Python API


ESMPy uses a Field object to represent data variables built on an underlying spatial discretization, which is represented by a Grid, Mesh or LocStream. Regridding between Fields is accomplished with the Regrid class. All of these classes are explained in more detail in the sections provided by the links in the following table.

Class Description
Manager A manager class to initialize and finalize ESMF
Field A data field built on a Grid, Mesh, or LocStream
Grid A class to represent a logically rectangular grid
Mesh A calss to represent an unstructured grid
LocStream A class to represent observational data as a collection of disconnected points
Regrid The regridding utility

Named constants

ESMPy follows the ESMF convention of using “named constants” to represent the available options for parameters that expect a variety of specific inputs. The following table lists the available named constants and provides links to pages that further explain the available values.

Named constants Description
CoordSys Specify the coordinate system of a Grid
FileFormat Specify the format of a data file
GridItem Specify a mask or area item on a Grid
LineType Specify the type of line that connects two points on a sphere
LogKind Specify how much logging should be done
MeshElemType Specify the type of the Mesh elements
MeshLoc Specify a nodal or elemental Mesh
NormType Specify the type of normalization to use for conservative regridding weights
PoleMethod Specify which type of artificial pole to construct on the source Grid for regridding
Region Specify various regions in the data layout of
RegridMethod Specify which interpolation method to use regridding
StaggerLoc Specify the position for data in a Grid cell
TypeKind Specify the type and kind of data
UnmappedAction Specify which action to take with respect to unmapped destination points

Create a Grid or Mesh From File

File formats

ESMPy can create Grid or Mesh objects from NetCDF files in a variety of formats. A Mesh can be created from files in SCRIP, ESMF, and UGRID formats. Grid files can be in SCRIP and GRIDSPEC format.


This file format is used by the SCRIP [1], package, grid files that work with that package should also work here. SCRIP format files are capable of storing either 2D logically rectangular grids or 2D unstructured grids. More information can be found in the ESMF reference manual section on the SCRIP Grid File Format.


ESMF has a custom unstructured grid file format for describing meshes. This format is more compatible than the SCRIP format with the methods used to create a Mesh object, so less conversion needs to be done to create a Mesh. The ESMF format is thus more efficient than SCRIP when used with ESMPy. More information can be found in the ESMF reference manual section on the ESMF Unstructured Grid File Format.


GRIDSPEC is an extension to the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions for the representation of gridded data for Earth System Models. ESMPy supports NetCDF files that follow the CF GRIDSPEC convention to support logically rectangular lat/lon grids. More information can be found in the ESMF reference manual section on the CF Convention GRIDSPEC File Format.


UGRID is an extension to the CF metadata conventions for the unstructured grid data model. ESMPy support NetCDF files that follow the CF UGRID convention for unstructured grids. More information can be found in the ESMF reference manual section on the CF Convention UGRID File Format.

Meshes From File

When creating a Mesh from a SCRIP format file, there are a number of options to control the output Mesh. The data is located at the center of the grid cell in a SCRIP grid. Therefore, when the Mesh will be part of a conservative regridding operation, the ‘convert_to_dual’ flag must be set to True to properly generate coordinates at the the cell corners.

A Mesh may also be created with boolean flags to specify whether or not to add an area property to the Mesh ‘add_user_area’, or to add a mask ‘add_mask’ held by the NetCDF variable indicated in the optional argument, ‘varname’. These argument are only valid for UGRID formatted files.

Grids From File

A number of optional boolean arguments are also supported to create a structured Grid from a file. These include ‘is_sphere’ to indicate whether the grid is spherical or regional, ‘add_corner_stagger’ to add the corner stagger information to the Grid for conservative regridding, and ‘add_user_area’ to specify whether to read in the cell area from the NetCDF file or to calculate them. Also, for GRIDSPEC formmated files there is the ‘add_mask’ optional argument to add a mask held by the NetCDF variable indicated in optional argument, ‘varname’, and the ‘coord_names’ argument to specify the longitude and latitude variable names in GRIDSPEC file containing multiple sets of coordinates.


The following sections describe the regridding methods that are available in ESMPy.


Bilinear interpolation (RegridMethod.BILINEAR) calculates the value for the destination point as a combination of multiple linear interpolations, one for each dimension of the Grid. Note that for ease of use, the term bilinear interpolation is used for 3D interpolation in ESMF as well, although it should more properly be referred to as trilinear interpolation.

