mean relative error
num_nodes = numpy.prod(xctfield.data.shape[:])
relerr = 0
meanrelerr = 0
if num_nodes != 0:
    relerr = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(dstfield.data - xctfield.data) /
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes

# handle the parallel case
if esmpy.pet_count() > 1:
    relerr = helpers.reduce_val(relerr, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)
    num_nodes = helpers.reduce_val(num_nodes, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)

# output the results from one processor only
if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
    print ("ESMPy Grid Mesh Regridding Example")
    print ("  interpolation mean relative error = {0}".format(meanrelerr))

    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)):
        os.remove(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))

# set to 1 to output results
# if esmpy.pet_count() == 0:
#     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#     fig = plt.figure(1, (15, 6))
#     fig.suptitle('ESMPy Periodic Grids', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
#     ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
#     im = ax.imshow(srcfield.data, vmin=1, vmax=3, cmap='gist_ncar', aspect='auto',
#                    extent=[min(slons_par), max(slons_par), min(slats_par), max(slats_par)])
#     ax.set_xbound(lower=min(slons_par), upper=max(slons_par))
#     ax.set_ybound(lower=min(slats_par), upper=max(slats_par))
#     ax.set_xlabel("Longitude")
#     ax.set_ylabel("Latitude")
#     ax.set_title("Source Data")
#     ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
#     im = ax.imshow(dstfield.data, vmin=1, vmax=3, cmap='gist_ncar', aspect='auto',
#                    extent=[min(dlons_par), max(dlons_par), min(dlats_par), max(dlats_par)])
#     ax.set_xlabel("Longitude")
#     ax.set_ylabel("Latitude")
#     ax.set_title("Regrid Solution")
#     fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8)
#     cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8])
#     fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
#     plt.show()

Grid to LocStream

# This example demonstrates how to regrid between a Grid and a LocStream.

import esmpy
import numpy

import os

import esmpy.util.helpers as helpers
import esmpy.api.constants as constants
from esmpy.util.cache_data import DATA_DIR
from esmpy.util.exceptions import DataMissing

# The data files can be retrieved from the ESMF data repository by uncommenting the
# following block of code:
# from esmpy.util.cache_data import cache_data_file
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "ll1deg_grid.nc"))

# This call enables debug logging

grid1 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "ll1deg_grid.nc")
if not os.path.exists(grid1):
    raise DataMissing("Data not available, try 'make download'.")

from esmpy.util.locstream_utilities import create_locstream_spherical_16, create_locstream_spherical_16_parallel
if esmpy.pet_count() == 1:
    locstream = create_locstream_spherical_16(coord_sys=coord_sys, domask=domask)
    locstream = create_locstream_spherical_16_parallel(coord_sys=coord_sys, domask=domask)

grid = esmpy.Grid(filename=grid1, filetype=esmpy.FileFormat.SCRIP)

# create a field
srcfield = esmpy.Field(grid, name='srcfield')

dstfield = esmpy.Field(locstream, name='dstfield')
xctfield = esmpy.Field(locstream, name='xctfield')

# initialize the fields
[x, y] = [0, 1]
deg2rad = 3.14159/180

gridXCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(x)
gridYCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(y)
srcfield.data[...] = 10.0 + numpy.cos(gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + numpy.cos(2 * gridYCoord * deg2rad)

gridXCoord = locstream["ESMF:Lon"]
gridYCoord = locstream["ESMF:Lat"]
if coord_sys == esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG:
    xctfield.data[...] = 10.0 + numpy.cos(gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + numpy.cos(2 * gridYCoord * deg2rad)
elif coord_sys == esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_RAD:
    xctfield.data[...] = 10.0 + numpy.cos(gridXCoord) ** 2 + numpy.cos(2 * gridYCoord)
    raise ValueError("coordsys value does not work in this example")

dstfield.data[...] = 1e20

# create an object to regrid data from the source to the destination field
if domask:

regrid = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield, dstfield,

# do the regridding from source to destination field
dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield, zero_region=esmpy.Region.SELECT)