In 2D, ESMPy supports bilinear regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of polygons with any number of sides
  • A set of disconnected points (LocStream) may be the destination of the regridding

In 3D, ESMPy supports bilinear regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of hexahedrons (e.g. cubes)
  • A set of disconnected points (LocStream) may be the destination of the regridding


  • Cells which contain enough identical corners to collapse to a line or point are currently ignored
  • Self-intersecting cells (e.g. a cell twisted into a bow tie) are not supported
  • On a spherical grid, cells which contain an edge which extends more than half way around the sphere are not supported

To use the bilinear method the user must create their Fields on any stagger location for Grids (e.g. StaggerLoc.CENTER) or any Mesh location (e.g. MeshLoc.NODE) for Meshes. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the stagger location upon which the Field was built must contain coordinates.

Higher order patch recovery

Patch (or higher-order) interpolation (RegridMethod.PATCH) is the ESMF version of a technique called patch recovery commonly used in finite element modeling [2], [3]. It typically results in better approximations to values and derivatives when compared to bilinear interpolation. Patch interpolation works by constructing multiple polynomial patches to represent the data in a source cell. For 2D grids, these polynomials are currently 2nd degree 2D polynomials. One patch is constructed for each corner of the source cell, and the patch is constructed by doing a least squares fit through the data in the cells surrounding the corner. The interpolated value at the destination point is then a weighted average of the values of the patches at that point. The patch method has a larger stencil than the bilinear, for this reason the patch weight matrix can be correspondingly larger than the bilinear matrix (e.g. for a quadrilateral grid the patch matrix is around 4x the size of the bilinear matrix). This can be an issue when performing a regrid operation close to the memory limit on a machine.

In 2D, ESMPy supports patch regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of polygons with any number of sides
  • A set of disconnected points (LocStream) may be the destination of the regridding

Patch regridding is currently not supported in 3D.


  • Cells which contain enough identical corners to collapse to a line or point are currently ignored
  • Self-intersecting cells (e.g. a cell twisted into a bow tie) are not supported
  • On a spherical grid, cells which contain an edge which extends more than half way around the sphere are not supported

To use the patch method the user must create their Fields on any stagger location for Grids (e.g. StaggerLoc.CENTER) or any Mesh location (e.g. MeshLoc.NODE) for Meshes. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the stagger location upon which the Field was built must contain coordinates.

Nearest source to destination

In nearest source to destination interpolation (RegridMethod.NEAREST_STOD) each destination point is mapped to the closest source point. A given source point may map to multiple destination points, but no destination point will receive input from more than one source point. If two points are equally close, then the point with the smallest sequence index is arbitrarily used (i.e. the point which would have the smallest index in the weight matrix).

In 2D, ESMPy supports destination to source regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of polygons with any number of sides
  • A set of disconnected points (LocStream)

In 3D, ESMPy supports nearest destination to source regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of hexahedrons (e.g. cubes) and tetrahedrals
  • A set of disconnected points (LocStream)



To use the nearest source to destination method the user must create their Fields on any stagger location for Grids (e.g. StaggerLoc.CENTER) or any Mesh location (e.g. MeshLoc.NODE) for Meshes. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the stagger location upon which the Field was built must contain coordinates.

Nearest destination to source

In nearest destination to source interpolation (RegridMethod.NEAREST_DTOS) each source point is mapped to the closest destination point. A given destination point may receive input from multiple source points, but no source point will map to more than one destination point. If two points are equally close, then the point with the smallest sequence index is arbitrarily used (i.e. the point which would have the smallest index in the weight matrix). Note, that with this method the unmapped destination point detection currently doesn’t work, so no error will be returned even if there are destination points that don’t map to any source point.

In 2D, ESMPy supports nearest source to destination regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of polygons with any number of sides
  • A set of disconnected points (LocStream)

In 3D, ESMPy supports nearest source to destination regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of hexahedrons (e.g. cubes) and tetrahedrals
  • A set of disconnected points (LocStream)



To use the nearest destination to source method the user must create their Fields on any stagger location for Grids (e.g. StaggerLoc.CENTER) or any Mesh location (e.g. MeshLoc.NODE) for Meshes. For either a Grid or a Mesh, the stagger location upon which the Field was built must contain coordinates.

First-order conservative

First-order conservative interpolation (RegridMethod.CONSERVE) [4] is also available as a regridding method. This method will typically have a larger local interpolation error than the previous two methods, but will do a much better job of preserving the value of the integral of data between the source and destination grid. In this method the value across each source cell is treated as a constant. The weights for a particular destination cell are the area of intersection of each source cell with the destination cell divided by the area of the destination cell. For Cartesian grids, the area of a grid cell is the typical Cartesian area. For grids on a sphere, cell areas are calculated by connecting the corner coordinates of each grid cell with great circles. If the user doesn’t specify cell areas in the involved Grids or Meshes, then the conservation will hold for the areas as calculated by ESMF. This means the following equation will hold:

sum-over-all-source-cells(Vsi*Asi) = sum-over-all-destination-cells(Vdj*A'dj),

where V is the variable being regridded and A’ is the area of a cell as calculated by ESMF.

The subscripts s and d refer to source and destination values, and the i and j are the source and destination grid cell indices (flattening the arrays to 1 dimension). If the user does specify the areas in the Grid or Mesh, then the conservation will be adjusted to work for the areas provided by the user. This means the following equation will hold:

sum-over-all-source-cells(Vsi*Asi) = sum-over-all-destination-cells(Vdj*Adj),

where A is the area of a cell as provided by the user.

The user should be aware that because of the conservation relationship between the source and destination fields, the more the total source area differs from the total destination area the more the values of the source field will differ from the corresponding values of the destination field, likely giving a higher interpolation error. It is best to have the total source and destination areas the same (this will automatically be true if no user areas are specified). For source and destination grids that only partially overlap, the overlapping regions of the source and destination should be the same.

Note that for grids on a sphere the conservative interpolation assumes great circle edges to cells. This means that the edges of a cell won’t necessarily be the same as a straight line in latitude longitude. For small edges, this difference will be small, but for long edges it could be significant. This means if the user expects cell edges as straight lines in latitude longitude space, they should avoid using one large cell with long edges to compute an average over a region (e.g. over an ocean basin). The user should also avoid using cells that contain one edge that runs half way or more around the earth, because the regrid weight calculation assumes the edge follows the shorter great circle path. Also, there isn’t a unique great circle edge defined between points on the exact opposite side of the earth from one another (antipodal points). However, the user can work around both of these problemS by breaking the long edge into two smaller edges by inserting an extra node, or by breaking the large target grid cells into two or more smaller grid cells. This allows the application to resolve the ambiguity in edge direction.

It is important to note that by default (i.e. using destination area normalization) conservative regridding doesn’t normalize the interpolation weights by the destination fraction. This means that for a destination grid which only partially overlaps the source grid the destination field that is output from the regrid operation should be divided by the corresponding destination fraction to yield the true interpolated values for cells which are only partially covered by the source grid. The fraction also needs to be included when computing the total source and destination integrals. (To include the fraction in the conservative weights, the user can specify the fraction area normalization type. This can be done by specifying normType=NormType.FRACAREA when creating the Regrid object.)

For weights generated using destination area normalization (either by not specifying any normalization type or by specifying normType=NormType.DSTAREA), if a destination field extends outside the unmasked source field, then the values of the cells which extend partway outside the unmasked source field are decreased by the fraction they extend outside. To correct these values, the destination field (dst_field) resulting from the Regrid call can be divided by the destination fraction dst_frac. The following pseudocode demonstrates how to do this:

for each destination element i
   if (dst_frac(i) not equal to 0.0) then
   end if
end for

For weights generated using destination area normalization (either by not specifying any normalization type or by specifying normType=NormType.DSTAREA), the following pseudo-code shows how to compute the total destination integral (dst_total) given the destination field values (dst_field), the destination area (dst_area), and the destination fraction (dst_frac). As shown in the previous paragraph, it also shows how to adjust the destination field (dst_field) by the fraction (dst_frac):

for each destination element i
   if (dst_frac(i) not equal to 0.0) then
      ! If mass computed here after dst_field adjust, would need to be:
      ! dst_total=dst_total+dst_field(i)*dst_area(i)*dst_frac(i)
   end if
end for

For weights generated using fraction area normalization (by specifying normType=NormType.FRACAREA), no adjustment of the destination field is necessary. The following pseudo-code shows how to compute the total destination integral (dst_total) given the destination field values (dst_field), the destination area (dst_area), and the destination fraction (dst_frac):

for each destination element i
end for

For both normalization types, the following pseudo-code shows how to compute the total source integral (src_total) given the source field values (src_field), the source area (src_area), and the source fraction (src_frac):

for each source element i
end for

In 2D, ESMPy supports first-order conservative regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of polygons with any number of sides

In 3D, ESMPy supports first-order conservative regridding between any combination of the following:

  • Structured Grids composed of a single logically rectangular patch
  • Unstructured Meshes composed of hexahedrons (e.g. cubes) and tetrahedrals.