# compute the mean relative error
num_nodes = numpy.prod(xctfield.data.shape[:])
relerr = 0
meanrelerr = 0

dstfield = numpy.ravel(dstfield.data)
xctfield = numpy.ravel(xctfield.data)

if num_nodes != 0:
    ind = numpy.where((dstfield != 1e20) & (xctfield != 0))[0]
    relerr = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(dstfield[ind] - xctfield[ind]) / numpy.abs(xctfield[ind]))
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes

# handle the parallel case
if esmpy.pet_count() > 1:
    relerr = helpers.reduce_val(relerr, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)
    num_nodes = helpers.reduce_val(num_nodes, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)

# output the results from one processor only
if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
    print ("ESMPy Grid LocStream Regridding Example")
    print ("  interpolation mean relative error = {0}".format(meanrelerr))

    assert (meanrelerr < 5e-6)

Mesh to LocStream

# This example demonstrates how to regrid between a mesh and a locstream.

import esmpy
import numpy

import esmpy.util.helpers as helpers
import esmpy.api.constants as constants

# This call enables debug logging
# esmpy.Manager(debug=True)

from esmpy.util.mesh_utilities import mesh_create_5, mesh_create_5_parallel
from esmpy.util.locstream_utilities import create_locstream_16, create_locstream_16_parallel
if esmpy.pet_count() == 1:
    mesh, _, _, _, _, _ = mesh_create_5()
    locstream = create_locstream_16()
    mesh, _, _, _, _ = mesh_create_5_parallel()
    locstream = create_locstream_16_parallel()

# create a field
srcfield = esmpy.Field(mesh, name='srcfield')#, meshloc=esmpy.MeshLoc.ELEMENT)

# create a field on the locstream
dstfield = esmpy.Field(locstream, name='dstfield')
xctfield = esmpy.Field(locstream, name='xctfield')

# initialize the fields
[x, y] = [0, 1]
deg2rad = 3.14159/180

gridXCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(x)
gridYCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(y)
srcfield.data[...] = 10.0 + (gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + (gridYCoord * deg2rad) ** 2

gridXCoord = locstream["ESMF:X"]
gridYCoord = locstream["ESMF:Y"]
xctfield.data[...] = 10.0 + (gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + (gridYCoord * deg2rad) ** 2

dstfield.data[...] = 1e20

# create an object to regrid data from the source to the destination field
# TODO: this example seems to fail occasionally with UnmappedAction.ERROR, probably due to a tolerance issue - ask Bob
regrid = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield=srcfield, dstfield=dstfield, regrid_method=esmpy.RegridMethod.BILINEAR,

# do the regridding from source to destination field
dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield)

# compute the mean relative error
num_nodes = numpy.prod(xctfield.data.shape[:])
relerr = 0
meanrelerr = 0
if num_nodes != 0:
    ind = numpy.where((dstfield.data != 1e20) & (xctfield.data != 0))[0]
    relerr = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(dstfield.data[ind] - xctfield.data[ind]) / numpy.abs(xctfield.data[ind]))
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes

# handle the parallel case
if esmpy.pet_count() > 1:
    relerr = helpers.reduce_val(relerr, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)
    num_nodes = helpers.reduce_val(num_nodes, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)

# output the results from one processor only
if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
    print ("ESMPy Grid Mesh Regridding Example")
    print ("  interpolation mean relative error = {0}".format(meanrelerr))

    assert (meanrelerr < 3e-5)

LocStream to Grid

# This example demonstrates how to regrid between a LocStream and a Grid.

import esmpy
import numpy

import os

import esmpy.util.helpers as helpers
import esmpy.api.constants as constants
from esmpy.util.cache_data import DATA_DIR
from esmpy.util.exceptions import DataMissing

# The data files can be retrieved from the ESMF data repository by uncommenting the
# following block of code:
# from esmpy.util.cache_data import cache_data_file
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "ll1deg_grid.nc"))

# This call enables debug logging

grid1 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "ll1deg_grid.nc")
if not os.path.exists(grid1):
    raise DataMissing("Data not available, try 'make download'.")

grid = esmpy.Grid(filename=grid1, filetype=esmpy.FileFormat.SCRIP)

from esmpy.util.locstream_utilities import create_locstream_spherical_16, create_locstream_spherical_16_parallel
if esmpy.pet_count() == 1:
    locstream = create_locstream_spherical_16(coord_sys=coord_sys, domask=domask)
    locstream = create_locstream_spherical_16_parallel(coord_sys=coord_sys, domask=domask)

# create a field
srcfield = esmpy.Field(locstream, name='srcfield')

dstfield = esmpy.Field(grid, name='dstfield')
xctfield = esmpy.Field(grid, name='xctfield')

# initialize the fields
[x, y] = [0, 1]
deg2rad = 3.14159/180

gridXCoord = locstream["ESMF:Lon"]
gridYCoord = locstream["ESMF:Lat"]
if coord_sys == esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_DEG:
    srcfield.data[...] = 10.0 + numpy.cos(gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + numpy.cos(2 * gridYCoord * deg2rad)
elif coord_sys == esmpy.CoordSys.SPH_RAD:
    srcfield.data[...] = 10.0 + numpy.cos(gridXCoord) ** 2 + numpy.cos(2 * gridYCoord)
    raise ValueError("coordsys value does not apply in this example")

gridXCoord = xctfield.grid.get_coords(x)
gridYCoord = xctfield.grid.get_coords(y)
xctfield.data[...] = 10.0 + numpy.cos(gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + numpy.cos(2 * gridYCoord * deg2rad)

dstfield.data[...] = 1e20

# create an object to regrid data from the source to the destination field
if domask:

regrid = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield, dstfield,

# do the regridding from source to destination field
dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield, zero_region=esmpy.Region.SELECT)

# compute the mean relative error
from operator import mul
num_nodes = numpy.prod(xctfield.data.shape[:])
relerr = 0
meanrelerr = 0

dstfield = numpy.ravel(dstfield.data)
xctfield = numpy.ravel(xctfield.data)

if num_nodes != 0:
    ind = numpy.where((dstfield != 1e20) & (xctfield != 0))[0]
    relerr = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(dstfield[ind] - xctfield[ind]) / numpy.abs(xctfield[ind]))
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes

# handle the parallel case
if esmpy.pet_count() > 1:
    relerr = helpers.reduce_val(relerr, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)
    num_nodes = helpers.reduce_val(num_nodes, op=constants.Reduce.SUM)

# output the results from one processor only
if esmpy.local_pet() == 0:
    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
    print ("ESMPy LocStream Grid Regridding Example")
    print ("  interpolation mean relative error = {0}".format(meanrelerr))

    assert (meanrelerr < 4e-7)

Using MPI.Spawn() from a Serial Python Driver

# This example demonstrates how to call ESMPy regridding as a parallel
# subprocess spawned using mpi4py from a serial Python driver.
# NOTE: MPI.COMM_WORLD.Spawn does not seem to work for mpi4py installations
#       installations built with mpich, however openmpi does work (July 2016).

import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
import sys, os

from esmpy.util.cache_data import DATA_DIR
from esmpy.util.exceptions import DataMissing
from functools import reduce

# The data files can be retrieved from the ESMF data repository by uncommenting the
# following block of code:
# from esmpy.util.cache_data import cache_data_file
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "ll1deg_grid.nc"))
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "mpas_uniform_10242_dual_counterclockwise.nc"))

def regrid():
        import esmpy
        raise ImportError("ESMF is not available on this machine")

    grid1 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "ll1deg_grid.nc")
    if not os.path.exists(grid1):
        raise DataMissing("Data not available, try 'make download'.")

    grid2 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "mpas_uniform_10242_dual_counterclockwise.nc")
    if not os.path.exists(grid2):
        raise DataMissing("Data not available, try 'make download'.")