  • Cells which contain enough identical corners to collapse to a line or point are currently ignored
  • Self-intersecting cells (e.g. a cell twisted into a bow tie) are not supported
  • On a spherical grid, cells which contain an edge which extends more than half way around the sphere are not supported

To use the first-order conservative method the user must create their Fields on the center stagger location (StaggerLoc.CENTER in 2D or StaggerLoc.CENTER_VCENTER in 3D) for Grids or the element location (MeshLoc.ELEMENT) for Meshes. For Grids, the corner stagger location (StaggerLoc.CORNER in 2D or StaggerLoc.CORNER_VFACE in 3D) must contain coordinates describing the outer perimeter of the Grid cells.


Masking is the process whereby parts of a Grid, Mesh or LocStream can be marked to be ignored during an operation, such as when they are used in regridding. Masking can be used on a Field created from a regridding source to indicate that certain portions should not be used to generate regridded data. This is useful, for example, if a portion of the source contains unusable values. Masking can also be used on a Field created from a regridding destination to indicate that a certain portion should not receive regridded data. This is useful, for example, when part of the destination isn’t being used (e.g. the land portion of an ocean grid).

The user may mask out points in the source Field or destination Field or both. To do masking the user sets mask information in the Grid, Mesh, or LocStream upon which the Fields passed into the Regrid call are built. The src_mask_values and dst_mask_values arguments to that call can then be used to specify which values in that mask information indicate that a location should be masked out. For example, if dstMaskValues is set to (/1,2/), then any location that has a value of 1 or 2 in the mask information of the Grid, Mesh or LocStream upon which the destination Field is built will be masked out.

Masking behavior differs slightly between regridding methods. For non-conservative regridding methods (e.g. bilinear or high-order patch), masking is done on points. For these methods, masking a destination point means that that point won’t participate in regridding (e.g. won’t be interpolated to). For these methods, masking a source point means that the entire source cell using that point is masked out. In other words, if any corner point making up a source cell is masked then the cell is masked. For conservative regridding methods (e.g. first-order conservative) masking is done on cells. Masking a destination cell means that the cell won’t participate in regridding (e.g. won’t be interpolated to). Similarly, masking a source cell means that the cell won’t participate in regridding (e.g. won’t be interpolated from). For any type of interpolation method (conservative or non-conservative) the masking is set on the location upon which the Fields passed into the regridding call are built. For example, if Fields built on StaggerLoc.CENTER are passed into the ESMF_FieldRegridStore() call then the masking should also be set on StaggerLoc.CENTER.

Spherical coordinates

In the case that the Grid is on a sphere (coord_sys=CoordSys.SPH_DEG or CoordSys.SPH_RAD) then the coordinates given in the Grid are interpreted as latitude and longitude values. The coordinates can either be in degrees or radians as indicated by the ‘coord_sys’ flag set during Grid creation. As is true with many global models, this application currently assumes the latitude and longitude refer to positions on a perfect sphere, as opposed to a more complex and accurate representation of the earth’s true shape such as would be used in a GIS system.

Unmapped points

If a destination point cannot be mapped to a location in the source grid, the user has two options. The user may ignore those destination points that cannot be mapped by setting the ‘unmapped_action’ argument to UnmappedAction.IGNORE. The user also has the option to return an error if unmapped destination points exist. This is the default behavior, so the user can either not set the ‘unmapped_action’ argument or the user can set it to UnmappedAction.ERROR. At this point ESMPy does not support extrapolation to destination points outside the unmasked source Field.

Numpy Slicing and Indexing

Numpy arrays are used to represent Grid and Mesh coordinates and Field data, among other things. Standard numpy conventions for array indexing and slicing can be expected. There are some exceptions when it comes to fancy indexing, index arrays, and multi-dimensional slicing. Significant effort has been put into raising exceptions where inappropriate indexing or slicing operations are attempted.

It is very important to remember that all indexing and slicing operations apply ONLY to the ESMPy level objects, and these operations do not propagate down to the lower-level Fortran- and C-based representations of the ESMF objects. One example of where this could come up is when passing a Field slice into regridding. The entire original Field will still be run through the ESMF regridding engine, and only the appropriate portion of the Field slice will be updated with the regridded values.