    # Create a uniform global latlon grid from a SCRIP formatted file
    grid = esmpy.Grid(filename=grid1, filetype=esmpy.FileFormat.SCRIP)
    # NOTE: corners are needed for conservative regridding
    # grid = esmpy.Grid(filename=grid1, filetype=esmpy.FileFormat.SCRIP,
    #                  add_corner_stagger=True)

    # create a field on the center stagger locations of the source grid
    srcfield = esmpy.Field(grid, name='srcfield',

    # create an ESMF formatted unstructured mesh with clockwise cells removed
    mesh = esmpy.Mesh(filename=grid2, filetype=esmpy.FileFormat.ESMFMESH)

    # create a field on the nodes of the destination mesh
    dstfield = esmpy.Field(mesh, name='dstfield', meshloc=esmpy.MeshLoc.NODE)
    xctfield = esmpy.Field(mesh, name='xctfield', meshloc=esmpy.MeshLoc.NODE)
    # NOTE: Field must be built on elements of Mesh for conservative regridding
    # dstfield = esmpy.Field(mesh, name='dstfield', meshloc=esmpy.MeshLoc.ELEMENT)
    # xctfield = esmpy.Field(mesh, name='xctfield', meshloc=esmpy.MeshLoc.ELEMENT)

    # initialize the fields
    [lon, lat] = [0, 1]
    deg2rad = 3.14159 / 180

    gridXCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lon, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
    gridYCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lat, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
    srcfield.data[...] = 10.0 + (gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + (
                                                              gridYCoord * deg2rad) ** 2

    gridXCoord = xctfield.grid.get_coords(lon, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
    gridYCoord = xctfield.grid.get_coords(lat, esmpy.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
    xctfield.data[...] = 10.0 + (gridXCoord * deg2rad) ** 2 + (
                                                              gridYCoord * deg2rad) ** 2

    dstfield.data[...] = 1e20

    # create an object to regrid data from the source to the destination field
    regrid = esmpy.Regrid(srcfield, dstfield,

    # do the regridding from source to destination field
    dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield)

    return dstfield, xctfield

def compute_error(dstfield, xctfield):
    # compute the mean relative error
    from operator import mul
    num_nodes = reduce(mul, xctfield.shape)
    relerr = 0
    meanrelerr = 0
    if num_nodes != 0:
        ind = numpy.where((dstfield != 1e20) & (xctfield != 0))[0]
        relerr = numpy.sum(
            numpy.abs(dstfield[ind] - xctfield[ind]) / numpy.abs(
        meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes

    meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
    print("ESMPy regridding as a spawned MPI process:")
    print("  interpolation mean relative error = {0}".format(meanrelerr))

########################################### MAIN #############################

start_worker = 'worker'
usage = 'Program should be started without arguments'
pet_count = 4

# Parent
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

    # Spawn workers
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Spawn(
        args=[sys.argv[0], start_worker],

    # gather output fields from workers
    dstfield = None
    dstfield = comm.gather(dstfield, root=MPI.ROOT)
    dstfield = numpy.concatenate([dstfield[i] for i in range(pet_count)])

    xctfield = None
    xctfield = comm.gather(xctfield, root=MPI.ROOT)
    xctfield = numpy.concatenate([xctfield[i] for i in range(pet_count)])

    # plot results
    compute_error(dstfield, xctfield)

    # Shutdown

# Worker
elif sys.argv[1] == start_worker:

    # Connect to parent
        comm = MPI.Comm.Get_parent()
        rank = comm.Get_rank()
        raise ValueError('Could not connect to parent - ' + usage)

        # call ESMPy regridding
        dstfield, xctfield = regrid()

        # send output to parent
        comm.gather(sendobj=dstfield.data, root=0)
        comm.gather(sendobj=xctfield.data, root=0)

    # Shutdown

# Catch
    raise ValueError(usage)